Why do men visit my profile (i’m male)?

Truer words have never been spoken!!! Same with Feabie!!! And I HATE the shooting from way below to make the belly look bigger thing, you can’t even see what the person really looks like. Plus most men don’t show their face which I find annoying too. Like, if anyone finds you on here that means that they were on here too, so what can they say?

To be fair, any pictures uploaded here that aren't ultimately deleted by the uploader, or hidden by staff are viewable to anyone, even without an account.

I can't help but think it might make it harder for me to find a job and easier to get fired.

I've heard about a crossdresser who lost his job of 30 years because of it. I've heard of a former pornstar/starlets who lost their jobs because of it. So yes, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, I lack sufficient information to properly assess risk.

It's why I've never publicly shown my face here even after 16 years. That and I've never been in the habit of taking many pictures of myself to begin with. It's also one of many reasons why I don't use generalized social web sites like Facebook or Instagram. Overall, it's a lot of liability and not a lot of upside or advantage. And yes, looking that up is borderline illegal but that often happens anyway, especially with smaller companies.
1 year


Some ideas, since it's something I struggle with too sometimes.

Regardless of the cream, or actually, before the cream, what kind of calorie count do you have on most days?

You don't have the entire quart in a single go, do you? One go, or throughout the day? Some/most have a phenomenon of only being able to handle so much dairy fat at one time, with the rest going.. well you know. Won't elaborate unless you want me to. It can be hard to gauge at times, though personally I've found cream a terrible idea if I had something with a lot of cheese, or if I had ice cream for example.

Also it may, and likely helps to mix the cream with something else or have something else at the same time. Lately, I've been having very simple cream shakes. 1 cup of cream, to 1 bottle (1 cup) of Equate Plus (Wal-Mart brand knockoff of Ensure Plus). They have chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. Tastes kind of like heavily flavored milk yet seemingly has virtually no dairy content, making it a near perfect choice to mix with cream which is lots of dairy.

Maybe even just give it a rest for a day to a few days? Though don't be so hungry you can't function in day to day life. It's possible you adapted with a higher metabolism to burn it off, as your body now expects the onslaught of calories. So, a dramatic reduction might help slow it down a bit and prioritize storing it (getting fatter).

A good metaphor is the TP shortage of COVID. In that time, most folks bought up whatever TP they could find, ASAP, whether they needed it or not, simply out of fear of not having TP when you needed it. This went on for months. Eventually, most folks ended up with a huge stockpile of toilet paper, almost too much to deal with. Eventually, folks stopped buying for awhile, to use up their stockpile. Though, from what I recall, there was yet another shock and fear of a lack of TP, in spite of folks still having something of a stockpile from the last shock, so there was yet more hoarding.

I think you get the idea.

Another might be you simply aren't getting enough calories in general. Obviously, the heavier you get, the more calories you need just to stay the same. If you telecommute, maybe start eating sausage biscuits in the morning. Each biscuit is about 180-200 calories, but cut it in half so you can make it into a sandwich. Frozen microwaveable sausage patties? 210 calories each. Should be easy enough to eat 2 or 3 of those in a single sitting. If you don't telecommute, then I hope the office provides doughnuts or other pastries.

Increasing calories just to maintain..this is one little thing that kind of snuck up on me. It's like.. you know it will happen, you might even fantasize about it and love the idea. But in spite of that, you don't expect it at the same time, or it's so slow you don't see it coming.

Can't think of anything else off hand. Hopefully you get past this, because damn if it's not frustrating.
1 year

Why do men visit my profile (i’m male)?

I wouldn't worry about that too much, especially if you mention being straight on your profile.

Maybe a good number of these users are gay or bi, experiencing slight disappointment.

Maybe some of them are curious about weight and height. The only way to see someone's height is to view the profile. Straight men might be curious about that.

Maybe users wonder about other content you have like posts or stories.

As a volunteer moderator it's likely for me to view a lot of profiles, whether male, female, or trans, regardless of any romantic potential.

If it crosses into harassment, particularly harassment that can't be solved with a simple block, that will be a problem in which case, I urge you to file a report. These reports all end up in one central place that's viewable by all moderators, who are effectively duty-bound to be impartial.
1 year

Do feeders/fas care about the feelings of their feedees/ gainers/ partners?

This topic doesn't read like a personals ad, so moving this to General.

To answer the question, yes of course. Pretty sure most others do too.
1 year

What is it like having a feedee gf as a skinny shorter guy?

This doesn't really read like a personals ad. I think this may be better suited under "Fat Experiences."

1 year

Gay feeder in california

This looks more like a personals ad for a feeder/feedee arrangement so, moving to the Feeder/Feedee message board for this particular purpose.

Thread moved.
1 year

Feedee seeking feeder

This looks like a personals ad. There's a message board for this particular purpose. It's a toss up between Dating/Friendships and Feeder/Feedee (if your profile is anything to go by?) so just gonna have to guess here.

Moved to Feeder/Feedee.
1 year

Heavy cream gains

Lately, over the past couple weeks or so maybe, I've been drinking cream shakes which are 1 cup heavy cream and 1 bottle of Equate Plus (also 1 cup). Equate Plus is the Wal-Mart brand knock off of Ensure Plus, with 350 calories in a single bottle and though it kind of tastes like chocolate milk, has no dairy in it so no worries about too much dairy fat in one go. So, this is about 1,150 calories in only 16 fl. oz (1 pint).

Between that, and my discovery of frozen pre-cooked sausage patties and frozen biscuits (about 390-410 calories per sausage biscuit sandwhich but small enough it's so easy to eat 2-3 of them in a sitting, I'm proud to say that at least for now, it appears I might have gotten over a long lasting plateau, since of course this stuff is in addition to whatever else I eat in a typical day.

Hopefully this means I'll finally be over 200 lbs before much longer. Been stuck at the previous plateau for far, far too long.
1 year

Here we go again

Pro-tip.. for very long posts it might be a good idea to type them up in Word or Notepad, or something similar. Then copy-paste when you're ready to post it.

That'll avoid the problem of potentially losing everything because browser cookies timed out or whatever it was.
1 year

How dramatic are heavy cream results, really?

How long ago? Pretty sure you need to keep it up for more than a couple days or so, since it seems results are not instant. Of course, don't try to drink more than you feel like you can handle.
1 year