What is your sign?

Here's an older topic on here for those who are curious where I tallied up some numbers on the last page, Taurus is pretty highly represented along with Leo, Cancer and Virgo:
(Your star sign)

Taureans are known for their love of food, while Cancer rules over the stomach and Virgo rules over the digestive system and gut in general so that explains those. Leo I'm not so sure, they eat like royalty or something maybe. Here's a link showing the parts of the body each sign rules over:
(Star Sign Style: Astrology And The Body)

I'm interested to see how the results will be in this more current topic. Also as mentioned in the other one, I'm a Sagittarius born on the cusp of Capricorn.
5 years

Xdestinyx/french island guy

estimate 3 months, biblitis3.3.2@gmail.com

Gaplumpprincess 23 hours
profile: Propositions women to move for sex and money.

I had a feeling given the description and profile pic of food and I checked the IP - it's French. Roberto again. And banned again.
5 years

Pokemon! ^_^

They just revealed the new Pokemon stuff for Gen 8! Pokemon Sword & Shield versions.

Starters are a Grass Monkey (Grookey) Fire Bunny (Scorbunny), and Water Chameleon (Sobble).

The region is based off the UK and it looks gorgeous and even much better than LGPE.

Clicking on the 'Pokemon Direct' image below will lead you to the video of the reveal:
5 years

Fa19 and sweetgainz

He's deleted all the admin stuff (he does like to do that doesn't he) but I did screenshot some of it, attached it here for future reference or if he tries to play dumb.
5 years

Fa19 and sweetgainz

And another weird post here: fantasyfeeder.com/forum/posts

I work in a cafe that sells a lot of fried food (full english breakfasts, burgers, etc.) and we get tons of free food, whenever things are made wrong but also our lunch is free & we can have whatever we want. I don't want to gain weight, but if I did, it would be so easy. It's more fun to watch the customers eat than to do it myself. (((:

....Hello Admin😂😂😂

And another post from him about admins in this topic: fantasyfeeder.com/forum/posts

In my eyes, the heart could describe an overall love for the feedist lifestyle. This could be the sign for people, who are not directly into this kink, but who would like to show their overall support and respect.

☝️...be aware that an admin is asking you right now! Don't say too much!...Check the profile. It's easy to find out!☝️

hiccupx posted in the topic but... I don't understand what Ralph's saying at all. Is he warning people off talking to admins now or something? The guy's either really not well or he's deliberately trolling.
5 years

Fa19 and sweetgainz

New email:

Good Morning!

A question. Serious meant!
Is it possible to be an admin here after my period of wellbehave.

No problem for me.I stayed in contact with the "victim" and apologized. I wrote her
a long final letter. No more contact as it was required here. Also not out of this

Perhaps a little bizarre, that I`m interested in this.
But this "drama" opened my eyes.

Perhaps think about it.
If not possible, no problem.

With best regards!

Ralph Kommer

He... wants to be an admin at some point. I don't think so lol. Not that I'd tell him that though.

Edit: Weird exchange here: fantasyfeeder.com/forum/posts

I think you are right. I had the same experience and the proof is in my most recent pics. When I took my last picture I was only 242! I've gained 4 pounds back since yesterday. I think those pounds are from ice cream and maltodextrine powder. The cream pounds should start showing up next week.

So you lost visceral fat? Cool.

....You admins are talking strange. Makes no sense to be honest!
You use "keywords". But they make so sense when you try to make a story out of them🤔....😉.

What? I'm not an administrator on this site. Your comment confuses me...

He thinks those two guys are admins? Huh? That makes no sense. Adding more shouts too:

⏹️🕵️Oh my😊.🕵️⏹️

➡️ Now I know a "few" admins😉⬅️
But I 🤐🤐🤐.
Of course😑.
Fa19 19 hours

You don't know what happened. So please be quiet. Or I report you to an admin O.K.?!
Don't be kinky! I make no jokes.
Fa19 13 hours
I know. But I have my reasons. "Insiderjoke". You don't know the "whole story" O.K.?!? Thanxs.
Fa19 13 hours
5 years

Fa19 and sweetgainz

➡️I counted 18 admins this morning.⬅️
So be kind to each other!
Fa19 10 hours

A nice weekend to all members incl. admins😉.
Fa19 4 hours

I "follow" admins now. O.K. Accepted😉. My mailbox is nearly full. Next please🙄.
Fa19 31 mins

Fa19 42 secs
Anyone interested in chatting excl.admins🤔😏?! Thank you👌!

No idea what Ralph is on about but I get the feeling he's not fully thrilled about being asked to back off. That's his problem.

Edit: He deleted all of these shouts it seems. Guy's got a habit of covering his tracks like that.

Second Edit:
Fa19 4 hours
➡️Good Morning!

☝️Be kind to each other☝️.

I've learned my lessons. I'm "branded" now perhaps🤔.But I made it public to show that I deeply regret my madness towards someone from the scene(out of this site, but first contact here).
Admins are a must to prevent things like this.That's fine.

☝️But I would have lots of suggestions to improve if someone asks☝️.⬅️

I guess he learned?... hopefully.
5 years

Fa19 and sweetgainz

And here's a string of emails from him:

Fa19(first account 02.18).

Can you help me?

She don't stops harrassing me since monday.
I already reported.
I paid for my content here.

It's my free time. I want to relax.
I'm confused.

With best regards!


I removed the notes "for the sake of loving peace".
But as compensation I want her to remove her threatening/harrassing comments
Otherwise I think of leaving the site.

I like this site.
But I want to relax here. I have a hard daily life and much family issues to
handle lately.
I don't want to be annoyed the whole time.

With best regards!

My Login is not working.
Can you check the site please.

I paid via pay-pal. Perhaps something is not working properly.

The other messages I sent you, are in progress I think.
I deleted all relevant messages.
GainingZ not as far as I know. But I accept it.

She sent you things which took place out of this site.
That's not O.K. by the way(from her).

I have to accept it.
I wrote her a letter for apologizing(airmail).

Because she will activate a "restraining order" otherwise. If I send a
single e-mail.
(I will perhaps do the same, if she would.)

Soooo....Things are quite difficult.
You know, it's impossible to find a female feedee where I live. I can't move
related to job/family/friends. I have to take care for my sick parents and
so on.
I have a girlfriend now. And I love her very very much. We are very happy.
She is no feedee and don't understands the fetish.
So far. So good.

I couldn't so far "live" only one life. I wanted both.
"feeder/feedee" online. And "normal life".
I'm very happy with my partner.
So I think I make an outtime from ff.

As you may have noticed, I behaved well all the time I had an account.

Then please send me back my money via pay-pal. And I rethink my behaviour.
That was the first time, my emotions were overwhelming me. This situation to
realize that one can't live both lives at the same time.
I'm very tempered normally.

So read my notes properly and make your conclusions. Anyway. I accept it of
I knew that she had much problems with guys online. She told me many times.
So that's very tragical I behaved that mad.
We had a great time. And I lied to her saying:"You are my one and only".
Got me? That hurts me much. Because it's not my character.

With best regards!

P.S.:I love your site. But O.K.

Upps. I see it works now. Mhhm.


Don't understand to be honest.

But thank you🙂.

Then don't send me money back please.

I hope things develop now more relaxed.
I won't text her on ff anymore. My notes were mot mad as you may have
She knew that it was me for some reason.
But O.K..

I let her alone with her fetish.
She had bad times she told me. About 3 years she is a feedee now. Mostly mad
guys. That's sad. And I "was" one. Sadly.
Was! Not anymore.

H's response to him:
Hi K.D.

I've only just read this string of emails, but it sound like things may be
sorted for you now. Please could you continue not to send any
communications to SweetGainingZ since this will only stir up trouble.

Best wishes,


(Fantasy Feeder Team)

And two last ones:
Thanks, I will.

Thanks so much!

Only wanna say that smartphone doesn't work!
I guess it takes a while to reactivate.
My laptop is O.K. so far. There it works.
5 years

Fa19 and sweetgainz

Here's emails from SweetGainZ with screenshots. Fa19 is lying in the last screenshot when he's claiming he doesn't know who 'Ralph' is since the first screenshot shows that they've had previous correspondence.


My screen name is SweetGainZ on Fantasy Feeder and the email associated
with my account is Alliemartin855@gmail.com. There is man on FF whom I
met on the site and has been harassing me through gmail for the last two
days. It is so bad I had to file a restraining order against him. When I
first met him his screen name was feeder47 and he changed it to 2914. I
am not sure what his screen name is now. His email address can be shown
in the attachment. This harassment is so bad I had to delete my email

His one email address is:

Another email address he has is:


This man has now created a new account & he has started to post messages on
my profile & harass my friends. Please see the attached screenshots. The
original email he sent me a couple days ago is attached as well. His
screen name is FA19 and his name is Ralph Kommer. The only email addresses
I know are his are: kommer-ralph@t-online.de and rkommer0@gmail.com. I
have not messaged this man, other than what he has posted on my profile.

Thank you for your time,
Caroline Spoerke

She did make mention in the past in having to get a restraining order on someone from here, which is when she emailed in the first time with the first screenshot.

There is a man I met on here who is harassing me non-stop through email. I blocked him but he's sending me borderline threatening emails. I am taking this to the police it's that bad. Is there something else I should do in regards to this?
SweetGainZ 1 week

He also emailed in to us about her age being inaccurate:
Subject: Age of "Sweet GainZ"

Wrong facts in profile!
Her age is 33!
And not 26.

With best regards.

Also here's the stuff FA19 reported that's missing from her screenshots:

#FA19. Please tell me how I�m harassing you when YOU came on my profile and started writing multiple messages to me and my boyfriend? Your screws must be lose! Get the heck off my page. Oh and by the way....anyone can put whatever they want in their profile, that does not mean it�s the truth. I know it�s you Ralph and I�m emailing admin right now with screenshots of everything.
SweetGainZ 17 hours

#FA19 please report me....I urge you to as I have done nothing wrong. I�m writing on my OWN profile. Quit writing on my profile and I�ve already sent admin the emails you sent me Threatening and harassing me. What I do with my life is none of your business. You are obsessed and wacko. You need to see a psychiatrist stat.
SweetGainZ 15 hours

#FA19 Jesus tapdancing chirst stop bothering my girlfriend! She has done nothing wrong, it's her profile! And you clearly. Posted some not so nice things earlier this week. Just like you can do on your own page! So go over there and post stuff instead. We don't need your attitude around here. Thank you!
LackofStroke 14 hours

Regardless we can firmly conclude that she does not wish for FA19 to contact her anymore.
5 years