Actively gaining

It was made with his body chemistry in mind, so sadly it's not transferable. It does contain peanut butter, honey, and almonds though, in addition to isolated ingredients specific to him.
5 years

Actively gaining

I don't allow soda or weight gain supplements in the house and he's no longer allowed to drink beer, but when I fattened up my husband I encouraged him to eat and cook as much as possible. He's gained an incredible amount of weight in the past couple years without either of these things, but he eats like you wouldn't believe. Also, though not specifically a supplement I have engineered a drink for him which "helped."
I think focusing on habits is the most effective, as once you adopt these you're more likely to put on weight.
5 years

Venting my rage

You are right to tell us that. I can understand you are edgy. It's difficult to resist at sexual harassment for men especially when we are fat and people have to say that. Men are getting fatter and fatter and it's not for sexual harrassment but to become docile, gentle and really obedient for open-minded modern women.

Yes, she took most ungenerous advantage of his situation.
5 years

Venting my rage

Ugh. I can't believe I am doing this but there is no other place which will appreciate my rage at the moment.

A couple days ago the little butterball, my sweet, fat little husband, told me something that was akin to him experiencing sexual harassment at the hands of one of my acquaintance. I affected calm, as he needed that, but I was so livid I can't describe it. I even had to take care of it on my day of rest which only added to my rage. I was so sad for the little butterball, who's only gotten weaker and more awkward as he's gotten fatter. The idea of someone encroaching on what is mine - not to mention filling him with fear and mortification - sends me through the roof.
I took care of it but boy am I ticked, to say the least!

Are you alright now, have you calmed down? I'm not sure what transpired (not sure if I want you to go down that road again). I can understand the getting weaker and awkward from my own expereince.

Yes, thank you. Much better now I've slept on it, but still a little annoyed with myself for not having made more of obvious bad behaviour. Something good has come of it, though - it's as if we've fallen in love all over again.
5 years

Venting my rage

Ugh. I can't believe I am doing this but there is no other place which will appreciate my rage at the moment.

A couple days ago the little butterball, my sweet, fat little husband, told me something that was akin to him experiencing sexual harassment at the hands of one of my acquaintance. I affected calm, as he needed that, but I was so livid I can't describe it. I even had to take care of it on my day of rest which only added to my rage. I was so sad for the little butterball, who's only gotten weaker and more awkward as he's gotten fatter. The idea of someone encroaching on what is mine - not to mention filling him with fear and mortification - sends me through the roof.
I took care of it but boy am I ticked, to say the least!
5 years

Burned by ex, freaking out over fetish

I can't see the original posting, but from the responses it sounds like this person is an abuser.
If you haven't already, get help and keep them as far away from you as humanly possible.
5 years

Chubby inner thighs and under belly

Congrats in gaining! While I don't know what exactly will happen, other than getting rounder and softer, it sounds like your efforts are paying off.
5 years

Fat gelato woman

I never thought about it, but you are right. Either way, it's definitely one of my favourite treats.
There's definitely a difference between ices in Germany and all other countries. Guess you have all figured out my own Achilles Heel!
5 years

Fat gelato woman

No, of course. In Portland, however, there are several non industrial kinds I've tried. Portland tries to be more natural in their ingredients. Due to shall we say looser regulations, however, it wouldn't surprise me if an artificial colour got included.
5 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

I virtually never disclose my fetish, primarily because of the thrill I get when people notice my fat little husband - it's so thrilling to see them do a double take.

His family wasn't thrilled that he got so fat. While they no longer try to get him to exercise or go on diets, they notice how nonchalant I seem to be when it comes to his weight. "Don't you want him to slim down?" "Don't you want him to 'take control'?" No, and absolutely no lol!

Once a co-worker who has met my husband shot me a glance when they said something about his love of sweets. I said, "But that's what makes him so nice and plump," and went on to list several of his best qualities. They gave me some serious side eye - that's the closest I've come to announcing my fetish. I'm sure, though, they can figure it out.
5 years