First fat summer

Ah, tank-top thats what we call it, or I have heard "muscle shirt" too lol thanks for clearing that up! smiley
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

sethman wrote
Oh, and as for the other topic I was discussing, I should probably also mention that the story has a happy ending. After the movie, my girlfriend and I left the theatre and saw security escorting him out of the building alone.

Thank God, I know I'd wanna do more then "escort" him... smiley
14 years

Why are you fat?

SpitefulOne wrote
Murphy wrote
SpitefulOne wrote intimate and passionate relationship with Ronald McDonald.

Does your boyfriend know?

Oh yes! It's a a rare time when he'll actually do a threesome! smiley

lmfao, what a comeback smiley
14 years

First fat summer

AidenCub wrote
wife beater

Can i seriously ask what is this? Whenever I hear it, I have visions of Stanley from Streetcar but with more weight and hair... lol
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

sethman wrote
I've actually found more successful pedophiles than I've seen BBW twilight fans.

Example: I'm in line to see Knight and Day with my girlfriend (which was actually pretty good, by the way. Don't judge Tom Cruise's movies based solely on his batsh*t crazy personal life). In front of me is a girl maybe about 14-16. Thin, a bit plain looking. A middle aged man (pedophile moustache included) walked up to her.

Modern Humbert Humbert: Excuse me, I don't mean to be weird or anything, but you look exactly how I pictured Bella when I was reading the books.

Modern Lolita: Wow, really? Thank you so much, I can't believe anyone would think that!

Modern Humbert Humbert: Believe me, I do.

Modern Humbert Humbert proceeds to cut us in line, pay for his and her tickets to Eclipse, and goes to the movie with her.

Understandably, both my girlfriend and I were horrified.

*shudder violently*

I gotta agree with your Tom Cruise assessment, personal life aside, he is a FANTASTIC actor, I still can't believe how well he pulled off Lestat in Interview with a Vampire...
14 years

Lesbain dating tips for strait men

Butterine wrote
Look boys, you only need to know one thing. When you say something along the lines of "what brings you to FF?" the only thing girls see is "hi, I suck at coming up with things to talk about, mainly because I didn't even read your profile. Just go about your business."

I know some guys really aren't great at approaching women, and that's fine...just stay away from that line at all costs. Talk about swaggercide.

Thats the part I mean, lol I do read profiles but it rarely makes a difference, just removes the one thing I had to ask smiley

So you got an alternative line?

14 years

Strech marks.

Amatrix wrote
golic wrote
Neko Kiera wrote

Ohh I agree... I've had all my stretch marks on my hips, butt, boobs, and legs since I was a big girl and they never bothered me then.. but now that I'm smaller they just don't make sense with my body and those parts just feel kind of like loose skin.. eee!

That's why you oughta gain again so you can be a bigger girl again.

or, maybe she lost weight for a her happiness?

lol ka-ching smiley
14 years