Fat camp

How cool would it be if there was such a thing as a Fat Camp? Where you go there for two weeks during the summer and the point is to gain weight. How awesome would that be, and would you go?

Sounds a lot like a cruise vacation. The best part is you'll never see the same people again so there's no shame in overindulgence.
2 years

How many beers can you drink in a day?

Back in my youth I could put down a case if I started early enough. Nowadays I prefer reasonable amounts, usually 3-4 beers with and after dinner in the evening.
2 years

Anyone a smoker?

I have a friend who recently started smoking again after having quit for about 4-5 years. She's in a mid life crisis kind of situation and somewhat a hot mess but looks so sexy enjoying her cigarettes.

The smoking just fits her persona, it's hard to describe. She's still trying to mask it from her daughter and roommate, but it's just a matter of time until her clothes and car begin smelling of smoke.

My first girlfriend was a smoker. We enjoyed lighting up together, especially in the car. I eventually quit but she couldn't, despite me being the heavier smoker. That was years ago but to this day I still enjoy when a woman smokes.
2 years

Fattened in secret

That scenario is incredibly hot!

If I sensed a female coworker had a gluttonous appetite, or saw her disproportionately devouring food, I would definitely enable her by bringing in baked goods or other fattening foods pretty much on a daily basis.

Unfortunately throughout my life most of my female coworkers were doing the opposite - trying to stay slim.

It's been years since I worked in those settings, and the only women I know now who are gaining weight absolutely hate it.

They have no idea how I love what they did or are doing to their bodies and would probably be repulsed if they ever found out.

Wherever you find work, I hope there's someone that does just what you need to fulfill your fantasy. If we worked together, rest assured your clothes would soon be fitting really tight.
2 years

Anyone a smoker?

I gave up smoking nearly 20 years ago, but still find something incredibly hot about women who smoke. Maybe because society says it's wrong so it seems naughty, much like obesity.
2 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

I'm not a feedee but I'll jump in anyway. I like functional goals, for example:

1) When you gain weight quickly and become a bit clumsier because you aren't used to your new weight and size, and start bumping into things with your hips and such.

2) I'm conflicted over people gaining so much that it's crippling--even if it's kind of hot I'd feel bad for you. But if it's a _bit_ of a struggle to get out of chairs or climb stairs or walk much faster than a waddle, if it's almost impossible to run, that's cute AF.

3) Appetite goals...if you used to have trouble finishing a cheeseburger with fries and now two quarter-pounder with cheese meals aren't enough, that's amazing.

4) Shamelessness--you used to be too shy to overeat in public. But now you love eating so much that you don't care, or at least don't let it slow you down.

Any one else have such goals?

I have definitely become more clumsy since the only way I gain is quickly. Attempting to get in the car while under the carport feels as if it could sell tickets and I am bumping into things I didn't before because my size still feels awkward and this belly goes out so far past my breasts if allowed when I obsessed over trying to keep it flat before.

I have know from the first time Saw the number creeping up that if I allowed myself immobility could become a very real issue if I allowed myself that. Not at all my desire. At the moment, my cardio has slowed so much I need the ac as low as possible to keep from needing a shower after my shower. I am exploring exercise options at the moment because I realize that could be a dangerous slope for me.

The shamelessness. This. In the past I have tried to hide my weight if I ordered what I wanted but most of the time avoiding ordering fattening foods because of what others would think. Now I can go through a drive thru and order more indulgent food than I would dare before with the whole belly out of my pants because I gained too much this week and they're just too damn tight sitting (shirt covering of course). Now i'm not self-conscious of strangers judging what I put in my mouth as I eat a healthy day's calories for breakfast. This has actually been a very real goal for a long time

I would love to see you squeezing into the car and settling in all squished behind the wheel.
2 years

The cuteness factor

My hygienist likely gave no thought to the contact for the same reasons as yours. Despite her not doing as thorough a job as my regular hygienist, it was a treat to feel that cute, short BBW pressed into me. Fortunately, I avoided embarrassment because I was wearing loose fitting carpenter jeans and I doubt she was looking in that direction anyways.
2 years

The cuteness factor

Also -

I am a total sucker for arm fat. You know, those "loops" that mostly women get - like your arm is a Michelin man! They are so pillowy and adorable.

There was this barista not long ago with the most extreme football-sized, flabby arms, I was smiling the whole time I got my coffee. Finally I decided to take a chance and said:

"I just wanted to tell you, I really love your...glasses!"

She lit right up, big smile. Maybe she knew what I meant.

I also want to share that when I was 16, I got my hair cut by a 300-plus pound 20 year old who otherwise didn't regard me as anything but a kid. But her arm flab kept smacking me in the face, and every time it hit me, I was like "um um um um...wow" inside.

Some things stay with you!

Great thread, thank you all for participating.

This story reminded me, of all things, of a cute dental hygienist from a few years back.
She was as cute as can be, but the best part was that she had a very plump and sexy tummy, so when she was "working on me,"
she was pressing her plump tummy into me. It had the effect of making me look forward to going to the dentist. Imagine that!

Have had this with a dental hygienists as well !😂. I really have it with my 320 lb hairstylist!

Guess this is a thing. One cute fat hygienist probably unknowingly pressed her belly into me several times as she did my cleaning. Unfortunately I only had her once, for reasons unknown to me she did not last at my dentist's office.
2 years

All inclusive resorts

Royal Caribbean used to have excellent buffets all day long and exquisite dinners in the dining room. Carnival had slightly lower quality offerings including a pizza station which might actually work well if the goal is to gain weight.

Both cruise lines had eye candy galore for this FA every single time, especially on the pool decks and at port attractions!

The best part is cruises are like Planet Fitness on pizza day, the judgment free zone. You'll never see anyone ever again, everybody knows it, and nobody cares.
2 years

Other female feedee’s

Hi. I was curious if anyone knows how I could get into modeling?

Big Cuties and Curvage come to mind. I met a popular Big Cuties model several years ago, although I have no idea just how much money there is to be made from modeling. She had a successful career and did not need whatever extra money came from the modeling. This site and Feabie are good places to promote yourself, but there's no money to be made here.
3 years