
He made a topic about it after H asked him if he might like to tone it down a bit after Creator emailed in about it.

So far most of the responses are somewhat heated towards drago, mostly accusing him of making them avoid chat due to his behaviour, with three responses to him accusing him of deliberately ignoring being asked if he could tone it down and in some cases deliberately doing it more often. HookedOnFeeding defended him... but also admitted that he didn't like it when drago was greeting him which is why he asked him to stop (and that it took a while to get him to stop) which was maybe inadvertently a bit backhanded. Lets hope drago does decide to properly tone it down after this.

Title: to greet or not to greet that is the question!
dragorat: It has been brought to my attention that someone reported my greeting people as "SPAM".I have greeted people ever since I 1st came to FF.From a personal point of view,I'd rather come into a room & be greeted(even if it's the only words on the screen)than to just see names scrolling by & feel like no one even cares.I have been asked to"tone it down".That's just not me.How do you feel about being greeted?Please reply.To those that feel no,do not fear I'm NOT judgemental.Just curious.

Zerojr666: See Drago the issue with what you do is that it is spam, you greet every single person you see. You can and should greet people but not one by one, say hi to the room. Only say hi to a specific person if they say hi first. It's not hard to grasp and I feel even down to this post here you are purposefully ignoring what you are told in order to annoy parts of the sites members because you have been here a long while. You are part of the reason I avoid the chat at certain times of the day. So honestly my answer is no your greetings don't leave me feeling welcome but in fact the opposite.

Superfatty: I agree with zero.

the constant greetings are unnecessary and oppressive. I've seen people complain about it, and instead of being reasonable, you seem to only do it more often.

It really reminds me of a child throwing a temper tantrum when asked not to do something, they do it more.

I too do my best to avoid you, I haven't even been here very long and it weirds me out to see someone so eager to jump on random people

tbh I've considered reporting it myself at times I don't know why I didn't. thanks to who ever finally did.

DoctorHarleenQ: I've tried to talk to you about it before, and tried to explain why it made me and others uncomfortable.
I'm hoping that this can be a moment of growth for you, where you can learn to take constructive criticism instead of doubling down on the things that people have problems with.

I don't know who made the report, but I'll buy a drink for whoever did

dragorat: I appreciate the input from all.Old habits die hard & things do change.Not saying I'm going to stop but I may adapt a little more.Will be thinking about things.Either way I've been here a long time & not planning on leaving again any time soon....lol

HookedOnFeeding: Everyone is being a bunch of babies. I have know Rat long before there was FF, long before Dimensions. To almost the start of time it self, on IRC (Internet Chat Relay for the kiddies). After all that all the chat is, is a chat relay.

One of problems is chatting is NO MSG, just ppl going in and out. This is a problem even back on IRC. Rat is out to keep the chat going. Now he forget that what he is doing is not need when the chat is jumping, but when it not, he only out to get the chat kick started.

He knows I dont like pointed out when I enter. It too me some time to get him to stop when I enter. If you tell him you dont want it, he will quit like he did with me.

Get Off His Back!


Midnight27: While a polite greeting is nice the sheer volume of them you put out makes the general chat functionally unusable to the point that many people just stay in PMs when you start. Continuing a coherent conversation during the tide of greetings is harder than it should be. This is why people turn off the join/leave notifications. We don't want to know whenever anyone joins the chat, it's far less an issue of you being personally greeted its that the greetings dissuade anyone else from actually engaging in conversation. If you are dead set on greeting each and every person then send them a private message, reply to if they say Hello or petition the site owner for a bot that can achieve the same function without causing the same mass disruption. I am sorry if I come across as blunt but when you start filling chat with greetings many people just stop using it.
5 years

Blacklisted members

Weirdest mercury
A French Canadian fellow called Jesse Robichaud. Blackmailed DearMissKit and threatened to post her photos on 4Chan because she wouldn't give him more raunchy photos. Later got banned for having two accounts and came back screeching at Squish with multiple anti-fat slurs threatening to being 4Chan down on us if he was banned again. Seems rather unbalanced.

A Canadian 19 year old who posted his PayPal on his profile, Squish removed it causing him to throw a psychotic fit spamming about 9-10 messages to her harassing her and screaming about what a bitch she was amongst other slurs, whilst making a new account after his suspension and gloating that he couldn't be stopped, completely refusing to obey site rules.

A depressed guy called Cody who lives in Washington, has repeatedly harassed and manipulated multiple women on FF, including claiming that they are his girlfriend/etc after talking to them right away, and when they subsequently reject him he turns hostile and harasses them telling them to leave the website. Has been suspended and warned to cease his clearly abusive behaviour towards these women.

A guy from Maryland who has harassed a number of women over time including posting their personal details and acting as an overly aggressive dom while ignoring a woman asking him to stop harassing her, along with posing as a fake woman on alt accounts more than once. Ended it all with a trolling PM to a woman about how he was looking forward to Trump killing trans people and how they should all die and other anti-trans slurs simply because the woman was anti-Trump.
5 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! are due to only come out in just a few days. Some of the data has been looked into and all of the version exclusives have been revealed:

Let's Go Pikachu! exclusives:
-ingame trade Persian
-ingame trade Alolan Sandshrew
-ingame trade Alolan Grimer

Let's Go Eevee! exclusives:
-ingame trade Arcanine
-ingame trade Alolan Meowth
-ingame trade Alolan Vulpix
5 years

Weirdest mercury

Erin95 1 month, randomname2090@gmail.com

Down the rabbit hole on this one.

MotherGoddessCow 3 weeks
profile: This person has caused me undo stress, calling me fake, being nice then turning very cruel using BDSM style conversation. They also attempted to say because I don't show my face, I've stolen images. Blocked me from contacting them when I said I would ta

MGC (formerly Lunar Curves/Goddess Rocket) reported this person for being an asshat to them and accusing them of stealing images/etc, they sent these to her:

I do not believe that story for one minute this is the internet for one. I have been all over the internet from 4chan to the deep web. I don't trust anyone period ever even after 10+ years of knowing them so if you want a bleeding heart look else where because you won't find it from me. I have a code of ethics and rules which I follow and I enjoy what I enjoy. I am not going to compromise with anyone and if you can't handle that it is NOT my problem.

and further more don't lecture me about pictures you only have two and neither of which show your full body at the same time which could have easily been stolen.

They sounded male to me but their IP didn't turn anything up, so I googled their email (randomname2090) and turned up this:

randomname2090 (1 Apr 16)

can anyone help me out and run the end game boss so I can level up? Xbox One by the way Weirdestmercury is my GT

Gotcha. Banned again for harassment and using a stolen female photo for his profile pic. Ironic that he was calling MotherGoddessCow the fake, huh. smiley He even brought up 4Chan again like he has before.
5 years

Weirdest mercury

Linking his Pawginator incident: fantasyfeeder.com/forum/posts

PAWGinator 2 months, lostmytimeago@gmail.com
(Current account)

Feeder0991 8 months, Weirdestmercury@outlook.com
(Not touched in 8 months)

Weirdest Mercury 8 months, jessjrobichaud@gmail.com
(Not touched in 8 months)

I was in chat today when I got a PM from this user PAWGinator. I also took a screenshot of it for the record.
"guess what you stupid ***ed fat *** you can take this website and drive it straight up your ass trying to block VPN's when its a matter of personal security online should be illegal you cow"

He promptly left the chat after saything this. Just making a record of the incident here.
5 years

Weirdest mercury

Linking his Theonlyoneforyou90 incident: fantasyfeeder.com/forum/posts

Theonlyoneforyou90 10 hours, markusisaloser@outlook.com

First thing this morning I get this message in my inbox:

"hello ya fat ass I told you I would be back your not going to get rid of me one more threat from you porky or any further action and I call down the wrath of 4chan on your pathetic little side you disgusting lard filled SOW"

I have no idea who this is, the IP address doesn't show any other accounts. I am not putting up with bullshit like this. I have banned the account.
5 years


Clare 2 years, cjh.march1989@gmail.com

DarkKnight reported her with:

'profile: Uses pictures that are not hers'

Followed up and he said:

'It was on kik. Unfortunately I do not have screenshots but she was using pics of celestial from bbwroyalty'

I let him know there's nothing we can do about that but we'll keep an eye on her. I'm sure her face pic on FF is real though, someone else verified that it's the same girl as she's shown them.
5 years

Unanswered reports thread

neighborhoodfeeder 11 years, sfazekas@shoreline-motorsports.com
'fattenmytummy 1 month
profile: Repeated racist comments in chat'

Queried twice, no response given in weeks.
5 years


Looks like they came back with another fake account:

BalloonedUpBalloon 8 months, facetergram@gmail.com
5 years

Xdestinyx/french island guy

xloversx 3 hours, eternalflame3233@googlemail.com

Banned him again.
5 years