Insecure boyfriend

Honesty is the only way to go about this. Keeping it locked up, and torturing yourself will only make it worse for yourself.

In a relationship you need trust, and the ability to confide these kind of things to one another. If you can't tell him how you feel that's a bad sign.

It's great that you want to be there for him and make him feel attractive. But if he isn't into it now, unless you talk to him, I doubt it will work out well. Even then it seems like it will be a bit of a stretch given what he thinks about this...
9 years

How does our fetish come about

Cilla wrote:
Hi All, I have been engaged to a man for the past year and recently found out that he is a feedee through some emails from girls that his met on websites similar to this. I guess I am looking to get some insight on how this all works - but most importantly if feedee and have relationships with non-feeders?
No real straight awnser as to how this comes to be, everyone will have a diffrent tale of how they came to this world. I'd suggest maybe asking him about these questions and maybe admitting to him that you know.

As for the second part, it might be a bit frustrating living with someone that isn't into the fetish. But if you guy's are getting married I'd assume he enjoy's being with you even without you being into it. But accepting it and a slight dive into the fantasy now and again can help keep things good between you two stable.

I suppose the real question is, how do you feel about someone who want's to get fatter? Seeing your partner partake in this and change physically. Even if you don't get involved in it, you will still be seeing the effects of it over time in the marriage.
9 years

Dropping the ball on teasing.

When I'm doing the teasing. Sorry about that folks. I kinda forgot about this topic, but mainly my issue is that when I do get into teasing, I feel I can kinda overstep boundaries sometimes.

but I know some people like something a bit harsher and also worry about not getting deep enough to satisfy them.
9 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

markpearson89 wrote:
My evil feeder fantasy involve an attractive woman feeder who progresses from a loving effectionate hostess to an emotional munipulator and finally (as i'm approaching immobility) a forcefull dominatrix. The kind of woman who feeds you just a few more bites at the end of a somewhat large meal where you've already eaten all you can. Just enough to strech your stomach that tiny amout it takes to increase your appetite a little each time. Using "it's not enough to put away and we can't waste it, so eat up." as a cover, but she always makes a serving more you can realistically eat without a little push. Then as you notice your getting a little heavier and become reluctant, she pays the emotional card like, "but you love my cooking...I made it just for you..." with a pout, then a kiss on the cheek after you cave in and eat." Then finally as you're approaching obesity and maybe even considering leaving to save whats left of your social life, she becomes more forcefull in her approach. Seducing you into rediculous binges, rewarding you with sexual favors for completing your meals, late night and early morning suprize force feedings for insubordination. Along with a smug attitude because she knows no matter what your objections are you'll always be to full and tired and as soon as your not you'll crave the food and sex. Occasionally she'll deprive her victim, and they'll beg for it.

Yeah i'm a weirdo.
This... For the most part...
10 years

National donut day today

*happily passes donuts to those who would enjoy them*
10 years

What to do?! bf is too thin :(

A wee bit harsh on the above post... But relatively true.Unless you didn't have a heart to heart, and specifically ask him about the "him gaining weight for you." thing, it's going to come down to what's more important... The person your with, or your desire for the fetish, and finding someone suited to your desires.

It's a difficult decision either way, and what you have now doesn't sound to bad. He seems to kinda roll with it from the way you described. Even if it isn't exactly what you want, can you live with it?
10 years

Dropping the ball on teasing.

So I've met a few folks into the teasing thing... and Some find I can start out rather well... But then at times at the drop of a hat, based on what's said, I completely miss the mark...

I'll take a comment they say and actually kinda believe that's how they feel... and Then the teasing bit just passes over my head in an instant...

And it's really starting to annoy me, I've actually kinda gotten into it, but I hate being the buzz kill behind it...

I need some advice on how to stave off concern when teasing someone that's really into it. Being the buzzkill is far from fun...
10 years


honesty really doesn't seem to play much role when it comes down to it... You can be honest all you like, but a person that doesn't care, just doesn't care. There is no magical cure, or rhyme and reason how to deal with it....

It's just something that happens from time to time, some are more tactful than others... But it all still hurts like hell when you put emotion into it... Matters of the heart tend to be gambles.. Win some, you loose some.
10 years


You know.. I've kinda found myself on this end of the spectrum myself... I find someone on here and we kinda have... a particular subject.. But when I find someone else I enjoy talking with in other subjects... I'm kinda just not up to code...

But in terms of logic... There's a reason why that special someone has the "one" in it...
10 years

"i'm more than just a gainer"

Vintage Smut wrote:
FreightTrain wrote:
Vintage Smut wrote:
Finding someone who can be compatible in both worlds...fetish, lover and relationship is like finding a needle in a haystack.
This in a nutshel. You may have sparks fly in one aspect, but missing the other parts will drive someone up a wall... They could be the sweetest person on earth, but without the kink it leaves you wanting.

I think those that may kinda fizzle away immediately have just learned what it is they like, and even if you have the edge in one subject, if the other subject bores them, they take the executive decision to find someone they have better chemistry with.

I found one before, it was amazing....he just turned out to be the absolute worst person on the planet. Win some ya lose some I suppose.
Pretty much how my last one ended too... ended it with a one word response...

It's worse when, despite knowing what they done, and what kinda person they were.. you miss it...

We found it once.. we'll find it again.
10 years
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