Room 101

BoldBeauty wrote:
Things I Could Do Without:

-Anything with a touch screen


I do not understand the obsession with touch screens; they are the worst idea ever. How does no one see the way the screens get filthy with your fingers constantly tapping on it? I want to be able to see what I’m doing on a computer, not looking at my own fingerprints all over the damn thing.

Fortunately, it shouldn't be long until voice control takes over and touch screens are as dead as keyboards and mice, however, then I fear we’ll have the problem of everyone talking over each other to their computers. :S
12 years

Why do you come here....

It feels like my home away from home.

I don't think i could ever feel more comfortable than i do on this website with the content it has and the wonderful people who make it what it is.

I love you all online family! smiley
12 years

Nude pictures

rubyripples wrote:This site is not and never has been about porn, it's about fat.

Couldn't have said it better myself. smiley
12 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

ReadTheWind wrote:
If I could just turn my body on and off from "immobile" mode I would.

This would be so perfect if possible...
12 years

Having children.

Another of those threads that make me proud to be a member of the community of Fantasy Feeder. smiley
12 years

I need some advice...

I think you should focus on your health if it is concerning you, but I don't think you should approach it as "i need to lose weight".

Work more on eating healthier and exercising more, i'm sure you can find yourself feeling healthier without having to worry about significant weight loss.
12 years

Getting my girlfriend to gain?

Layla wrote:
Hold that b*tch down and pump her full of melted icecream

Are you asking for someone to do this to you? smiley
12 years

Why do you like being fat?

It makes me feel sexy, and before I got fat I had no idea it was possible for me to feel sexy about myself.
12 years

Maximum stuffing

Who's stuffing me? smiley
12 years

Christina agulera

Yes, she looks fantastic, but i'm sure it won't be long before she loses it and is praised by the magazines for the "amazing transformation".

Oh well, those magazine are always so good for the "before" pics. smiley
12 years