Fast food min/max

You might just have to shop around and look it up. In theory I could tell you some things, but there's a number of regional fast food chains that I have that you don't have, and vice versa.

It's also not going to be as simple as calorie counts. Size of the item, and how well you tolerate and digest it are factors as well, not to mention whether you'd have the ability to eat multiple. Also how filling it is, and how full you feel 1-5 hours later. This seems to affect folks differently, not to mention everyone has preferences.

Sure, I could tell you the largest shakes from Sonic have impressive calorie counts, but those are so big you might be more limited in what else you might also be able to eat at the time. So the weird thing perhaps, is that some items could ultimately reduce the number of calories you might eat in a sitting.

Another thing to remember as well, is that posted calorie counts assume a default recipe. No substitutions, additions, or subtractions. Adding things like bacon and mayonnaise will increase calorie count, and may not have much affect on how filling the food is.

Also if you see a "single" burger somewhere, you can make it a double.

And whatever you do, keep it varied so it stays fun. It will somehow get boring, and feel like work if you try to eat the same thing just because it has the highest calorie count. Then you know what happens? You burn out and then you stop and take a break, possibly for much longer than you intended, because it's not fun. And if this happens, this is far more devastating to a gain than missing out on a few calories.
2 years

Is everything getting bigger ?

Not 100% related perhaps, but last I saw, average BMIs, and similar measures have been slowly rising in all of the developed world, and even the developing world for that matter, for some time; many years in fact. So for some, the standard might be higher than it was. There's also the fat acceptance movement that's been going on for some time as well, though this will vary considerably by region.

There's also the overall rise of much faster Internet access over the last 30 years or so. Between that, and far lower barriers to regular Janes and Joes being able to publish content or posts of various sorts, even something that may have been highly niche, and perhaps still is.. it doesn't matter because of the sheer massive volume of visitors. Even a very small audience is enough.

Of course, there's also an observation I've made which is that for some FAs, sometimes their preference has increased over time, perhaps as they have become more comfortable with realizing and understanding this about themselves.
2 years

New here!

Welcome to FantasyFeeder. Definitely a major improvement in the after pictures!
2 years

Looking for fun with ssbbw

Race preferences for romance aren't racist, if that's what's being implied. Am I ageist because I'm most/only really interested in women born in the 80s (or very close) for romance?

Personal preference for romantic purposes doesn't mean you don't have respect for those outside of preferred groups, or that you don't believe they should have rights.

As a side note, I should mention this is the same user from somewhere in North Carolina who seems to join, delete accounts, and comes back a little later, repeatedly. Late teens/early 20s female feeder, into scat (different strokes), and often expresses bisexual desires. The biggest red flag is probably the frequency of which the user deletes the account only then to come back a short time later. The best way to establish trust would be for the user to keep her account active. What is she afraid of?
2 years

Superobese travels

Depends on what you mean by truly super fat, but I do remember reading an account of a very large woman (much larger than most) who often had to travel for her job.

One thing she thought of.. hopefully occurred to her, and not finding out the wrong way, was this.

She always, always made a point of packing extra clothes in addition to what she thought she needed for the trip, both underwear and regular clothes. To be fair, the account I read was of someone who also had to dress business professional, which may not apply in this specific case. The reason?

She's large enough there's a low chance that local clothing stores of any sort (regardless of pricing point) would have anything that fits that's also in stock at the moment of need. Even if you visit the US in a large metro area (with Amazon lockers) and can find products that somehow arrive in one day, let's get real. Most of those clothes on Amazon aren't that flattering, you can't always be certain of what you get, and while Amazon commonly does manage to adhere to the expected time line (at least 95%+ of the time it seems), there's no guarantee and it might be a day later. This is a problem if you're somewhere for only say, 2 days with a packed schedule. So, she learned to plan ahead. The problem is even more critical when it comes to bras that seem to fit properly, a challenge for women even under the most ideal of circumstances.

Moral of the story - Very large women really should make sure to pack more clothes than are expected to be needed. This is in addition to other special planning ahead of time that's good for travel in general.
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

DC is the default. I'm not real far from it though.

Fair enough. After all, I don't actually live in the city of Dallas either as of this writing, though I do live within easy enough daily commuting distance and could meet someone there, no trouble. It's also easily recognizable.

Though here on FF, somehow I thought the default location was Buffalo, NY. I remember that leading to questions about whether Buffalo, NY was some sort of amazing feederism paradise where folks pig out, openly express desires to get fatter and even sharing advice in person. Spoiler - It's not, so don't plan any vacation trips without some other reason to go there. Otherwise you're likely to be very disappointed.

Still, I can't imagine attitudes about fat magically change the instant one crosses the Potomac or into Silver Spring, MD.
2 years

Random thought - wonder woman logo and whataburger logo

This might be most applicable to folks who live in the Southern or Southwest United States (except California), or have visited the area several times.

But, ever noticed how much the Whataburger logo looks like the Wonder Woman logo?

If you aren't familiar with Whataburger, it's a chain of burger restaurants that started in southern Texas back in '50, and slowly expanded from there. As far as I can tell, they only seem to be in states that border the Gulf Coast (Deep South) or in the Southwest (shares a border with Mexico) with the exception of California. Kind of surprised no one has tried to open a franchise location in California yet, or Las Vegas, NV, or Arkansas for that matter (Arkansas has the heaviest residents of all American states, last I checked). Easternmost locations appear to be in Jacksonville, FL and westernmost locations seem to be in Phoenix, AZ.

But I remember the other day I asked a woman (who was aware of feederism) if a picture of her was of the Whataburger logo. It seems so obvious now, but she pointed out that no, it's the Wonder Woman logo. Then she commented that she loved that apparently food was on my mind.

Anyway yeah, that's my random thought.
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

The possibly most insane thing about this thread?

OP lists his location as DC, which so far as I know is that amongst all American metro areas, has the lowest rate of obesity and probably fatness in general. Yes, an even lower rate than Colorado and Denver (Colorado is the thinnest state for some reason).

Makes one wonder what might be possible elsewhere in America.
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

Since it's all fantasy, well... yeah.

Not really sure how it'd work in my case, since I'm trying to actively gain as of this writing, and I'm aware of feederism so I would most likely notice quickly. But I might try to play along as long as I can, pretending I don't notice.

Although yes, I'd love if my next girlfriend was a large lady and the sort who cooks large portions out of habit, because she's not used to cooking for skinny people, but of course I'd always try to finish even if I have to struggle a little bit. Or alternatively, a lady of any size where the portions she prepares seem to get ever so slightly larger over time. Or if she asks if I want a snack, and it's always something calorie dense and fattening, but she seems to ask more often than before.

I would guess the first one (large lady who's only used to preparing big portion sizes for larger folks) is semi-common, though I don't really ask folks about this. But I do know this is a real thing in some cases. It's even perfectly innocent with no particular intent; it's just her way.
2 years