Fed up of constant diet ads?

Actually I am fed up with this. I've looked up something through google like say different ab workouts to strengthen your core. And the whole rest of the day any site that I venture too, the ads or Adsense boxes will jump to diet-related topics. Plus they're a lot of hooey. You really want to know how to get firm sexy abs in three steps. Eat right, do crunches and v-ups, rinse and repeat on a daily basis. Stupid adssmiley
12 years

The walking dead season 2

quintessence wrote:
I'm a little irked. Big fan of the show, but last season, if you remember when they doused themselves with the blood and entrails from the dead guy so the zombies wouldn't smell them when they were trying to escape from the city...how do they reconcile that with this year and them just being able to hide under cars, like if they can't see you you're good?

I'm all for suspension of disbelief, but when a show sets up rules for itself, they should follow those rules. Changing them midway sucks.

I'm gonna guess that all the dead body's in the cars and strone about cover their smells. So does the smell of the cars...maybe? With those two things in mind, hiding under a car may work. Granted it's flimsy but it could work. Either before that or right after T-dog gets patched up, someone says, This is basically a graveyard, go look around, or something like that.
12 years

Fat and height

I'm more of a proportional sort of guy. I like my ladies to be at a weight that looks good for their height. Obviously a girl that is 5'1" and like 185-190 will look way different than 5'10" lady at the same weight.
12 years

Reasons behind your name?

It's one of my nicknames. And I make things go BOOM!smiley
12 years


I get mixed reviews with my beard and mustache. Some people like it and others don't. Me personally, I like it through the colder winter months. And if my girl likes them, I'll keep them around longer. However, I do know that some people like me clean-shaven. And the funny thing about that is, I look younger without facial hair. I like go from 23 to 19-20ish. It's weird.smiley
12 years

Whats your favorite movie...

My favorite movie is coincidentally the same one that started me down the path to becoming an FA and fat women. Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?

For a cartoon character, Jessica Rabbit is a foxy, gorgeous women.smiley
12 years

Why are guys so afraid of rejections

Honestly, it probably comes from the ancient teaching that is hard-wired into every male: You can't fail! Rejection is failing and you can't have that oh no no no no nosmiley It is forbidden, like sex before marriage...we see how long that lasted, right? Then if you fail, you can't do anything right and your whole life will evaporate and go down the drain.:o:o:o NOT!!!!smiley

I'm with you Mady, I'm starting to come out of my shell a bit and see what's what. Being more let's say adventurous.

Additionally, being different is weird too, and who'd ever have thought being courageous and confident would mean you were "different?" I don't get that at all.
12 years

Spiritual knowledge

Wow this is a very interesting thread. I have to say that don't subscribe to one set of religious beliefs. I like some aspects of many particularly Buddhism, Taoism and some of the Hindu teachings as well, but I'm a confirmed Catholic. Not a very good one is you ask around, but my opinion would be that I'm better than most in practice. Now back to being humble lolsmiley And ever since I was little the "mythology" of the ancient civilizations has fascinated me. I still love how Zeus, Thor and God all look the same. Makes me laugh. Or that the "Devil" resembles a "pagan" religion's sun god around the time of Christianity's rise.smiley

OniGumo wrote:
Two more cents for this thread.

I don't think, and have never thought, that evolution and science were completely at odds with religion and creationism. This is something that I've posted about before. I'm of the opinion that open minded people will be able to see the parallels between these so-called "conflicting" theories.

This particular notion has baffled me and go all googly-eyed when people bring it up. I first remember reading Angels and Demons (yes I know it's fiction so back off), but there is a part where man is trying to prove the existence of God through science and believes that science and religious beliefs are intertwined with one another. It's basically based off of Issac Newton's gravitational laws being developed to prove the existence of God.

Religious or spiritual teachings and beliefs are great in my opinion. The actual things that are taught to you to help you through life. The dogma and religion, a total load of crap in most cases. A non-sensical load of garbage to separate one person from another and to determine which is better based on lineage and who did what, where, and when (like martial arts fighting styles except with beliefs instead of physical movements).

Anyways, that's how I see things...sort of.smiley
12 years

Ok how many people do this???

GOOD wrote:
I recently was talking to some friends about chili, and said the best part was getting a peanut butter sandwich and dipping it in the chili!

They all looked at me like I was NUTS and said that was disgusting!

Ive done that my entire LIFE, anyone else tha doesnt or anyone who does and has gotten reactions like that?

I've never done this but it sounds like it would work out flavor-wise. Spicy nutty sweetness, I'm likin it already. But it's like a peanut butter and pickle (dill) sandwich.:o People go all bug-eyed when I mention that or eat it. And another one they don't get is Lays potato chips and ketchup. It's just like french fries and ketchup. smiley
12 years

Terms of endearment

Msprettypanties wrote:
I enjoy laying, or sitting on a skinny man that can't move because I am so heavy. Maybe it's a power thing, I'm not sure, but it's fun smiley.

It could be a power thing. I know when my ex sat on my lap at 280 and being 120 lbs heavier than me it would cause my legs to go a little numb. It was a power thing for me. I liked showing her that I could raise her up with only my calves multiple times. Additionally I loved it because all of that fatter body and especially booty she had I helped put there.

More to the topic of the thread. Kitten, hun, chunky monkey, Chunk-a-Butt, but my personal favorite is Babydoll.
12 years