Happy 4th of july

Happy late 4th of July to y’all Americans
3 weeks

(18m) looking for friends or female feedee

DM me for casual chat. I’m down for any topic tbf.
If you’re a female feedee looking for RP or maybe even a relationship then go ahead and ask me.

I’m just a casual nerdy heterosexual boy who is a feeder and had been into this since I could remember. To me it doesn’t matter wether you’re from the US, UK, Australia, East Asia or whatever don’t be shy to DM me. Though a quick heads up that I may not be always active.
3 weeks

Getting involved in the community

What can I do as a skinny person to be a part of the community and meet people it kinda feels like I’m not worthy of joining in on fat talk because idk what it’s like lol I really want to gain but can’t really afford it at the moment but I want to get my foot in the door for when the time comes

You don’t need to be chubby to be part of this community. I mean, I’m skinny myself (tho I don’t really feel like gaining weight tbf) so trust me when I say that you’re not the only one. But if you want to gain weight then that’s your personal choice, and that’s okay.
3 weeks

A thought for any anime creators out there

Lol I’m working on something similar to this but if you want artists who have already drawn such stuff I recommend Pixiveo, Miramiraclerun, Magicstraw or TheBreadGuardian.
3 weeks


Straight Male feeder here to rp with Female feedee DM me
3 weeks

Anyone there talk?

Personally, I’d like to talk here just about anything really. You don’t have to be a cute nerdy girl to message me (unless you’re interested in a feeder or RP)
3 weeks

Story behind your username?

Well, I’ve always been seen as the “weird kid everyone likes to pick on” in school, and I was also known for drawing a lot, so hence the name “WeirdoOnArt” (also bc I watch Feedism art on DA)
4 weeks

Feederism outlets

If you're in a situation where your partner cant or isnt into feederism or if you got no partner at all, what do you do to overcome the urges that come on every once in a while? Is watching stuff online enough for you? Or do you do things like chatting with community members? art? onine feeding? talk on forums/discords, etc.

Just wanted to see how other ppl overcome these things.

Well I was never in a relationship so yall can probably tell what I do. As for if I end up with a gf that doesn’t want to gain weight, then we should resort to roleplay or padding.
1 month


I'm free for RP too (female feedee with me as the male feeder)
Either send me a DM here or via my discord at fujiwaranoodle333 (DeviantArtHotline is the username)
1 month
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