Reckless gaining

Abandoning yourself to gaining is the most fantastic thing you can do. Every instinct tells you to ber careful but there is a great sense of liberation when you give in to your life-long onsession. I find that now I am morbidly obese I enjoy everything about, even if that sounds somewhat perverse.

I like the fact that, except on the internet, I find it difficult to buy clothes that fit me. I like the fact that people prejudge me when I first meet them. I enjoy having to make calculations all the time: can I fit in that seat, can I get into that car,... I find pleasure even in the ways obesity restricts what I can do: can I pick that up, can I walk that far, why am I always hot, why am I always out of breath, why am I always ravenously hungry...

So much yes for this. 😄
4 years

Fattened to immobility

Immobile is harder to quantify in reality-but it is a sweet weight-lifestyle choice if you are ready for it.

It costs a lot of money.
It puts a lot of pressure on the caretaker.
It takes a lot of trust and patience on the person who is immobile.
It is rarely a lifelong condition with regards to weight.

You and your partner bond on a deeply intimate level.
Your partner gets to eat everything they want.
You both enjoy the lifestyle and get to share that mutual trust with someone.
It can make you both horny and happy.

The reality of weight immobility in my experience with a partner is being a supportive, encouraging, feeder who loves seeing his massive bulk grow up and out. The immobile part comes and goes-there was a knee injury, that recovered. There are lots of ways you plan around someone who finds stairs impossible and walking to be an endurance event.

The fat-bound immobility comes and goes based on the person's comfort level and support.
4 years

Petite woman who loves really fat men


There are a lot of us here. Lean, size 0 ladies who like gentleman 5XL and up. 🥰
4 years

How do you support fat people?

I'm curious what others are actively doing to support plus-sized people-wherever they are. Whether a partner or just a community member-

I'll share some of the things I try:

1. Hang out with fat people-a lot.

2. Date/have sex with a fat person. (Or many people. Maybe you're quite popular? :-P)

3. Be kind on transport. The fat person has as much right to be there as anyone else. Planes/buses can be cozy, but in tight seats, sometimes you can raise the armrests. Always be polite.

4. Stop dieting or don't participate in weight challenges at work.

5. Skinny people: Don't call yourself fat. Just don't.

6. Don't support before and after photos. It's fine to have goals, but, fat bodied people are not 'before' images. They have value. Fat bodies do not need to be 'worked on' or 'fixed.'

7. Speak up when benches, bathrooms, and other accessibility elements are missing from spaces. Politely bring it to the attention of businesses/councils when facilities are inadequate.

8. Eating out: If booth spaces are small, pick a table. If the tables have arms, don't sit there because big hips and bellies won't be comfortable.

9. No matter what you do with your body, somebody will be there to tell you it's wrong. Don't listen to them.

10. Level the field when you can. Pay discrimination is a real. Medical bias is a real. In many industries, especially if you are a manager, be fair or press for change.

I think more people would pursue their weight goals if they knew how much support and acceptance was out there. What do you do?
4 years

Heavy-duty lawn chairs

Very nice. I also see a 1000 pound capacity chair there too.

Hey. They do. Future goals. ^_~
5 years

Heavy-duty lawn chairs

I have one of these and they are great, 400 pound rating.


Basspro is a good bet. Sheels also carries solid chair for big bodies. We have one of these and it has held up on many water adventures.
5 years

You know you're fat when:

When you have to move the table because the booth is too small.

Absolutely the truth. In fact, I've had more than one waitress get somewhat embarrassed while she moved the table.

Ha ha. Been there. But the waitress gets excited the next time, because she knows how much he orders and we're good tippers.
5 years

Am i the only feeder like this?

Nope, you sound pretty normal. Contrast can be a huge turn on. While there are many mutual gainer couples out there, the classic/cliche fat guy/skinny woman or thin guy/fat wife are all well documented on the spectrum.

You don't have to be a person spoon feeding someone to be a fat appreciator/feeder.
5 years

Airplane seats size

After a bad experience, we are hyper-researchers about seat size and placement when flying on any airline. lets you find your seat on a given plane. Door/isle seats offer the best legroom/width and if the plane has an emergency, we are fine with opening the hatch.

It might be a little extra ticket price, but it's worth it to make it to squeeze onto the plane.

I don't think my hubby would travel without me though. It's a lot of hassle and spilling over onto your neighbor at 500lbs. Psychologically, it's nice to have a mate along when you feel the rest of the passengers are starring daggers.

(If you've been stuck next to a massively obese person on a plane, I'm sorry, but it will pass. Believe me, they are way more uncomfortable than you are.)
5 years

You know you're fat when:

When you mentally prepare to get out of a chair.

When you have to move the table because the booth is too small.

When you have your own seat belt extender for flights.

When you have to shift your own fat to get comfy because you're fat.
5 years
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