
Hooked also has one prior offense many years ago when he was known as ouga_chaka_ouga_ouga which I'm logging here showing one record of his argumentativeness.

OniGumo: He apparently had a disagreement with Gingersnips in the chat room over sports of all things. The way I understand it is Ginger was having a seperate conversation that touched on sports somehow, and said something that Ouga didn't agree with. He started arguing with Ginger, who eventually just told him to stop talking to him.

In typical fashion Ouga persisted, enciting Ginger to throw a couple choice pieces of profanity his way. When I warned Ginger he stopped but Ouga could not be detered so I banned him. All in all a gratifying action I think

Also Carolina_Dee made a note in BBWCreator's topic where he noted he was acting much the same as Creator with egging people on:
Carolina_Dee wrote
I caught that ouga ouga up chucka whatever his name is doing the same sort of thing late night.
5 years


Got alerted to Creator and Hooked arguing in chat. Creator was being a bit pesky so Hooked snapped at him and then when Hooked started talking Creator said 'no-one cares' so Hooked lashed out and called Creator a fat ugly slob, twice. People have been irritated by Creator and I gave him some time off recently for making a moderately transphobic remark, but others have complained about Hooked dominating and being argumentative a bit in chat to a lesser degree, and he does have a history of being argumentative so he's not much better.

HookedOnFeeding 4 years, atwhite002@yahoo.com'>patwhite002@yahoo.com

He read a YA novel and thought he'd take his screen name from it. We still don't know why
It is very mysterious
25 mins
Ya Pancake McPeanutbutter does need to be kept in line.
25 mins
he sure does.
I am just waiting for someone though. So I am only half here, half watching youtube
23 mins
That's pretty neato
23 mins
Yep! And you scared off sunshine
look at what you dod.
Bad crazy human
very bad.
22 mins
Well, you do have way more experience in scaring people off.
21 mins
Yeah. I know. Only the people who are generally harmful though. Most people are cool.
Speaking of the harmful, there's one now. Hello Mr. Hate! Or not
he just left.
Still got it.
20 mins
HookedOnFeeding » Riptide
they would be carting him off in a body bag ir he did 1/2 the jobs i have worked
20 mins
19 mins
*Shrugs* I'm not dumb enough to wrestle alligators in a swamp so...likely yeah
18 mins
im pretty stuffed right now, its hard to breath
18 mins
That sucks
18 mins
why dont u take that dam 8x8 out of ur ass
18 mins
18 mins
after I move my kids in they house, I will be sending the reset to time replacing motor in one car, then start rebuilding the heads on another
16 mins
No one cares, but keep talking.
16 mins
yea because stuff like that would kill u because it real work
15 mins
Ha ha ha ha
real work. Sounds like a hobby to me
15 mins
like one shift on oil rig would put u under
14 mins
Uh...One lap around the mile track would kill you? Ha ha...is there a point?
I don't quite understand where this is going
13 mins
So what you guys are saying is I should 3D print a baby groot?
13 mins
u couldnt even run 220
13 mins
BBWcreator82 » Riptide
13 mins
Boy, I don't run.
I mean I could
But nah. I'd rather eat a pizza instead and relax.
I am sure everyone is with me on that, too lol
12 mins
that because ur a fat ugly slob

11 mins
Ooooo Fat shaming on a feederism website. How much lower can you go?
Lets find out!
No more reportable offenses from you, awesome. One will have to do :-)
9 mins
Do trolls reporting trolls even count?
8 mins
ur a ugly slob pig

8 mins
HookedOnFeeding » Riptide
this had been going on between us for 10 yrs on here
7 mins
You don't say
7 mins
oh yea, it has
5 mins
Annnnd done

I also told Creator to behave as well:

Saphiel Sir » BBWcreator82
And you behave as well, you got in trouble recently and got some time off yourself
Saphiel Sir
But I think you've learned more from that
Yeah. I got the message.
I wont do the thing I did again because things.
I do not
5 years


Just adding here that she did provide proof of identity so she is a real woman. Just also a real scammer apparently. Need to get more evidence off someone.

Slayer666 6 months
profile: Steals money
bobnoman 5 months
profile: Possible scam
batman2082000 4 months
profile: giving out her kik just trying to get people to send her money
Slayer666 18 hours
profile: Steals money
5 years

So what games are you playing?

I finished Avenging Spirit recently, given the time of year. 👻 Cartoon-ish/anime arcadey platformer game where you play as a ghost and get through each level by possessing enemies and switching from body to body if they get killed.

5 years

Told my gf

It's wonderful to hear that you came out with it and it all turned out well. smiley
5 years

Server move possible disruption - thurs 4th oct

Finally managed to get over here though there's over 100 people still stuck on the old server and confused about what's going on. Hopefully they should be redirected soon.
6 years


Hard4Folds 9 months, henri.legrec@outlook.fr

Reported by PizzaSnob:
Pizzasnob 40 min
profile: He was harassing me because of where I'm from in chat when I didn't even say anything to him and then he said he "hopes I die of obesity". I have the screen shot too.

Checked with her and she emailed in the screenshot to confirm. Have perma banned him for blatant fat hate.
6 years

Matt 1208d

Guy tried to chat me up today, I thought his name was familiar. Just logging his details here.

Matts1208d 4 months, Matteus1208d@gmail.com
6 years

Harassment thread

thefeeder2 13 years, thefeeder2@yahoo.com

Girllover92 reported this one some time back with 'I've had to close an account due to this user messaging me after I blocked him.' I believe this one received a warning for it and to stay away from them, just logging it here.
6 years


Okay now he's emailed back again, one email is blank, and the other has a sample license from Ohio.

He's not a black woman from Ohio called Jane Doe. Since he's clearly acting in bad faith by providing us with 3 fake licenses and 4 birthdates in a row, I've moved his ban to permanent.
6 years