Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

I enjoy the reactions of others when they meet my fat little husband. They assume that because I'm rather fit that my husband is the same. When they see how fat he is, there's almost always a surprised reaction, and later they say, "I just thought...he would be different." Once he came to deliver Hamentachen and some dinner to me when we were working late into the night, and my co-workers nearly always express surprise.
5 years

Can fat become trendy some day?

Hi FF,

I was just wondering if fat could become trendy some day. Will we see chubby, round celebrities, XXL models in magazines, etc some day?

I'd love that idea because I think it would mean we're living in a less judging society.

A maybe 100-200 years ago, we used to think bigger as better because it meant they are wealthy. It would be great to come back to that again.

What do you think?

There were a few reasons being fat or overweight was considered positive, but the biggest reason was famine or lower food supply - if you have extra weight, you probably won't starve in lean times.
I don't think it would be a less judgemental society - it would just be a trade off in the standard ideal.
5 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

I definitely have that "f you" kind of attitude, but then I'm also terrified of what people think. At this point, it's mostly just my boyfriend. He's been with a bigger girl before, but his nickname for her is 'the whale.'

I just want to look nice for him, and I'm already really distressed by the stretch marks I have, so the idea of getting more sucks.

Honestly, if I told him "I want to gain 50 or so pounds," he probably wouldn't even care that much, more just concerned for my health, and I've kind of baited him a bit to get this info. I'm already terrified that he's going to leave me at any given moment, so I'd like to not give him any other reason to leave.

Do you really feel your in a healthy relationship? He calls the ex a whale.... you live in fear he'll leave if you gain because you'll then be in whale territory. What happened to loving you for you? It's your body. If you want to gain, gain. If you want to lose, lose.
You need to be happy with you first! BTW, stretch marks are very sexy!!!! Embrace them!

Forgive the bluntness, but it sounds like this guy isn't worth your time. I know that's easier said than done, but I think you should really consider dropping him. Everyone loves their partner and cares about how their decisions affect that person, but come on - at the end of the day you need someone who loves and appreciates you, and knows how to be kind to others. Not being kind is a huge turn off for me. You need to be yourself - and a great person who complements you will come when you are doing what you do - for yourself!
Sorry to be preachy, that's just my take. Don't stand for this BS. You're a grown woman and don't need to be with a child.
5 years

Fat gelato woman

Once in a while I take my coworkers out to a charming gelato place- sometimes we work up to ten hours or more. Over the past couple months I've noticed one of the young ladies working there is getting so plump. Her shirt was tight on her chubby little belly, and she bumped into the counter a little. Her jeans looked ready to pop off her.
I really just wanted to take her out for a huge dinner and/or make her eat an entire bin of that gelato, and watch the buttons on the jeans just fly off. (The employer would probably frown on that. smiley
I can't wait to see if she gets fatter as time goes on.
5 years

Fattening desk job snacks???

Cliff bars are a good way to add calories.
5 years

At what point does a feeder become uninterested...

In some ways every fetish has an element of selfishness - if the stimulation isn't there, then eventually the person will lose interest.
When my little butterball stays as he is I don't lose interest in him, but we have a full relationship. While it can be selfish in a sense, I know he is happy and fulfilled, but I think as with anything that's required to give one a high, if the stimulation ends...eventually a need isn't being filled.
5 years

Tight clothing

Every now and then he will keep something around. He used to do it more often, when he thought he would slim down. Now that he's accepted being fat, however, he doesn't do it as often.
I, however, note his rates of getting fatter, and I love seeing him after a big dinner. When I came home his shirt was plastered to his body, ready to come off. He does outgrow shirts faster than pants, but he has more elastic waistband pants than he used to.

I'm putting all of my "skinny clothes"?away in boxes... should I throw them out? Like is there ever coming back??

In the beginning I waited until he was almost bursting out of the clothes until I would buy new ones, but as he got fatter I found it more encouraging when he started buying clothes a size up. Once I came home with something and he said it was too big and I said, "It won't be for long."
Even if you stall in the gaining, bigger clothes can trick you into eating more. I would get rid of most of them. You'll need room to get fatter.
5 years

Stuffing question

The butterball seems to feel comfort after a nice day of grazing - and by grazing I mean two or three burritos and almost ten tacos. A look of contentment comes over his face. But during eating I've seen him simply lose control and it seems like a high.

Love your use of the word 'grazing;. smiley Brings to mind fat placid cattle eating away, peacefully and contentedly.

That's exactly how it is. smiley
5 years

Tight clothing

Every now and then he will keep something around. He used to do it more often, when he thought he would slim down. Now that he's accepted being fat, however, he doesn't do it as often.
I, however, note his rates of getting fatter, and I love seeing him after a big dinner. When I came home his shirt was plastered to his body, ready to come off. He does outgrow shirts faster than pants, but he has more elastic waistband pants than he used to.
5 years

Stuffing question

The butterball seems to feel comfort after a nice day of grazing - and by grazing I mean two or three burritos and almost ten tacos. A look of contentment comes over his face. But during eating I've seen him simply lose control and it seems like a high.
5 years