Looking for relationship/ feeder

This reads more like a personal ad so, I'm gonna move this there.
1 year

Some foods making me sleepy after eating? which ones? hm.

I suppose that's possible, though I can't be sure. Lately I've been under enormous, undue stress and often don't always sleep that well, so sometimes I end up with odd hours.

Awhile back I used to have a problem with the bed being seemingly too hard or not springy enough, though I solved that problem by getting a cheap mattress that's little more than a foam pad to stack on top. Though lately, I've found I seem to sink almost too deep, with the result of being that it's much harder to roll over, or that sometimes I don't making it quite uncomfortable. Although, that I gained about 45 lbs since getting that supplemental mattress might have something to do with it. Tonight I'll try without the supplemental mattress, since the regular mattress seems to have more "give" than I remember, possibly because of the 45 lbs. Hopefully that may make a difference. Of course, I wonder what will happen with the next 50-75 lbs or possibly the next 50 lbs after that. Would hate if I had to get another mattress although, by that point it might be kind of time to do that anyway.

Still, seems odd I experienced that with this particular food item and not others. That was even when I tried eating it a short time after waking up. Only other thought might be that it was way too filling, or it's a lot more filling than it looks. I admit I kind of have this fantasy and goal of being able to eat an entire large size Pizza Hut pizza in a single sitting as my own "personal size" but I'm nowhere near that. Maybe it's a case of my eyes being bigger than my stomach? I don't know.
1 year

Some foods making me sleepy after eating? which ones? hm.

As the title says, this is problematic. I think I may need to avoid such foods. But I wonder what makes some foods have this effect? I'm not inclined to think it's as simple as too many carbs, or too much protein, or too much fat, dairy or otherwise.

If I attempt to eat an entire Tony's Pizza (orange box), I seem to get sleepy for awhile after that. Sometimes, I don't even want to finish that last 1/4. It's definitely not just calorie count. The pepperoni variety is 330 per serving and a "serving" is 1/4 of the pizza, or 1,320 for the entire thing. I liked how relatively cheap it is, especially given the recent inflation effects on food, but this sleepiness effect means I may not be able to buy this anymore. I have things to do, and I can't sleep or nap whenever.

Curiously though, it doesn't seem this way if I drink a cup of heavy cream.

It also doesn't happen if I eat a "pot" of "quick-serve" pasta. You know those packets of Knorr brand fettuccine alfredo with dried powdered sauce inside? Imagine using two packets, following the directions on the back to cook it, except half and half in place of 1-2% milk. That's 1,280 calories and would also include carbs like the pizza I mentioned earlier.

It also didn't happen if I eat cheese and crackers (last time, around 900 calories worth), or when I ate half of a smaller jar (16.3 oz) of Peter Pan peanut butter (1,400 calories in that).

It also doesn't seem to happen if I drink half a liter, or even a liter of soda. It also doesn't happen if I eat chili or anything heavy on meat.

Nor does it happen when I eat those Jimmy John's sandwiches.

I don't even recall having this problem if I have Pizza Hut pizza, though I don't have it often. It seems like most foods don't have this problem.

Unless I'm missing something, which maybe I am, I can't seem to identify a common cause. It doesn't seem to be proportion of carbs, glycemic index, proportion of protein, proportion of fat, or just raw calorie count.

What's so special about that particular pizza? Could there be other foods with this problem? How can I identify them?

I can't gain more weight if I end up feeling drowsy afterward, at which point I don't feel like wanting to do anything, eating or otherwise.
1 year

Urgent- clothing issue

How do you telecommute to Burger King?

I’m customer service/ marketing team I don’t work the food part.

But they still make you wear a uniform? Interesting.

Most/nearly all offices, what I've noticed are typically whatever you want within posted dress code rules, and possibly an expectation of carrying a name tag of some sort that may have something you can scan.

I'm just glad you aren't a peon at a franchise location; for the most part those don't pay jack. Maybe GM, possibly AGM also and that's it.

Do you have to tuck in the shirt? One option might be to just use a belt and leave the top button/clasp undone. But if so, then whatever you do, stay away from reversible belts. The reversible part is weak and is likely to come loose under any kind of strain at all.

What does the uniform consist of? Anything embroidered? Even at a franchise McD's location it's often an option to use different trousers that are the same color.
1 year

Urgent- clothing issue

How do you telecommute to Burger King?
1 year

Kik, snapchat, feabie scams

No, it's not all scams and there's plenty of real users here. To be fair there's a real risk of scams, but that's kind of par for the course when it comes to any kind of Internet platform that involves communication between users.

We try to do our best to remove scammers, but sometimes it's not always immediately obvious and it can often be a case of he said/she said. Last thing we want to do are false positive bans/removals by mistake.

It does help if multiple users report a scammer we haven't seen before, to feel more certain and confident about it. That it's not just retaliation because of a grudge or disagreement.
1 year

Weight gain goals for 2023?

If I can ever overcome my current plateau and difficulty in eating enough calories, I'd like to finally reach and exceed 200 lbs by the end of May.

It's been frustrating lately, though.
1 year

Dream about cupcakes

Can't say that I ever have. Though it's good in the sense that it's achievable, probably right now though if not, eventually and it shouldn't be too hard to work your way up to that point.

Occasionally I have fantasies about clearing an entire buffet table or traditional medieval "King's feast" or "Viking warrior feast" intended for dozens, even if that's an impossibility in real life.

Another fantasy that may be more realistic is to go to some sort of all-inclusive resort (with the drink package) for virtually unlimited food and as many drinks as I could ever have. Between the 3 full, heavy meals, near constant snacking, almost always having a drink in my hand, naps, lounging around, and partying at night combined with what would probably be north of 6K calories a day.. after maybe 2 weeks or so, I'd get to leave the vacation a good bit heavier than I was going in.
1 year

Heavy cream and boost

I suppose you can mix the two if you want. Not sure where the weight would go since Boost VHC is expensive enough it's a bit beyond my budget to use with any regularity.

I used to sometimes make drinks from 1 cup heavy cream, 1 cup/bottle Equate Plus (Wal-Mart knock off brand of Ensure Plus, found near the pharmacy) but so far, never managed to keep it up long enough. I'm sure I'd see more results if I kept at it.

Though so far, consensus seems to suggest dairy fat is more likely to go to your limbs rather than just your gut, but there's also often kind of a limit to how much dairy fat you might be able to have at once. You'd have to experiment, since results and tolerance appear to vary from person to person. Overdoing it might result in.. hopefully this isn't TMI but.. a lot of it passing through as #2.

However, I would definitely avoid heavy cream alongside something like pizza (the cheese), pasta if you have alfredo sauce, or if you were to eat the entire carton of ice cream in one go, or the entire 14 oz. container of Haagen-Daaz. Or have a much smaller amount, maybe 1/4 of a cup.

You may have better results if you mix it with carbs and/or protein, too. Should be able to eat some carbs like thick slices of bread, and then it might be able to soak up the cream.

But yeah, experiment a bit. If it's too hard to keep up consistently, that won't do. I know that's what I struggle with so I don't want you to struggle with that too.
1 year

Is athletic attractive for someone?

How likely you are to find this nearby, likely depends a great deal on cultural norms.

I can tell you that here, most of the time when I see a fat woman in a couple, the man is also fat. Also that in size contrast couples, the man is nearly always the fat one.

Now that said, I have on occasion witnessed size contrast relationships where the woman is the fat one. That may also be more common in other countries and areas.

I don't know what's typical in the Czech Republic, but I'm sure some large women there will find that attractive. Whether most do is irrelevant, because well, no matter who you are, you aren't going to be attractive to most of the population. Just got to find one, and I'm pretty sure there's enough population there that some will go for it.

Building upon something someone else said.. I could be wrong but I get the impression the majority, maybe even the vast majority of women are less finicky on physical appearance and are more interested in who or what you are. That's the feeling I get. And no, it's not money either. By contrast, some women might joke about liking a Chippendale or whatever, but I've never met any woman who actually, ultimately wants that at the end of the day.

Also, this thread doesn't look like a Personals Ad, so I'm gonna move this to General.
1 year