Smoking and extreme obesity

What is a fact is that our Sun, like all stars, will eventually become a Red Giant, completely consuming Earth. No amount of effort on our part can accelerate or slow this process.

That will happen in billions of years. But pollution can ruin the planet in a century or two. That's a significant difference.

I respect that some people are adamant about their beliefs. But the potential effects of human activity on climate change are still being extensively studied and debated in the scientific community, at least here in the United States. I understand Europeans see far greater urgency in erring on the side of caution.
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

What is a fact is that our Sun, like all stars, will eventually become a Red Giant, completely consuming Earth. No amount of effort on our part can accelerate or slow this process.
3 years

Fetishes in addition to fat?

Longtime member here and frequent chat participant. Hadn’t seen this topic rehashed in a while, but what else turns you on about your preferred human form? For me, it’s not just lusciously smooth bellies and full boobs. It’s feet. Bare feet on beautifully round women in particular. Ah, well, skinny girls have cute bare feet too, but this is FF ;-) The current situation won’t have us in public or on the beach much, but summer is still a time for letting the feetsies out :-) Ooh, how a sundress and bare feet turn me on!

I have to wonder since you're into feet, have you have ever gotten into women pedal pumping? As in starting and revving cars and trucks. Many men with foot fetishes are also into this, including myself, however for me the woman's pedal action and engine sounds take precedence over the feet themselves. There is plenty of this type of content available, but very little with BBWs. When it's a BBW doing it, that is the ultimate.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

More importantly than "when" women get fat is that society is accepting obesity like never before. Now that Covid-19 has changed many people's lives, they have become more lazy and sedentary, working from home, having food delivered, and it shows when they go out!
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Nobody is denying climate change. However science proves climate change is entirely a natural phenomenon, ultimately part of the life cycle of a planet. It takes an incredible amount of conceit for an individual to believe that members of one species of one planet, in existence for a statistically insignificant amount of time in relation to the age of the universe as a whole, can effect any substantial change in their climate.
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

That's not what I said at all lol. I was just saying we're probably all gonna die of cancer no matter what, since the environment is currently the best it will ever be in our probably short lifetimes, so eat drink and be merry

Our environment as a whole has improved greatly and continues to do so in the US and Europe since the industrial revolution, thanks to technological advances reducing emissions. As for China, India, and other up and coming nations, they still have an extremely long way to go in cleaning up their act.

Regardless, we should all enjoy life and respect the fact that each individual has the autonomy to decide what foods and/or intoxicants they want to introduce into their own body.

So, yes... Eat, drink, and be merry!
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Smoke up all the fuck you want, 600 air quality index is gonna be the new normal.

What does a smoker's cigarette consumption have to do with air quality indices when forest fires and industrial pollution are the top contributing factors? That's akin to blaming a foodie's "excessive" consumption (as judged by others) for wastewater treatment issues when the cause is primarily storm runoff, not human excrement.
3 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

When I went back to work I started dropping weight bc I was more active and on my feet all day. Nothing big but I’m down 15 lbs from my heaviest weight. My sweatpants are still a little tight and even a bigger size of the stretchy pants I wear for work are snug. My pre quarantine jeans still don’t button and I’m currently squeezing into my biggest pair of jeans until I have no choice but to get new ones. I walked into the kitchen today in tight shorts and a tank top that kept riding up and I made myself 2 english muffins with butter and jelly, a big bowl of cereal and some bacon and my Mom said “What are you wearing? Those clothes don’t fit you. Have you lost any weight bc it doesn’t look like it and that shirt is 2 sizes too small” if only finances weren’t tight for me to buy as much junk food as possible and fatten up quickly to see what she says😂🤷🏽‍♀️

Did it feel good to squeeze into those tight jeans and tank top? If you went out like that it would definitely draw attention.
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Hmm I like cigarettes and I don't see the problem having them time to time.

There is no problem. If you enjoy smoking cigarettes, then why not?

It used to be VERY common to see women smoking everywhere. In their cars, at the office, bars and restaurants, parties, etc.

There's an inexplicable allure to a woman who smokes.
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

I mean if you are already dedicated to being extremely obese and not caring about the health effects, why not just smoke too? If you're in it for the unhealthy aspects that is. In that case it would be a turn on.

I find it incredibly appealing when a BBW smokes cigarettes. I get turned on by the fact they are doing the "wrong" things according to society. (Both obesity and smoking.)
3 years