Dissonance between fetish and romantic life

Does anyone else experience the issue where they repeatedly form intense romantic bonds with people who just aren't their type sexually? If so, how do you deal? The problem isn't about being ashamed of finding fat people attractive, but that it would feel terrible to dismiss someone who is amazing to me in almost every other way except that one.

It's not that hard. Don't be shallow and find things about them you find attractive.

Fair. But my issue isn't the will to find other things about them attractive: my fetish is frustratingly hard-wired, to the point where I struggle to get in the mood from anything else. It's been a conversation that I've mostly avoided in past relationships like that out of awkwardness (and not wanting anyone to feel like they had to change for me), so I just went along with things I didn't enjoy.

Go for the physical attraction, there used to be a show called Millionaire Matchmaker and she stressed that with the men. For me I cannot be with a guy who is not obese and I learned that from trying and failing to stay sexually interested in people that aren’t my “type”. Before meeting my husband I vowed never to compromise on that again and when I met him I was so excited to be with a big guy after so long. We really clicked and now we’ve been together 11 years, married for 5. I’m very lucky, he is an amazing person!!!
10 months

Bf struggling with insecurity more than expected

I can’t get over 130 lbs at 6 ft. That’s emaciated, it makes me shudder just thinking about a man being that thin. I really can’t see someone that skinny ever being “chubby”.

I was in a relationship with a guy who had always been around 300lbs and had lost around 100 lbs over the course of a year, right before we met. He had a lot of loose skin and was so thin ( 200 lbs at 5’10 so that’s why I can’t picture 130) and he knew I liked bigger guys. I asked him to gain, I would buy him food and encourage him to indulge. He gained about 70 lbs in 8 months and didn’t really talk to me about feeling insecure about it. He wound up relapsing on herion and that caused all kinds of legal problems for him and was hell for me. I’ll always feel like me asking him to do that for me is part of the reason for his relapse. I justified it since I felt he was “meant” to be heavy and always had been up until that point, but that doesn’t mean that -he- saw it that way.

I think it is always better to just be with someone that is the weight that you prefer, though that is easy for me to say because weight gain is very take it or leave it for me. My main thing is that I’m only sexually attracted to guys around 250-350. That is non negotiable, I’ve tried so many times to be with smaller guys and I lose interest in sex very quickly.

My husband now is around 280 and has been up to 350 and 350 wasn’t really any better or different to me than 280. Also I see him every day so I don’t notice weight fluctuations as much.

My answer would be that if -weight GAIN- is that important to you, you should find someone else with that kink. Not only is he feeling insecure, but also if it isn’t a turn on for him then it’s only about you controlling him, which is just unhealthy and can mess you both up for a long time and through future relationships. I don’t think someone can be trained into having these type of kinks.
11 months

Obsessed with becoming a blueberry girl 🫐

I’m not into that, but I can still remember things I saw in TV or movies as a kid that only people into this would notice. Like Garfield putting on a corset to look thinner to get someone to give him food and his fat bulging out of it
The Violet Beauregard in Willy Wonka wasn’t one for me personally but I’m sure that was one of the first times most of you were shown anything like that so I think it holds a special place in your heart. I’m curious if I’m right on that? Was seeing that in Willy Wonka “ah ha moment” (for lack of a better term) for you?
1 year

Is there a way to get rid of this fetish?

I don't know how to explain it, but it affects my whole life

But then again, I'm a psychologist myself, and although I've meditated a lot about, even I can only offer some slight hypothesis about why myself I'm here and where does it come from

What would that be? I’ve heard fetishes stem from trauma.
1 year

Why does nothing happen to grey faced trolls here?

Any time I’ve been trolled by nasty grey faces who contribute nothing to the website (no photo, no stories, no personal information) the most the mods do is delete the comment. I don’t get why bans aren’t given out more often to people who are just here to destroy the community. I have to say one time Cookie did give someone a week ban after they harassed me multiple times,but still. I think they should have been permanently banned, especially since I cancelled my upgrade due to it.

Why they want to drive out contributors and have people cancel premium memberships in favor of grey face trolls who are probably here for the sole reason of causing trouble is beyond me.
1 year

My personal assistant wants me to gain…

A large part of me doubts if this is actually a true story and absolutely no part of me cares if it is or not because you are such an amazing writer and you totally should submit this!!!

So often men on these sites write crudely about fat women to the point that it seems they have no actual attraction to them and probably don’t even realize it, just because they don’t have a way with words at all. The way you write the reader can feel the heat of your attraction for this girl and the situation! I haven’t been this impressed in a long time.
1 year

Has anyone really met their better half here?

Yes, I found my partner here

How??? People require payments for relationships now.

- Mawau- you have no photos and no personal information on your profile. How and why would you think that basically being a grey face lurker is going to lead to a relationship? It’s so ridiculous to me that men think that women don’t care how men look. Women care. A lot.

Also to anyone looking for relationships with big people off of this site. Restaurants. It’s worked for me more than once.
1 year

Coming out that you want to be huge

I want to come out, but still not sure.

It’s pretty obvious that you’re a big boy already, I don’t think you’re binding it too well😘
1 year

Has anyone seen the movie, “the whale”?

There's a lot of that on this site. I can't tell you how many times I've run into people (mostly feeders) who slide into my DMs to treat me like a play thing because they look at my weight and think I'm chubby. But once I tell them I'm actually muscular, they treat me a lot differently.[/quote]

I’ve never weighed over 133 pounds (I’m only 5’1 but still) and I’ve had people on here say such ***rrible things to me about my body and troll me about my age. There is a large percentage of people here who have serious, deep issues and should not be let loose on others who could have fragile self esteem due to the rest of the world telling them that being overweight makes them less of a person. For them come here and get more of that thrown at them from people who claim to be FAs is fucking disgusting and sad. Not to mention the people who just love to push people to gain weight when they don’t want to and CLEARLY state that.
1 year
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