Nerding for nerds sake

any warhammer 40k fans? currently building myself a Space Wolfs army.
11 years


ive been looking around a lot for some suitable furniture, especially an office type chair as i spend a lot of time at the computer. i currently have a supposedly high weight limit chair which cost a lot of money, and is on its last legs

anyone have any good suggestions for a uk based place to find something suitable for 500lbs+?
12 years

Fat and height

im 6ft 3 nd about 38 stone, so theres quite a lot of me to go around. im quie interested in the idea of extreme opposites actually..
12 years

What ff member do you have a..

XgorgedNgorgeousX is on i think is really cute, but havent had the chance to speak to her yet.

Layla is really nice too smiley
12 years

Internet shopping for bhm clothing

sizedwell is an excellent store, really reccommend it. been to thier shop several times and the staff are all very friendly and acommodating, and the clothing is very good quality.
13 years

Confessions pt. 2

i have really low self confidence. one on one, im usually ok, but otherwise im really not. once im comfortable with someone or something, them im fine, but taking that first step is really difficult for me lately.
13 years

Your id. what's it mean?

my id comes from a series of nicknames i made up during school. ill try to keep the story brief.

im a massive football fan (soccer, last time i say that foul word!)and for the people that dont know, there is a popular song that goes along the lines of " Who ate all the pies?" so, being the joker, i bought a football shirt with "I 8 All the pies" on it. this caused my friends to start calling me "the pieman" which i really got into. then, after Manchester United signed Christiano Ronaldo, the nickname became Pienaldo, and the rest is history.
13 years

Question for straight fat men who enjoy being fat

first post for me on here, but this is kinda something ive been thinking about for a while.

ive always been big, i was big as a kid, and ive steadliy got bigger over the years. now im not a gainer, ive not deliberately tried to get bigger, but its just naturally happened. ( i enjoy food, go figure)

the thing is, as a kid, all the way up to 18-19, my size never affected me. i could still do everything i wanted, usually better than kids half my size. obviously things do get difficult after a time, but you just adapt.

so recently i had cause to think about what it would be like if i was slim, and it made me realise that being big is a massive part of my identity, that ive built up over the years, and all that would change if i was slim.

so for me, i enjoy being big, because its who i am, and im proud of it.
13 years
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