When did you first realise you wanted to be fat?

I knew that I wanted to be fat from the age of seven or even younger. Annoyingly nature had made me skinny. It was only after leaving home that I made amends and started aggressively putting on weight and I have never regretted it.
5 years

Obese obsession

I think you describe my obession very accurately. Once you have made the decision to gain, gaining becomes a compulsion.
5 years

300 milestone?

Obviously there is not much difference between being a few pounds under 300 pounds and a few pounds over. And at 300 pounds I did not feel particularly constrained by my weight. I suppose the important milestone was that I was undeniably morbidly obese and would be for always. That was a litle while ago and I am much heavier now so the issues outlined that obese people have to deal with (seats on public transport and restaurants, bending down, etc) are much more evident.
5 years

Is there a point of no return? (my questions)

Here are my question(s):

1) Am I foolish to try to reach 225 lbs? Not at all.

2) If I reach an obese BMI and I like it, will that make me likely to gain even more whether I want to or not? If you like it, there will be no reason whatsoever to lose weight and every reason to gain more. However, if you want to lose weight, you still can.

3) if I reach obesity and decide I don’t like it, will I even be able to drop back to 180 or so? Of course.

4) What additional body changes can I expect between 190 and 225? Your belly will get bigger as will your thighs and, indeed, everything else. As far as what you can do physically, nothing will change
5 years

Gaining starter pack!

"Here's a list of some essentials.

1. A really good blender for making gainer shakes. If you like using nuts in your shakes get a pulverizing one like a Nutri Bullet, or a Ninja.

2. Buffet lists, menus, coupons etc. You need to know your options when eating out.

3. A good knowledge of calories counts in foods. Your phone is great for looking this up when ever you have a free moment.

4. Snack foods. Nuts, candy, cookies, donuts, etc. Keep them at arms length at all times.

5. Foods that you should have on hand.
Heavy cream, ice cream, chocolate syrup, nutella, peanut butter, pie fillings, coconut oil, weight gain shake powder, maltodextrine powder, fruits, nuts, cake and brownie mixes for cake shakes, cream cheese, cheese cakes, etc. Anything that's digestible, tasty, and loaded with calories.

6. The right attitude. Don't go too slow, don't over due it, and care not what others think of your size unless it's positive. And remember, no pain, no gain. It takes a little time and discipline to be able to drink a cheese cake through a beer bong but it's usually an amazing experience when you get there.

3500 calories is the magic number that one pound of new fat is created. So keep that number in your mind and do the math accordingly."

I think that this is very good advice about the food you will need when you start. However, I think that it is important to be in the right frame of mind and to approach gaining sensibly. First, you will need to know deep down that you are a gainer. You must be convinced and it is likely you have known this for a long time. That says nothing about your size now but about what turns you on and what you have always wanted to be. It is easier and more enjoyable if you can enrol a sensitive encourager to help you in the whole process. The first few months are not only the most difficult but the most important. This is the time that you will gradually alter how much you eat, what you eat and your attitude and response to food. Eating should be the most arousing thing that you do and it should become a compulsion.

As a start I would get rid of most of your clothes. Keep just a minimum. You are going to grow out of these soon enough and it is best to accept from the start that the size you are now is going to be a thing of the past.

Gaining is not an assault course. It should always be enjoyable. Yes, you must always have on your plate more than you think that you can possibly manage but if it makes you feel ill you have gone to far. You should feel pleasantly bloated and sated but not uncomfortable. In the first months I think a gainer shake is essential. It gives a strong calorific boost as you build up your appetite. Always include a couple of scoops of maltodextrin or dextrose as it makes it more effective. Ring the changes with these shakes. Even if you like a particular flavour, try others. Your gainer shake should be a glorious, unctuous night cap that you look forward to every night before you go to sleep. Try to have a minimum calorie intake a day. I set a target of 5,000 calories a day and usually exceeded it.

At first not much will happen. Then you will notice that your muscle definition will start to lessen and you will put on weight. In two or three months, if you are determined, you will start to notice the changes. your body will become softer and more rounded. Your belly will start to expand and roll over your waistband. You will find your clothes becoming tighter and they will need replacing. I threw away nearly all the clothes I grew out of; keeping just a few to map my progress and to wear if I wanted to look as if I was bursting out of my clothes. It will be in the early months, certainly the first year, when you will receive the most comments on your weight gain. If you are overweight or just becoming obese people often mention it. Once you are morbidly obese they are too embarrassed to do so. These comments should be a strong incentive for you to carry on.

After the first four to sixth months gaining should be largely effortless but that does not mean constant. There will be times when you will plateau. You will have greatly increased your intake and your appetite. The type of food you are now eating (principally junk food and food high in hydrocarbons, starch, sugar and fat) is really tasty and encourages you to eat more. It has an addictive quality that makes you want to eat more. You are likely now to crave food most of the time and find increasing satisfaction in gratifying that craving. You should be well on the way to becoming obese.

A word of warning. When you start you tell yourself that you can stop at any time you want, which of course you can. Once you have been gripped by the cravings for food and the amazing process of becoming much fatter, you will find it very difficult to turn back. Anyway, why would you? You are becoming the person you alwa
5 years

Weight gain and weddings

I hate weddings. Every time I go to one I have completely grown out of the suit I bought for the last one so I find myself buying another which I will probably wear once.
5 years

Were your gaining desires ever completely fulfilled?

I think when you have a gaining compulsion it is very difficult to stop. You might say to yourself that you will stop when a certain event happens, say, finding it difficult to put your socks on or walking up a flight of stairs but when it happens I find that I just put up with it and gorge myself even more. So I suppose the answer is that there is now stopping once you have started.
5 years

Ex-skinny gainers; at what point did you feel truly chubby?

I feel like my current weight of 225 is when I finally started undeniably chubby. Strangers in public call me big guy and big man.

I agree. It was when I reached around 225 pounds that people started to comment on my weight gain and was occasionally called Fatso. Although I was technically obese, I didn’t feel obese. In fact I did not feel that different from when I was skinny. I was developing a prominent belly which rolled over my waistband. Since then I have put on a lot more weight.
5 years

400 and beyond!

Congratulations! I'm at 376 and gaining, myself. I've wanted to weigh over 400 lbs for like a decade, feels great to finally be close.

I don't know about you all, but it's still not enough for me. I still have a lot of weight to gain.

I agree. I would like to be well over 400 pounds and I am slowly getting there.
5 years

400 and beyond!

I am approaching 400 pounds too. And I am determined to make this milestone this year. However I am by most standards already very fat and experience all the features of being severely obese that you describe. I like it that way.
6 years
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