Fa19 and sweetgainz

His real name is Ralph Kommer also known as Ralph K. Here's a couple of emails about Vanity Fair and Rayne showing he's somewhat erratic in his behaviour.

Re: Vanity Fair:
screenshots....Please check and delete profile.

Disgusting woman. Not good for the image of this site.

Hi Ralph,

Thanks for getting touch. I believe a lot of her bravado is tongue in
cheek, so best avoided if it�s not for you. However her profile doesn�t
break any rule and we welcome diversity of character. Best steer clear.

All the best,


(Fantasy Feeder Team)

Re: Rayne:
Please help her. She is sick.Obviously. Look at that. Oh my God.

Delete her profile.

Hi Ralph,

I agree she looks anorexic and I also worry about her. However it wouldn�t
be fair for me to delete her account because of her looks. She�s also a
long standing member and regular contributor to the website. I wouldn�t
want to make things worse by taking that away from her.

I just hope as I�m sure you do that if she is in need of help that she
manages to get it and returns to a healthy weight.

All the best,


(Fantasy Feeder Team)

And his reports on her:
Fa19 7 hours
shout: Not true! Remove please.
Fa19 7 hours
shout: Harrassing and annoying! Please remove this!
Fa19 7 hours
shout: That's a slender. Please contact her to remove!
Fa19 1 day
shout: She is harrassing me nonstop till yesterday for no reason. And stalks me with the f***- word. Please report her to stop this immediately! Thank you!
5 years

Are we able to have a conversation through forum posts?

Like, is that a good alternative to doing that instead of DM's cuz the message views go away so fast?

You can only view messages from a select amount of people per day, but you can view messages from the same person over and over as much as you like so its easier via private messages actually.
5 years

Currently listening to

Alice Glass - Without Love
5 years

Feelin a bit angry and hurt

but why try to insult and hurt me?

They're trying to get power over you and make you change and lose weight like they want by being abusive. It sucks that they did that. All too often people just don't want to mind their own business at all and keep trying to dominate and control others and force their own way onto them, just so that they can be exactly the way they want them to be.
5 years

So what games are you playing?

Golden Axe and Mario Kart 8.
5 years

Weight gain forum

Both the new forums appear if you click 'all' on the drop down menu which takes you to this page:


However on the drop down menu itself only 'weightgain' is showing which is now a dead link instead of links to the 2 new forums, which would seem to be the discrepancy.
5 years


fuzzy007 11 months, reecepeterkisbee@hotmail.co.uk

Just logging this because I'm not sure if he's underage or into underagers. He came into chat and posted this:

fuzzy007 reply chat
any girls 16 17 hmu looking for a gainer

His profile lists his FB as well:

name: fuzzy007
looking for: for girls that like to gain weight and would love to get so fat they carnt walk if your interested add me on Facebook reece kisbee from hull

Which seems to be this guy:

He looks of age and all so eech. I've given him a week off and an age check.
5 years


I also suspect all these accounts are his as well especially given one of the names (eatery) as well as them currently being on the same IP as the first.

eatery 3 months, zuydozasto@ezehe.com
turg 5 months, wywone@nada.ltd
friesafterguys 9 months, lamubaslil@hvzoi.com
kebaby 9 months, kaeleb.hayes@0hdear.com
5 years


And again. Looks like he's got multiple accounts saved up.

eater 1 month, istuzefye@ezehe.com'>distuzefye@ezehe.com

Topic: #thotaudit also banning doesnt work
please note that banning me doesnt make me go away. u should realize people like me are not going to submit, cowtow or walk away. i will stand my ground all day long, i will defend physically until you put me down or dragged screaming, i am a pillar of the truth, noble, honorable, humble and stoic as fuck

i backed my shit up and WILL repost until the message is clear

you cowards would fear for your lives if you had to face me. Spineless sjw's.

here is the post again and if you ban me again i shall NARRATE in a video and post again and keep posting indefinitely . i vehemently refuse to go away because some fat lazy finger pressed a block button. do better in 2019 fatties


Hello, I was wondering if the big women here are paying their taxes on premium snapchats and the various donations male users of your website are helping them with as well as premium content enabling from the site owners giving them tax free income, it should be known that all streams of income produce 1 single income level. It is from this we work out if you need to pay tax or not

it goes without saying if they are earning above 12 k a year combined from donations and have not paid any self assessed tax on income above that amount and you have multiple members doing the same thing.. your in a spot of bother!

that is grounds to shut down your website as it is being used as a tax avoidance scheme and you leave me no choice but to tell the tax agencies of each country that offending members reside in to be investigated and tracked down on this website for fraud. While you are busy scoffing, don't forget that the law ALWAYS wins. I am more than happy to help the law punish con artists.

Women must rember that not ALL your money can be spent on food above the PTA (Personal tax allowance) in your fat face, cry a little for me. waaah.

NO ONE is allowed to eat for free on unpaid tax money that belongs in the public purse.

the females need to be aware about doing tax returns as the donations to them (in total) above the tax free allowance PTA are for personal use, not charity, meaning taxes will need to be paid on all platform income such as paypal, paym, patreon any other way you accept money, otherwise

you go to prison! enjoy your porridge with hot water.

This is a warning. you have only until 2nd march 2019 before i tell the taxman about the business operation that is happening here

the only way i wont snitch is if you meet some basic demands

Repeal premium content (here)
turn off limited viewing
disable the upgrades in their entirety

thankyou. yes go ahead and ban me 100% expecting that. ILL BE BACK
5 years


VIP 5 hours, arukufef@mailprotech.com'>darukufef@mailprotech.com

Made a post about ThotAudit basically trying to blackmail FF into removing all the photo viewing limits/etc or he'd report the website for tax evasion. Sounds just like James and the IP is from Britain so it's clearly him. Banned.

Title: the end of fantasyfeeder #thotaudit

Hello, I was wondering if the big women here are paying their taxes on premium snapchats and the various donations male users of your website are helping them with as well as premium content enabling from the site owners giving them tax free income.

it should be known that all streams of income produce 1 single income level. It is from this we work out if you need to pay tax or not

it goes without saying if the big ladies are earning above 12 k a year combined from site donations and have not paid any self assessed tax on income above that amount and you have multiple members doing the same thing.. your website is in a spot of bother !

that is grounds to shut down your website as it is being used as a tax avoidance scheme and you leave me no choice but to tell the tax agencies of each country that offending members reside in to be investigated and tracked down on this website for fraud. While you are busy scoffing, don't forget that the law ALWAYS wins. I am more than happy to help the law punish con-artists.

Women must remember that not ALL your money can be spent on food above the PTA (Personal tax allowance for your country) to shove in your fat face, cry a little for me. waaah.

NO ONE is allowed to eat for free on unpaid tax money that belongs in the public purse to pay for schools, roads, housing.

the females need to be aware about doing tax returns as IF the donations to them (in total) are above the PTA, that money you get from simple men (ie beautiful bobs n vagena pls sho) are for personal use, not charity, meaning taxes will need to be paid on all platform income you get such as paypal, paym, patreon and any other way you accept money from other chubby chasers, otherwise

you go to prison! enjoy your porridge with hot water.

This is a warning. you have only until 2nd march 2019 before i tell the taxman about the business operation that is happening here. Tax avoidance is illegal mmmk

the only way i wont snitch is if you meet some basic demands (i bet you won't. gluttonous people are stubborn and predictable)

Repeal premium content (here)
turn off limited viewing
disable the upgrades in their entirety .. to permanent effect for eternity

thankyou. yes go ahead and ban me 100% expecting that

the more men i can WAKE UP to the true nature of white western women (money hungry, entitled, lazy, dgaf about men, see men as atm ) THE BETTER . Avoid these flabby hoes, they dont want to put out, they dont want to be attractive, they just want your money and your abscence #fckyoupayme mentality. dont give these women anything not attention and not a penny. Avoid women all together go #mgtow
5 years