Simple changes?

You know, I've seen this book everywhere I go. It doesn't matter what store, the book is always there. I think it's called "Don't Eat That, Eat This!" and is about simple changes to your diet for the purposes of losing weight. For example, instead of Haagen Dazs ice cream, it tells you to buy Dreyer's instead because it has fewer calories. However, there's really nothing stopping you from buying the book and following its advice in reverse.
15 years

Most mcdonalds

Hi_Im_Zach wrote:
i've never eatin a burger in my life...
mc murder is nastehhh haha
vegetarian all the wayyyyy

But murder tastes so delicious! smiley
17 years

Weight gain spa

That’s an awesome idea. It sounds amazing, like something straight out of an erotic WG fiction story. The only thing is that it costs a lot of money and effort. Who will actually buy the spa? How will it get funded when business is almost guaranteed not to pay for your expenses? How will it advertise? It’s great to dream, but putting it into action is another story. People in this community are completely unmotivated when it comes to matters outside the computer. If people here can’t even meet for lunch somewhere just once, I wonder how we’ll be able to start and run a business. Of course, there’s nothing I’d love more than to be proven wrong. If people contribute and the ball actually gets rolling on this project, I’ll donate all the money I can afford to and do whatever else is needed of me. I’d love it if a place like this could exist someday.
17 years