Data analysis proves fat love

vinylrider wrote:

Comparing frequency of the terms "fat" and "thin" shows that one appears much more often smiley

Well, if you listen to he main stream media:
Fat is bedeviled, it is wrong and bad and terrible, and all evils of this world are caused by it. If you are fat, even by 1 pound, you will die tomorrow, oh no, wait, you will die today, right after reading this. Being fat is not just wrong and immoral, it makes you a bad person, and of course it is supporting terrorism ;-)
(ok, irony switched off)

Well, if you think about it like this, how strange is feederism really?

It is the enjoyment of food (and the resulting fat) and sex combined.

Food is essential to our survival as a species. Food is the one thing that is aways good, there is nothing that is bad about food (at the basic level), if you argue about it and refuse to eat it, you will starve and perish. It is the same as a cell phone arguing if electricity and the battery is important or if it could go without it.
Then, sex is as essential and important. Less so than food (where you die immediately and don't get to do sex), but still the difference of the species dieing out by not having offspring.

Now food often enables sex. You can't have sex and a woman cannot be pregnant if you are starved to death and thin like a rake because famine is ravaging the land.
Becoming pregnant if you are super thin is dangerous, as the kid will drain the energy of the mother to a degree where it will kill both the kid and the mother.
So when you have food again and you can afford getting fat (rich, the most basic form of wealth, abundance of essential resources), like the fertile ground after rain, so will you want to have sex and have offspring.

So in a way feeding is more natural than most other things.

But as many things are in this time of age, we are so far away from nature, so denatured and artifical that we don't understand the basics anymore.

In a way, we are like a society that is used to procreate by using bottles in stead of wombs (brave new world) and would find sexual intercourse very disturbing and wrong.

It takes a lot of food till it become really a problem and a bad influence on your health. And I believe that the hate that the media at large has for fat, gaining and food has to do with the misconceived (but widely spread) notion, that being big and fat is ugly and unattractive.

When did we become so screwed up that we started believing this BS?

Nobody would want a smaller car, a smaller house, a smaller paycheck, less space and less time in your life. Why would you want a small body then?

In the case of women, why would you ever ever want smaller hips, a smaller belly and smaller breasts? There are women out there that would kill for bigger breasts and there it is, just eat a lot of chocolate and enjoy food and you got it, no side effects, no surgery, no extra cost, perfectly proportional to your body. ;-)
10 years

The internet and feederism

By the way, we got a amazing group going in the bay area, totally cool people and we had already about 6 meetings all in all.

It needs a little more regularity to become a permanent fixture, as these groups keep dying if you don't constantly schedule meetings ( is a great example of this), but we are moving in the right direction.
10 years

The internet and feederism

AskDrFeeder wrote:
surfwithsoul wrote:
To what extent do you think the internet has contributed to the whole culture of feederism?

There was barely any culture at all before the internet. I didn't even know others like me existed until I was 30!

Hmm, but feederism must be ancient. A man cooking for his wife and fattening her up like that or a wife cooking for her man and seeing how he thrives and expands, getting fatter, this is really old.
As long as there have been cooks, there have been gourmets and show me a cook that does not enjoy his/her food to be enjoyed and cherished.

But true, it was not a phenomenon where the feeding was front center.
10 years

The internet and feederism

urbanstark83 wrote:
I don't think that the internet has sparked some latent desire.
This wasn't the case for me at least.

I was this way before the internet.

I guess it can be powerful that you find a lot of people that share your orientation (I don't like the word fetish really, as it does not describe feederism that well if you are really into it deep).
I constantly get a lot of mail from feedees through my site that tell me that they thought they were crazy or strange, but then found that they were not alone, that lots of people were into that.

But, with all the ease of connection, the internet makes it also easy to hide and be virtual and not real.
10 years

Gained 70+ lbs.

Wow, amazing weight gain!


Why are you scared of stretch marks?

I used to be also warry of them, but now I want them, I want to be marked by them as a feedee, showing that I am gaining.

For me, stretch marks show clearly that I am a feedee, as in a woman, they could be from a pregnancy, but in a man it clearly shows that you gained a lot and fast. And being confident and happy with your new fat body then shows immediately that I am a feedee, even to a complete stranger that can recognize this. (and might be a female feeder ;-)
10 years

Yoyo dieting for fast gaining?

I'm having a hard time gaining.
Does anybody have experience with using yoyo dieting to boost weight gain and fattening?
What are the details? How many days do you need to eat nothing between eatings? Does the stomach shrink in this time or stay large?
10 years

Meeting your past self.

I think I would be terrified, I used to be scared to gain myself as a feeder. Then some years back, I started to get an inkling, that the stories I wrote were a little bit too good and too empathic, knowing intimate fantasies of female feedees and well, that was of course because I am one myself. (feedee, but not female ;-)

If a future self came back to me now, I would not be surprised, but amazed of how fat I have gotten. I wonder if a vision that I had in a dream the other day would come true: Will I become one of the best documented and outspoken male feedees on the web? Somebody that is totally at peace with being very very fat, even immobile and serves as a positive example for other (male) feedees.

I never had any aspirations ever to become the fattest man alive, but I got a funny feeling that this might actually happening, that it would help others and serve as a positive example / role model. Because so many are in the closet, scared to gain, isolated and have a hard time making the gaining and fattening with somebody else real.

And after all, me as the maker of extremefeeding dot com should probably be extremely fat ;-)

It might help to know that you will get fat anyway, that it already happened, and that you can just speed it up, instead of fighting it for another 10 years. And a future self coming back in time might just do that.
10 years

How to draw really fat women?

I was just checking the capabilities of Blender 3D, a free open source raytracing renderer. And wow, has stuff gotten easy to do. You can now do softbodies (jiggle) really easy and clothing too. I want to show a fat woman growing and fattening in real time and then expanding the clothing, till it tears.
Hair is also possible and I wonder how good a belly jiggle I can implement with that. I will post a link to the video here once I got a preliminary. It is a shame that not more people do stuff with fattening in these programs, it is incredible what you can do.

I see something very hot when I imagine her belly growing under her dress and the dress then showing the growing fat bulge and then it stretching over it.
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread


Markus here, also called Rubens_Feeder. I run my own website, write really explicit and extreme feeding stories (no censorship whatsoever on them) as a passion.

I'm both a feeder, feedee and mutual gainer and would like to connect with anybody living in or around the SF Bay Area. I'm fully out of the closet (have been for years) and not holding back anymore in my own gaining (as the pictures on my profile show). I want to do some real life feeding again (I did all my feeding in Germany, before I moved to the USA), both feeding a feedee and/or being fattened up myself. Feeding is a normal part of my life and many of my friends know about what I love, so roleplaying and staying/hiding out online is not really doing it for me.
I would love to help anybody that wants to become more real about feeding and integrate it into their real lives.

Be true to what YOU WANT, instead of conforming to other peoples wishes!
10 years