I'll go:
1. How long have you been writing?
I wrote a lot in high school and maybe a little less in college, but picked it up again more seriously in 2022, and I've tried to write every day since then.
2. What genre would you say you write?
You name it. I've written a lot of horror or thriller in the past year, but I try to do a little bit of everything. Humor, lit fic, a little SFF.
3. Have you taken classes or received instruction for creative writing? What did you enjoy, and what did you dislike?
I took a great creative writing class in college and it was super valuable for learning how to read and critique other writing. How to receive criticism, too. Definitely valuable
4. What are some of your favorite writing reference books?
For straight up reference, Strunk and White is always handy, although probably less so with the internet. For "how to" books, Stephen King's 'On Writing' is the best as far as I'm concerned. Especially because it's a book you can just read as an interesting book.
5. What do you think is the biggest problem you need help with in your writing?
I still struggle with discipline. I want to get to the point where I do four hours a day rain or shine, but I'm not there. Two is a good day right now. I need to read more. I need to not give up on projects when they have promise.
6. What are your writing goals for the next 12 months? I have a work in progress on this site that I want to finish. It will be good. There's a prequel for that one that I've started, too, that will be better, but I don't think I'm going to jump right into it. I really want to finish a 3rd draft for my book (
fantasyfeeder.com/weight-gain-stories/view/title/what+a+long+sleep+you%E2%80%99ve+had/author/Letters+And+Numbers) and do something with it. I have the notes, it's just effort.