Getting fat as a former fitness buff

Me too. I was 175 lbs. in high school and stayed there until my mid-30's. Began slowly packing on the lbs. and over a 12 year period put on 130 lbs. reaching 305 lbs. Have settled in around 285 lbs. and discovered I love gaining weight and being fat.
5 years

Preferred areas of fat in a male

I'd like to have big thighs and butt, and big chest. A big belly looks weird on a guy with spindly limbs so I'd prefer a belly proportionate with the rest of me.[/quote.

Agree. All of my weight is in my huge belly and moobs. I wish I had a big fat butt and heavier legs. Would be more proportional and much nicer to sit on.
5 years

The effect of weightgain fiction

I've always preferred written erotica to videos and pictures. Getting inside the character's head and reading about how much they love getting fat, watching someone else get fat, and/or helping someone else get fat is amazing.

I could not agree more. Love weight gain fiction. Interestingly enough I find myself as turned-on by reading about a guy being fattened up by his girlfriend or wife as I do reading about a woman being fattened. I think I project myself into the story as a guy being fattened and it really turns me on.
5 years

How to tell if friends notice you gained....

My friends don't say anything directly but I have had guys pat my belly and say "My you look healthy" or "You look like you have been enjoying yourself". When going out to eat other friends (male and female) know I often cannot sit a booth so they ask directly if I think I will be comfortable or can fit. I am very open about telling a waitress I am too fat for your booths so could I have a table please. They will often smile at me in recognition that they like that I am so open about being fat.
5 years

It gets boring

I understand. I have always been naturally attracted to chubby and fat women but since I have gained and gotten fat myself, I wish I had a close male friend I could share it with. Going out to eat and stuff ourselves together would be really fun and talking about how much we love to gain and grow fat would also be enjoyable. Being able to talk about what we like about fat women would also be a plus. Just sharing my passion for all things fat with a woman or man who also loves it would be great.
5 years

Long haul travel

At 5'11" and 285 lbs. I usually always need a seat belt extender, particularly on older jets that have shorter seat belts. Bringing the tray table down in regular couch is always a problem with my 60" belly. But in the newer jets that often have a curve to the tables, the belly room is ok. I usually pay for Economy Extra so I have more leg room and belly room. I always keep the armrests up on both sides so I can spread out of my seat somewhat.

Had an experience lately where a SSBBW sat next to me and I asked if I could raise the arm rest so we both could be more comfortable. She smiled and said thank you and we both spread across both seats pressed against each other for the flight. A pleseant experience to say the least.
5 years

Motivation by very fat people. need advice.

Going to a movie a few days ago, I saw a woman sitting in the theater lobby. She had to be at least 500 pounds with an enormous belly. When I got into the actual theater, I noticed why she might have been there. The seats are damned small! At 325 pounds or so, I'm finally almost too fat for that theater!

Anyhow, that very fat woman triggered a latent desire to be a SSBBW, though I am male. I won't transition because I have a wonderful fianc�e and want children of my own. She also triggered a more realistic desire to become a SSBHM with the assistance of my soon-to-be wife. We recently started having sex, without much success. She too is fat, at around 230, which I enjoy.

My thoughts keep going to getting huge. She accepts my fatness and knows I want to get fatter, but with our latest lovemaking, she shook my belly and said that it was getting in the way and that's why I couldn't keep up an erection. At the same time, she cautioned that she's not in any way suggesting I lose weight.

After I got a scale that really works, I revised my weight down 10 pounds to 325. I very much want to get back to gaining. I want to gain from 7 to 10 pounds a month - fast enough to regularly outgrow clothes. I'm now not sure how fat I want to get, maybe just past 500 pounds or however fat the woman in the theater lobby was.

How can I bring my fianc�e around to helping me (or maybe both of us) to get super-fat? All I've told her on the subject is "I wouldn't mind getting fatter". Complicating matters is that I'm in an ill-paying wretched job not in my chosen field of computer science and am having a hard time finding something better in this small town I live in. This takes a toll on my self esteem and overall happiness.

It sounds like your fiance is into you being fat even though she won't say so directly. Her comment of "I am not suggesting you lose weight" is kind of a tip-off. I would take the weight gaining slowly and not make a big deal out of it or even tell your fiance. Just continue to eat more and slowly and steadily add the pounds. Keep your fiance happy and well fed and she may gain along with you. As someone who gained 130 lbs, I can tell you that it is better to take it slow so your body can adjust over time. Once over 300 lbs. like I was, mobility begins to become an issue, knee pain starts, etc. so see how you feel as you reach each milestone of 10 lbs. gained etc.

I know what it is like to desire becoming super sized. Every now and then when I see a huge guy with a giant belly, I immediately start fantasizing on what it would be like to be that fat. It often is a a real turn-on. But for good health and mobility reasons I have decided to maintain a weight around 280 lbs. even though I would love to gain another 100 lbs. and become huge like you desire.

In terms of your job, unfortunately if you are into computer programming, coding, etc. you really have to consider moving to a bigger city. That is where all the tech jobs are and you will make a really good living. Good luck on both fronts.
5 years

What causes a fat fetish?

I became enthralled with big bellies at a young age. Growing up in an Italian family where food was the center of everything and family get-togethers meant everyone stuffing themselves, I think this had an impact on what turned me on later in life. Watching my aunt and female cousin stuff themselves and then lean back in their chairs and rub their swollen bellies really turned me on when I reached puberty. That same cousin getting married at a young age and promptly gaining 50 lbs. also fueled my weight gain fantasies. My uncle completely gave in to gluttony and packed on over 100 lbs. during my teenage years. My aunt kept feeding him and I loved how the buttons on his shirts looked as though they would explode after a big meal. He lived to eat and became an inspiration for me.

In junior high I found myself turned on by chubby and fat teachers. In high school, I really enjoyed watching my female classmates fatten up over the 4 years we were together. Senior year I found myself dating 4 different chubby girls and my friends would tease me for liking fat chicks which quite honestly turned me on. It wasn't until my mid-thirties that I decided to let myself go and I gained 130 lbs. over a 12 year period. I found my own fattening really turned me on as well. My desire for fat women has only increased with age. I think it is an inherent part of my DNA. This along with my family and real world experiences have only heightened my desires. Now that I am older I truly love fat women of all sizes and SSBBWs 300 to 600 lbs. really light my fire. I just love all things fat!
5 years

Fat boy humiliation


I like to remind him when he's too fat to do something.

What are the things that he's to fat to do? I love it, when my wife/Mistress makes a comment like that. Reminding me of it, and how far (much) I have gained.

Not so much not allowing as pointing out that he's too fat for some things to be enjoyable. A few weeks ago the family wanted to go on a short walk. I knew he wouldn't be able to walk that long without getting tired and hungry, so I put my hands on his sides and belly and pointed out that he was too fat for such a long walk, that he would get tired, hungry, and generally unhappy. He had much better stay home and wait for us - cook us something.
Things like that - pinching a little of his fat and telling him it will be too hard for him - delight me.

I would absolutely love this. Just reading your description above turns me on. Would love to be lovingly told how fat I am and how I shouldn't over exert myself and should eat more. It would be so hot!
6 years

Fat male subs into moob play?

I love pushing my bf's moobs together and motorboating them as a joke (but honestly, its hot)

So nice to hear! I would love to have a women turned on by my large soft moobs and play with them regularly. The thought turns me on so much!
6 years