Time lapse married wife gaining weight

There are some many on this site who are intentionally gaining weight, and still no one is doing time lapse videos. Almost all videos are just about belly massaging, which gets boring after a while.
6 years

Boyfriend will not admit i’m fat

Does he already know that your new weight doesn't bother you at all? If not, maybe he's trying to make you feel nice...
6 years

What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

It's interesting that there don't seem to be many people where it developed late in their lives. It might happen that they understood it or embraced it late, but its earliest signs tend always to be in childhood.
6 years

How unhealthy is being an bbw/ssbbw, really?

It seems there are two very loud groups on the Internet, both extremely stupid.

One is commenting to youtube videos of even just slightly chubby people with rants like "you will die soon you idiot" and attack the fat acceptance movement for promoting a "deadly" disease. Ironically, they themselves might have unhealthy habits like smoking or doing drugs, but they are just so focused on "saving the lives" of fat people (by screaming insults at them) that they never realize their own hypocrisy.

The other is often found on this very site, claiming that being obese (even extremely so, like at or near immobility) has absolutely no health risks whatsoever, and everyone who disagrees has just fallen for the evil conspiracy of the diet industry.


The answer is obviously somewhere in-between. And of course it depends on lots of factors, including genetics, activity level, the types of foods consumed, and many more. Some can start having health problems by a relatively small increase in weight, others can get extremely fat and suffer only very mild negative effects. However, we should not lie to ourselves: getting to the size where mobility is severely impaired, does have significant health risks. If you plan to reach such a size, or plan to support someone else reaching such a size, you should be well prepared to honestly answer the question whether you accept those risks, instead of lying to yourself and pretending those risks don't exist at all.
6 years

In what position do ssbbw s sleep?

I know a BBW who has extremely huge breasts, the only way she can comfortably sleep is face down, with her arms under the pillow. She has a nice round potbelly sticking out almost as far as her breasts, but she is quite far from being an SSBBW.

I don't really know SSBBWs in real life (especially not close enough to know such details), and pictures, videos and forums don't seem to handle this topic.

So out of curiosity I'm asking around: in what position do SSBBWs sleep? If you are an SSBBW or you happen to know one, what is your/her most comfortable sleeping position, and what is your/her body shape, what is the fattest body part?
6 years

Ssbbws vs bbws

It depends on a lot of factors.

Just as those who are only attracted to thin people don't fall in love with everyone who is thin, weight is not the only factor for me.

For me it seems that I find different women to be most beautiful in varying size categories, depending on their personalities but also body types, etc. There are some who look better thinner, others who look better chubby, and others who are well into SSBBW category but I still imagine they would look even better with more weight.

As if they give an aura saying "this size suits me well".

That said, statistically, I tend to be attracted to women who are on the border of BBW/SSBBW the most. But there are always exceptions.
6 years

+70lbs later...

I love my current feeder to pieces and he really wants to see me broach 400lbs some day. But at the same time he's really hard to read sometimes. He's always very aware about my health which is lovely but also disconcerting...

This means that he is a human being who also considers you a human being. I think you should really appreciate this, there are plenty of selfish creeps around who don't care at all what happens to you, all they care about is their own satisfaction.
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

As a FA, what is your favorite attitude in those who are gaining weight?

1. completely hating weight gain, trying desperately to become thin but failing, being miserable about it, comfort-eating, and inevitably getting fatter.

2. accepting that they will never become skinny, but trying to lose just a little bit of weight, not to become thin but just to be a little bit less obese. Occasional short and half-hearted diets here and there, which are not enough to stop the weight from continuing to pile up.

3. having accepted their fat bodies and being comfortable, just trying to maintain. Like, "OK, if I gain another few pounds I'll start a diet", but after it happens, pushing out the boundary again.

4. not wanting to gain per se, but loving food enough that they accept gaining as a consequence or as a price to be payed. They have no worries about it and they accept the weight gain, being confident with their bodies, but if they could eat more food while magically not gaining weight, they would choose so.

5. actually liking and enjoying the weight gain itself.

6. weight gain becoming the main drive, wanting to get as fat and as fast as possible.

What's it in fantasy, and what's it in reality?

For me, in reality I like 4 and 5 the most (if I had to order them from most to least favorite, it would be 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 1), and in fantasy it's for someone to go through all the stages from 1 to 6.
6 years

Other fetishes you have?

I wouldn't call myself a fat fetishist, maybe an almost-fetishist, as I can get attracted to thinner women. It's just that I'm very attracted to very fat ones.

Other almost-fetishes I have:

- pregnancy/breeding.
- long hair. Especially cute when an SSBBW has a whole curtain of long hair covering her entire body.
6 years

Fat girls used on tinder by their "friends"

It would be interesting to read how it worked out, so please let us know if you tried it.
6 years