Magic card?


Dude, you either need a job, or to get someone to pay you to make this feederism card game real, and i'm not sure which smiley
14 years

What a feeling...

I feel fat when my belly feels stuffed (which is more and more often) and I can see its bloated form through my shirts, quite a turn on ^^
14 years


I gotta agree, I would never marry someone if they weren't fully aware of everything about me, including my fetishes, it would be terribly unfair on her to live with you and sense a disappointment but not know what she has done wrong...

Given the history u've described, she'll probably balloon mid to late 20's, but if shes been thin all her life this may result in extreme dieting and exercise on her part.

Talk to her about it, if you can't build a relationship on honesty, it will not last.
14 years

Learning how to stretch stomach

I'd say keep at it, was the same for me when i started and now i'm waking up every morning starving after whole day stuffings, your body is just coming to terms with the new habits your trying to develop, may take some time, but keep pushing through it.

14 years

Stuffing, but not sex?

CoopChick33 wrote
monkeypuncher wrote
It seems like a lot of people here really get off on the idea of stuffing, but for me practically any fantasy still includes a healthy dose of sexual activity, whether it be sex, fondling, masterbation etc.

So am I correct? Is stuffing alone sexual enough for you? The idea gets me going, but for me is just the beginning ...

Actually, few of my fantasies include a healthy dose of sexual activity. Not even nudity. I typically stick to some variation of a person (often me) or persons gaining weight in some brief scenario. Then I come.

I've recently been forcing myself to include a little sexual activity here and there, in an attempt to "normalize" a bit. I feel there's something malfunctioning in my brain because the fantasies which enable my sexual release have never included sex.

So to answer your question, yes, stuffing or wg or whatever can be enough for some of us. I have to strain my brain to think about actual sex. smiley

I gotta agree 100%, hell i'm still a virgin and the idea of me and someone special eating ourselves into obesity is much more exciting then the idea of having sex with them.

I too feel guilty about it, sex just isn't a big deal for me, for as long as i've known its been the idea of overconsumption and fattening up which turns me on more then anything else. Sometimes I wonder if a girl would think i'm wierd if i don't see sex with her as the pinnacle of the relationship...

Good to know i'm not the only person out there who doesn't think sex is the greatest thing on the planet.

14 years

Have you ever foud the fact you've gain weight embarrassing??

I know what you mean, I had an similar experience lately when going out with the family, first time in swimmers since i started gaining, and i looked pretty big, actually had me stopping for a while, but in the end I just love it too much to have such small things get in the way, i'll deal with each problem as it arises.

14 years