Numbers or inches

Lemme rephrase. The bicep is on one side of the upper arm. The tricep is on the other. Together they make up the entire upper arm.

How do you get the circumference of the bicep and the tricep as two different measurements?

I reread what I typed, and I should have said lower arm. So.. fail. I'll update my post accordingly.

I've had a somewhat long day. Maybe I need some meatballs and cake.
2 years

Numbers or inches

How does one measure the circumference of the bicep separate from the tricep?

Not sure I understand the question.

Hold the arm horizontal. Use a tape measure to figure out the thickest part above the elbow, and again below the elbow.

In this case I meant at rest. Although, it can be fun to see the difference if you flex the bicep. Imagine how the heavier you get, the smaller the difference is, as the layer of fat gets thicker.
2 years

Feeding machine fantasies (not tube and liquid based) ? sci-fi but maybe not?

This exists, but for the disabled.

Really? I've never heard of this before. Do you have a link to an example, or could tell me what to search for? What's it called?
2 years

Numbers or inches

Is "all the numbers" an acceptable answer?

- Weight (of course)
- Thigh circumference
- Calf circumference
- Ass circumference
- Waist (below the belly button, where the trousers/shorts/belt tends to settle)
- Gut (belly button)
- Chest (below the boobs/moobs)
- Boobs/moobs
- Upper arm circumference
- Lower arm circumference
- Neck circumference

Or even... how many inches you can pinch before it gets painful.

Or the thought of crossing certain possibly arbitrary milestones. For example, when you realize your thighs are now as big around as your waist was when you started gaining, and you're only going to get bigger. Or other milestones like 200 lbs, 250 lbs, 300 lbs... or alternatively as well, 222 lbs (100 kg), 277 lbs (125 kg), 333 lbs (150 kg), and so on. Or every time you reach another 5 point BMI increment (25, 30, 35, 40...).
2 years

Daily heavy cream shakes... does it get easier after awhile?

So, of course I've tried this before. Making various heavy cream shakes I can either sip/chug, or even funnel.

But every time, I tend to burn out and it feels kind of insurmountable after the 3rd or 4th day, maybe the 5th day. But of course, I want the kinds of results that many others have reported - the delayed effect, the substantially enhanced appetite, even stronger cravings for calorie laden food in general, etc.

So, if you've been able to keep this up for awhile, day after day after day in a row, if or when does it get easier again? At some point, could it even become a nightly ritual, where it becomes unusual not to have this before going to sleep?

I say it's feels kind of insurmountable, but it's not actually, just seems harder. I feel like I could tough it out for awhile, especially if I had reason to think it'd get easier at some point.

It also doesn't help that I've kind of plateau'd a bit, undergoing what seems like a very, very, very slow gain which is somewhat frustrating. Only been up about 5 lbs since the start of this year. Had really hoped I'd be 200+ lbs by the start of this summer but, I missed that.
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I think everything i do is a reminder how fat I’ve become. Some examples are that I can’t see my feet anymore without the help of a mirror. I’m out of breath after about 10 minutes of waddling. It’s a struggle to sit up on my bed. Going from a size 2xl to 5xl within the span of the pandemic, popping buttons and clothes getting snug and needing an upgrade.

10-15 minutes? Out of curiosity, how do you handle grocery and retail shopping?

I suppose there's those electric carts at supermarkets (except at Target, where I don't recall seeing any), but most retail stores don't have those.
2 years

Slight underarm rub? when did it begin for you, if or when it did?

This is one thing I certainly didn't anticipate, back when I started gaining, was that I would eventually develop underarm rub. At least it's not like thigh rub, which curiously, I have so far yet to develop as of this writing.

It's not annoying really, but more unexpected. I will say however, that I'm glad I epilate/remove all underarm hairs, or else the sweat stink would likely be horrendous.

But yeah, if my arms are straight down at my sides, I feel a light rub when previously I didn't. I think I first noticed this when I passed the BMI for overweight for the first time.

When did you first develop it, if you can remember? Or perhaps, you've always had it, I don't know.
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Latest reminder for me are my wedding band and initial ring. Neither fit my ring fingers anymore. Wearing each on my pinkies this morning. Gotta be a common issue with all of us, no?

spoop skerry:
Yeah, a ring I bought last year is getting a bit tight.

Awhile ago I actually got a ring resized because of this. It was not cheap to do this. The good news is, it's not something you will have to do often.

Sometimes I fantasize about how that after getting married, my new wife gets me to gain so much weight the wedding ring simply won't come off, further symbolizing that I'm indeed hers forever. But I'd never do that in real life since you really don't want to lose blood circulation, as the results would be vomit-inducing gross and tragic. That's all I'm going to say about that.
2 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

Don't know if this was the first ever, but the first one I remember, I was still fairly small even by typical standards, much less feederism standards.

I was about 150 lbs at the time (hardly big by any definition), but for some reason I thought wearing an M-sized shirt that day was a good idea. Someone then joked that perhaps I've been enjoying too much fast food, then he lightly poked me in the gut. I took that as a sign that I best not wear that shirt out in public anymore, but it was nice to get some acknowledgement of my weight gain. I just let it go after that, and no one went on about it, and I didn't make any excuse for it.

It's true though, that the shirt was way too snug and tight, and would barely button. I still have that shirt though, in spite of gaining an additional 20 lbs since then and it's way, way too snug for public use now. But I digress.
2 years

Feeding machine fantasies (not tube and liquid based) ? sci-fi but maybe not?

Just a thought I had today, and other days too.

Ever wish there was a machine that can pick up snacks such as various pastries, baked goods, or other food and will place it in or near your mouth, while you are perhaps sitting and typing away at your desk, or while playing video games?

I kind of wish there was. I have a feeling I might eat more doughnuts and cookies if I had such a machine.

If it were 30+ years ago, this would have absolutely been the stuff of science fiction. Even 10-20 years ago, I would have expected that while potentially possible, something like this would be prohibitively expensive if possible at all.

Although nowadays, in the age of facial and image recognition software, I almost wonder if it might be at the point where someone with the right knowledge might be able to construct something like this. A machine that can pick cookies, doughnuts, or other snacks out of the package (even if not necessarily in a fixed location), and then be able to find your mouth, perhaps even being smart enough to open and pull back individual wrapping and disposing of the wrappers.

Then again, I do know that one thing that has been, and continues to be an engineering challenge are machines that can pick fruit and other produce from fields, so maybe this is still the stuff of science fiction. Still, it's nice to think about.

Maybe it's just as well no such thing exists. I have a feeling if there was, I might be well over 400 lbs by now!
2 years