Sucking it in

It takes a while to unlearn sucking it in, since some of us were so self-conscious about being fat. I love my belly now and make a conscious effort to let it hang out.
4 years

Fuzzy or nah?

Smooth. I think it highlights the blubber better.
4 years

My questions

I don’t think anyone knows for certain what causes this or any other fetish. I wasn’t even attracted to fat guys (I’m gay) until I was in my 30s. For myself, I had a fear of being fat because I was a weightlifter. I thought I could be Chris Hemsworth or Chris Evans.

I started gaining weight unintentionally, saw my reflection in a department store mirror and liked what I saw. I eventually gave myself permission to gain more but I wavered back and forth. I’m 5’6” and currently 241 lbs, going for 260+.

This is a really big turn on for me. I have to run off to the men’s room at work once or twice a day to whack it as well as 2-3 times at home. I’ve actually gotten hard while eating.
4 years


Absolutely. I have an Internet encourager. We encourage each other. It helps that we’re both gay and get turned on by this. The fantasies, which we talk about, take it to a whole new level.
4 years

Negative comments

Years ago I ran into former coworker who said “hey, you got kind of chubby”. And an aunt called me tubby. At the time I hated being fat but now I almost want to hear people whisper or comment “have you seen how fat he got?” I actually want people to notice. I think very few friends and family will disown someone for getting fat. It would say more about their character.
4 years

Pushers vs. letting goers

I’m somewhere in between. I love food and I love to eat. Since I got to like being fat I’ve given myself permission to let go and eat whatever I want whenever I want. But I have a condition that makes me feel full all the time and lose my appetite. So I have to push myself to eat.
4 years

Weight gain tools?

A blender can pack in 3,000-4,000 calories in one shake.
4 years

If you're getting fat, there is no way back? or it's not true?

The fatter I get the fatter I want to get. It’s become increasingly difficult for me to even think about dieting or controlling what and how much I eat. It probably doesn’t help that as I’m stuffing my face I say to myself “gotta eat to get fat!” Lol But if you want to go back, to lose weight, you can. IMO it’s a head game.
4 years


It happens to me too. For a while a few months back I did lose about 10-15 lbs. but I like being fat so I’m going to gain some back. I think it’s natural for some people to waver on gaining and losing.
4 years

Wearing jeans under or over belly?

Under my belly. I like seeing it hang over. I also prefer tucking in my shirts to show off my belly better.
4 years