You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when each of your boobs are bigger than your belly was when you weighed 400 pounds.
4 years

Weight check

How often do people weigh themselves? Do you reward yourself for gaining?

I check every day only to be disappointed lol

I stopped checking every day because of that.
4 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when you outgrow a car.
4 years

Benadryl and weight gain

I tried using benadryl to gain weight and it didn't do anything appreciable.

well, what was your dosage and what was the frequency of your dosage and for anyone here who used benadryl and gained, what was your frequency, alongside your dosage.

25mg per day
4 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when you can touch your toes with your belly.
4 years

Benadryl and weight gain

I tried using benadryl to gain weight and it didn't do anything appreciable.
4 years

How much do you want to gain?

I'd like to gain around 10 pounds a month until I weigh 530 pounds or so. I'm 320 now.
4 years

Weight gain tools?

I recently discovered the "Q-Bong", which looks like it would be very helpful.
4 years

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I got diabetes, which makes it difficult to gain weight smiley

How does that work?
4 years

Is it easier to gain weight as you become fatter

I'd say "kinda no". I've been stuck at 310-320 for a few years. I really want to gain a lot more weight, but I'm having trouble getting the weight to stick around.

Sucks. I hope you will be able to go over this barrier.

Yeah. I really hope I can break past 400 pounds by next January.
4 years