Bug: sorting profiles by "last online" doesn't work

I'm not sure I've ever seen it work in all the years on the site in case that's relevant for looking for regressions. Sometimes you'll get some amount of sorting (might only be on the first page?), but it quickly falls apart. I have people on the second page that were online a few days ago, but people on the first page that were last online a year ago. Would be nice to have this fixed so that we know who's relevant when trying to meet more people from our area.
2 years

Some videos are broken

They'll report "Stream Unavailable: Check Cross-Origin Policy" when attempting to play them. The page itself seems to be served using HTTPS, is it possible the video content or player is from an HTTP (not S) source?
3 years

Profile search is broken

On a similar note, the ordering of profiles options have also been broken for as long as I can remember.

e.g. if I click order by last online I'll get a profile that was online a year ago, then one from today, then another one from 5 months ago, etc.
3 years

Looking for a feeder

Heya, I'm in the area and would love to go grab a bite sometime if you're interested!
4 years

How do you like your steak?

Most steaks I love medium rare, but ribeye needs to be a little bit closer to medium just because you need a bit more time to render the fat in that cut.
9 years

Weight limit for the contraceptive injection?

I did a little searching as well and the only things I could find related to weight were:

1. Dosage does not need to be adjusted by weight (so it seems it does not become less effective like the pill does).

2. Long term usage can cause weight gain.

3. Long term usage can cause a thinning/weakening of the bones.

My guess is that they are worried that the drug is making her gain too much weight or that a high weight might put her at risk with a potentially weakened skeletal system. Of course you can't beat just asking them. If they can't give you a good reason say you've both done the research and discuss it with them. Hopefully if there's no medical reason to discontinue it you are able to continue to receive injections as she grows. Cheers.
9 years

Western washington meetup

No, we actually have a few that have been in past meet ups. This event doesn't seem to getting much traction though. I might take the reigns again if that's alright with everyone.
9 years

Currently reading...

Finishing the third Abarat book right now.
9 years

Western washington meetup

I take it we're doing Seattle again? It seems to be a central location.
9 years

Microwave petition * pls help*

Satisfy his worries at the store. Microwaves can and do leak so when you're at the store place your phone inside that microwave and close it. Then try to call the phone, if it gets no signal that means the microwave is sufficiently insulated and will not leak.
9 years
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