Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

This would have surprised me if i had taken in a year or two ago

The submissive gainer (pig)
You gain because you’re a submissive person, being told what to do or where to sit is just not enough for you, you need to be dominated on a much deeper level. You need someone to control every aspect of your life, even your food intake. They can decide when, what and how much food you eat, when and where to sleep and what to wear and evidently it all will start showing on your body. Growing fatter permanently for you master’s pleasure is the ultimate form of submission and you are dedicated to that cause and you won’t stop at anything until he’s happy, even if it means that you alter your body definitely.

I really have to be careful in relatinoships because i love strong men/women who take control.
it would be easy for someone to cause me to pack on even more weight
1 year

If a witch were to capture you…

i would have her curse me with a trigger word.
and have to figure it out.
and everytime i heard it, i would gain a pound.
or curse me that everytime i told someone NO i would gain
Or everytime I lied... or was mean...
or what ever
i would gain
and only by learning the cause could i control it.
if someone else figured it out... or if i made a mistake by telling them...
they would have control
1 year

My girlfriend is the perfect feedee but she doesn´t know it

keep it unsaid.
that sounds like it would be at least if not more exciting that putting it all out there

All secrets come out in the end. It is better to be upfront so you can resolve any complications or misunderstands than saying nothing only for it to swing in like a wrecking ball.

And besides, why would you want a relationship where no one can be honest and everyone keeps secrets? That's not healthy.

/\ This is the best advice. Keeping a secret is exhausting, and eventually erodes trust.

Ok so....
" i think she knows that i like her chubby body."

Sheesh. Just throwing it out there. Sometimes the mystic or edge of unknown can be fun.
kind of like the dance we do when we think/know that we like some one more than a friend.
That undercurrent of excitement of whats to come... or whats suspected to come.
I'm not saying never tell and to ruin her...
just play it a little

Yeah, but to what end? They are already at that stage. A little bit of mystery and intrigue can be fun. But that's only at the beginning. After a while, it gets toxic.

Besides, telling her about this is only the start of things to come. It's not an end to the excitement.

I didnt say let it get toxic.
depending on the people, the beginning can be a long time.

I agree. its not an end to the excitement.
who are you trying to convince?
ha ha

Don't mind me. I am simply a person who grew up in a toxic and abusive household and learned all the things not to do in a relationship.

in that case...
i am truly sorry.
i've been in a family situation that was toxic and unhealthy.
I didnt mean to use or abuse.
-there are those of us who truly do enjoy a man or partner if you will, who is strong and dominant.

I hope you are ok
1 year

My girlfriend is the perfect feedee but she doesn´t know it

keep it unsaid.
that sounds like it would be at least if not more exciting that putting it all out there

All secrets come out in the end. It is better to be upfront so you can resolve any complications or misunderstands than saying nothing only for it to swing in like a wrecking ball.

And besides, why would you want a relationship where no one can be honest and everyone keeps secrets? That's not healthy.

/\ This is the best advice. Keeping a secret is exhausting, and eventually erodes trust.

Ok so....
" i think she knows that i like her chubby body."

Sheesh. Just throwing it out there. Sometimes the mystic or edge of unknown can be fun.
kind of like the dance we do when we think/know that we like some one more than a friend.
That undercurrent of excitement of whats to come... or whats suspected to come.
I'm not saying never tell and to ruin her...
just play it a little

Yeah, but to what end? They are already at that stage. A little bit of mystery and intrigue can be fun. But that's only at the beginning. After a while, it gets toxic.

Besides, telling her about this is only the start of things to come. It's not an end to the excitement.

I didnt say let it get toxic.
depending on the people, the beginning can be a long time.

I agree. its not an end to the excitement.
who are you trying to convince?
ha ha
1 year

My girlfriend is the perfect feedee but she doesn´t know it

keep it unsaid.
that sounds like it would be at least if not more exciting that putting it all out there

All secrets come out in the end. It is better to be upfront so you can resolve any complications or misunderstands than saying nothing only for it to swing in like a wrecking ball.

And besides, why would you want a relationship where no one can be honest and everyone keeps secrets? That's not healthy.

/\ This is the best advice. Keeping a secret is exhausting, and eventually erodes trust.

Ok so....
" i think she knows that i like her chubby body."

Sheesh. Just throwing it out there. Sometimes the mystic or edge of unknown can be fun.
kind of like the dance we do when we think/know that we like some one more than a friend.
That undercurrent of excitement of whats to come... or whats suspected to come.
I'm not saying never tell and to ruin her...
just play it a little
1 year

My girlfriend is the perfect feedee but she doesn´t know it

keep it unsaid.
that sounds like it would be at least if not more exciting that putting it all out there
1 year

First stuffing


Stuffing and Filling eventually became a game or contest. which of course I always won.
this later lead to all day long feedings.
like someone else said about every 20 minutes.
After I was totally stuffed and couldnt take any more they would wait for a while and then give me a little more.
All day long.. wow. its amazing if done the right way. It's like a constant high.
and with the right foods you dont feel as gross the next day.

Ohhh, the all day feeding is totally a goal.

You just have a partner who is in it for the long haul and doesnt rush things
once you are so filled that it hurts to move and its hard ot breathe deeply its a major turn on. and on a lot of levels
but i t takes time and patience
We have stretched it out over days and days.
1 year

What to do when feeling out of control?

at least they take the edge off and i dont care how much i eat.

this whole thing is out of control though.
i mean even if some of you choose to gain
can you honestly stop?
1 year

Life changes

1. I miss being able to walk and work out.
2. tired all the time
3. having to plan my day for my lack of stamina
4. hanging out with friends is different
5 the need to eat more but the want to eat less.
6 constant cravings.
7 not sure i waddle per se but my walking is different. due in part to my ankle injury
8 clothes shopping. makes me really depressed sometimes. i miss cute things.
nothing looks cute now
there are more things but.. yeh.. enough for now
1 year

First stuffing

Do you have any experience funnel feeding?

I prefer eating to just getting filled.
in the right mood its amazing to feeling like normal and then soon after having troulbe moving or breathing
with liquid..... stay near the bathrrom for the next 24 hours though
1 year
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