More evidence for being fat and healthy!

I read this in an article today:

An obese person can be fit and healthy - TRUE

While fitness and fatness are usually inversely linked, studies have shown that many active individuals can maintain good health irrespective of body weight. There is also accumulating evidence that a significant proportion of obese individuals do not suffer the damaging metabolic effects from their extra weight that might be expected, while a significant proportion of lean individuals do suffer such health problems. This has led to new questions about the effects of obesity as a marker, rather than a cause, of disease.

It was a true or false about weight loss and dieting, i liked that one the best! ^^

heres the link for the full article if you're interested:


14 years

Female feeders

Carolina_Dee wrote
Maximum wrote
they are rather rare, lol female anything that is, and alot of them these days seem to only like women, i'm getting sick of seeing a new chics profile only to find out she's only after girls, really narrows the pool down for us straight guys...

Hiccupz, The other Mods, and I, respect and welcome the LGBT members here at fantasy feeder. Lesbians should not be criticized by male members for being unavailable to them, any more than Hetrosexual males should be chastised by Gay males for not welcoming their advances.

I'm sorry Dee, i meant no disrespect, i was actually reffering to what the other guys here have managed to catch on to. I believe a few of these females only seeking other females are in fact really guys trying too hard to get some action.

I never meant to single a section of society out, just expressing my opinion in my oh so subtle way!


14 years

Female feeders

bang wrote
Maximum wrote
Brickwell wrote
Maximum wrote
they are rather rare, lol female anything that is, and alot of them these days seem to only like women, i'm getting sick of seeing a new chics profile only to find out she's only after girls, really narrows the pool down for us straight guys...


How many of those were lesbian to begin with and how many TURNED to homosexuality after being disgusted by all the dudes is what amuses and intruiges me.

touche my friend...


I personally think about two possibilities, either one, they're actually guys which can happen with the internet.. and two, I just leave blank for other opinions.

lol room for another touche here?
14 years

Female feeders

Brickwell wrote
Maximum wrote
they are rather rare, lol female anything that is, and alot of them these days seem to only like women, i'm getting sick of seeing a new chics profile only to find out she's only after girls, really narrows the pool down for us straight guys...


How many of those were lesbian to begin with and how many TURNED to homosexuality after being disgusted by all the dudes is what amuses and intruiges me.

touche my friend...

14 years

Fat foods

so u just got this gf and u already want to fatten her up?

lol some people don't mess around...
14 years

When do you know you are fat

stuffingsteve wrote
well if you want to know it depends on different perceptives

but here is mine i do not know if you were thin or already fat but to me it starts like this

your belly softens or fatty spots like the inner thighs on some women or the upper back of thighs on other women. Sometimes its thier butt or belly that softens first. or on men its usually thier belly or sometimes the other places i mentiod earlier.

so anyway your fatty spots softens:
then it flabs and rounds:
then it starts softing in others places:
by then you flab and round:
then you start to notice the difference:
then you plump as it starts to hang:
then you chub:
by then the fat is everywhere:
then you really soften:
then you really round:
then the whole plumps:
by then everything really chubs:
then when even the face really chubs including the chin:
then you're FAT.

That sounds like so much fun!

14 years