Sucking your stomach in

It took me a while to get used to not sucking it in because I did it for so long. In fact I still fight the urge but I’m getting better. I consciously relax it, remembering I’m proud of my belly. I’m sitting here right now with it relaxed. Wherever I happen to walk around, in a store, mall, parking lot, I just let it go.
3 years

Past the point of no return

I got past the point of no return when I saw I lost some weight, my clothes got loose and I didn’t want to buy a smaller size nor could I afford it. I decided to gain the weight back. In truth I’m at that point again. I lost weight unintentionally, found my clothes too big and have decided to grow back into them. Additionally I realized I like being fat. I see pictures of myself weighing less, and I don’t like how I look. I’m definitely past losing weight, and very much wanting to gain again.
3 years

How did you found out that you like fat people?

Years ago, before I became conscious of liking fat guys (I’m gay) I worked with a fat Latino named Hector. He was a very sweet and polite soul. He used the “usted” form of address with me. I told him stop, I was no better than him, no need to be so formal. I really came to like him and even fantasized being with him. I still think of him and still fantasize. I think he was my first fat guy crush. Then I just started noticing other attractive fat guys and came to realize there were too many attractive fat guys in the world for there to be anything wrong with it. I decided I want to get fat like them.
3 years

When you became fat, did people treat you differently?

A couple of times someone said something.

A former coworker I hadn’t seen in years told me I got chubby.
My sister once said “hey, what happened?”
My aunt, on two occasions remarked in front of others that I got tubby.

I was offended then but not anymore. I strike first. I have tee shirts that say Chubby Guys Cuddle Better; Living The Chubby Bearded Life; I Hate Being Sexy But I’m A Chubby Bearded Man So I Can’t Help It; If You’re Into Chubby Bearded Guys Then Hello.

I’m fat, I like being fat, I’m proud of being fat. Now if anyone says anything I shrug and say “Yeah, and...?” Puts them right off their guard. lol
3 years

Just not gaining because just not eating

I’m a stress non-eater. I’m just about 5’6”. I was 245 lbs just about 1 year ago, 54” belly. My goal was 260-270. Oh how I wanted my belly to hang over and ripple over my belt.

Then I lost my job (guess why), I wasn’t in the office to eat junk from the cafeteria and vending machines, and I moved. I did most of the moving and lost 35 lbs. I been stuck at 210-215 all this time. I’m happy to get to 225-230 at this point.

Money issues are a stress, so even though I’m not active I don’t have an appetite. I might eat once a day with a couple of cookies here or there. I really want to get back to eating more and gaining back some weight.

Sometimes I make Fatboy Shakes... whole milk, heavy cream, whole milk yogurt, ice cream, peanut butter, a banana, weight gainer powder. But often I just have no desire.

So, I’m at a loss currently.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

I’m not sure if I ever answered in this thread. Maybe but a long time ago? Anyway my fantasy and goal has been 270, 280, 300 lbs, 56-57” belly, size 46-48 pants. I’m just about 5’6”. I’m about 210 now, so that’s 80-90 lbs. to gain. I’ve got a male couple for neighbors who have to be in excess of 300 lbs. Very sexy!
3 years

When did it hit that you're fat.

My gain was gradual and deliberate so it’s really hard to say, but I think I have to say when I passed 235 lbs. I had been up to 230 in the past (I lost it) but never thought of myself as fat, because it wasn’t a deliberate gain then. Also, after I started deliberately gaining I saw a couple of side view pictures of my gut protruding. I thought “yeah, I’m fat”, and liked it.
3 years

What made you wanna gain weight?

I don’t remember specifically but for the longest time I found fat guys very attractive. I always had a “weight problem” and seeing so many attractive fat guys I thought there couldn’t be anything wrong with it. So I started gaining and found I loved it. I’m just about 5’6” and got up to 245 lbs, size 44 pants, and 53” belly. I wanted to get to 260-270, size 46, and maybe get my belly to 54-55”. I unintentionally lost and am about 210, loose size 42s, and my belly about 45-46”. I was active and not eating much. I’m trying to gain it back but I need to eat more... a lot more. But yeah, I love being fat.
3 years

What made you fall in love with weight gain?

I always had a tendency towards weight gain and fought it. I don’t remember the specifics but I saw a fat guy I thought looked very good. I got seriously turned on by the thought of being fatter and thought to myself I’d love to get that fat. I decided to stop trying to lose/keep the weight off, and actively gain, and did. I went from about 200 to 245. My goal was 260-270. I’m just about 5’6”, so I was pretty fat, and loved it. I unintentionally lost about 35 lbs but I want to gain it back. I just love being fat, no idea why.
3 years

Unsure of whether to gain or not

It can take a while to be comfortable with gaining weight and being fat when you’re not turned on. The anxiety of what others think usually goes away. For me that was the biggest thing but I overcame that when I got to like seeing myself fatter and fatter. Then it’s not just a sexual fetish but really how you feel. I think we all waver. It’s 1 step forward, 2 steps back, 1 forward, 1 back, etc. It’s not always a straight line progression.
3 years