Would you rather...(for gainers and feedees)

Finally Fat:

Fatteners should be lovers, not masters. We fatten together in love with food and always more fat.

We like each other so we feed each other. We show each other our love by growing fat together.

Number 3.

Definitely number 3 as described above. But 2 I also find arousing.
7 years


love the thread!

smiley so many things turn me on feeder ism-wise I love it! I always masturbate while I'm waiting for a big meal to finish cooking or for an ordered meal to arrive before a big stuffing.

Also anything fat/belly wise gets me excited, fat bellies I see on tv or out and about, big bottoms and wide hips, big thighs, Im not fussy lol

Just the thought of you masturbating while you are cooking is so arousing. So incredibly hot!
7 years

Force-fed heavy cream & icecream all day endlessly to your feeder's pleasure & content.

So much this.

The thought of surrendering control of my weight to someone else for a set length of time, maybe a month or two, and seeing how much weight they could force on me in that time, especially with forcefeeding.

Me too. I love the thought of experiencing this type of feeding and fattening.
7 years


SSBBW Lover:
I'd be surprised if most of the people on FF aren't constantly or frequently sexually aroused by their gaining. And those who are FAs are most likely here for visual arousal. Although I'm gaining in secret, because my partner is not an FA, I'm finding that the fatter I get, the more I desire a fatsexual SSBBW partner, and the more I masturbate to thoughts of my own weight gain and that of an SSBBW partner I wish I had. For me at least, fat is hyperarousing. On me and on the huge, horny, gluttonous woman I wish I had as a partner.

I am in the exact same type of relationship with my wife. I get so turned on by my own fattening and the thought of having a SSBBW wife would be the ultimate.
7 years

Getting turned on by someone's arousal for your gain.

I can't think of anything more arousing than knowing your spouse or partner gets turned on by your own fattening. I would probably completely give in to their desires and let them feed and fatten me to their hearts content. Just the thought of such a relationship turns me on like crazy. And if they got fat along with me, that would be even better. A mutual gaining relationship is so hot!
7 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

You ever walk past a mirror and have one of those "moments" where you realize how obese you've become. Its like before that I saw myself as thinner... But as I walked past this window I noticed how big my tits are.

Actually quite often. Usually it is when I see my profile in a store window as I am walking down the street. My immediate reaction is: "Man, am I getting fat or God am I obese." Also, when I see myself walking toward a window or mirror with a pullover shirt on my surprised reaction is often: "Wow, look at how big my tits are, they're huge!"
7 years

250 lbs not fat enough

Oliver Hardy:
I can relate to you guys on this one. Was a working out muscular guy years ago. It took me years to get some serious chub to jiggle. So you guys are right, being 6 ft plus demands more than 250 to feel as fat as you probably want to. However I also think our minds fool us when we look at ourselves growing bigger. For years I didn't see myself as fat, while my scales told me otherwise. That changed once I grew over 300 lbs. Instead of just the extra layer of chub my lower belly all of the sudden ballooned big time and I developped moobs, fat hips, thighs and a big butt. And I didn't have to work as hard as before to keep on gaining, it all comes natural now. However it might serve you well to not gain it all at once. Don't be afraid to loose some weight every now and then, you will regain it easier as you get heavier anyway and it gives you a good opportunity to train your muscles so your body can keep up with your gains. Besides, every time you loose 25 pounds they'll come back softer once you regain them. To make a long story short : you guys will get there, just never give up and become discouraged. In the long run we will all be as fat as we want to be !

Could not agree more. I had the same experience. I was stuck in the 240 to 245 range for a long time. But then got a new job with a lot of business breakfasts and lunches and suddenly a year later, I hit 265. Then it was a slow and steady march upward to 305 lbs. I too did not feel really fat until I was around 275 to 280 and longed to be even fatter. I have slimmed down to around 280 and find it extremely difficult now to drop below that number under any circumstances. Not that I would really want to because love to eat and have discovered I love being fat!
7 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

I have had "moobs" almost my entire life. As a kid I was embarrassed by them and teased continually which made for some very challenging teenage years. Now that I have really fattened up, they are round, soft and heavy and flow over my hands when I lift them. I have come to really like them and fondle them often. And the thought of a woman fondling and sucking on them as I would with a well endowed lady really turns me on.
7 years

Bhm belly size

I have a big round 58" gut. Down from 61". Love big bellies.
7 years

With age comes weight and the mom bod

Love your explanation above. Such a turn-on to read. You are living the life many of us FA's dream of, especially this one. Growing fat together is so wonderful!
7 years