"searching for a story" thread

There was a recent story about a daughter and mother, somehow the Mother does some magic to show the daughter what will happen in the future, but the current decisions dictate what happens to her body.

That sounds like a great concept, I hope you find it! I’ll keep my eyes open too!
4 years

I can't tell if i'm horny or hungry anymore

This hasn’t happened to me before except now since quarantine. I don’t get horny when I’m hungry but I get hungry when I’m horny... but not every time tho. I’m confused 😂

Thankful it’s not just me, I’ve been the same-I didn’t understand how I could be so hungry at first, I’m eating more than ever before.
But when it clicked, I thought it might be too much even for here.
Now I can relax a bit.

The combination and mutual growth of the sex desire and food appetite produce a combination which is impossible to stop for many.

Biologically, those are our two strongest impulses — to f*ck and to eat. They give us pleasure. They take away pain.

When the pleasure-seeking parts of the brain start firing up these two desires in tandem — or one always evoking the other— watch out!

This can be quite an addictive combo — the siren calls of gluttony and lust drawing our boats to crash upon the shores of so much promised pleasure and joy.

That makes sense, and thank you for the warning.
Pleasure from food is certainly new to me, it makes sense I get carried away, but I do need to stay in my depth a little.
4 years

I love bellies...except for my own. how do i change that?

Firstly, I wish you the very best as you recover.
I used to have some very bad habits which I’m glad to say are no more.
The mind is so powerful, but when that power is working against you it can feel overwhelming which won’t make anyone feel their best.
You may not feel it now, but that doesn’t mean you never will, hold on to hope.
4 years

I can't tell if i'm horny or hungry anymore

This hasn’t happened to me before except now since quarantine. I don’t get horny when I’m hungry but I get hungry when I’m horny... but not every time tho. I’m confused 😂

Thankful it’s not just me, I’ve been the same-I didn’t understand how I could be so hungry at first, I’m eating more than ever before.
But when it clicked, I thought it might be too much even for here.
Now I can relax a bit.
4 years

Gainers and clothing

My feeder is in charge of my clothes. I am just her fat Ken doll to dress as she pleases.

That’s hot... You wear anything she picks out for you? Does she pick out your clothes every day? Or is she just in charge of buying them?

I order the clothes, but she reviews each item on the computer before order. She also decides if an item has to be returned, and when items must go to "Big Dudes Consignment Shop", an actual place in Parma, Ohio.

She selects my outfit any time we go out but daily wear is up to me.

That is so awesome. I wonder if I'd be able to give up that control?! If I could get hubby to ...*suggest* stuff that is getting tight, that would be hot, too.

Love this! That sacrifice of control, the ultimate expression of trust in my book, is a rush just to think about, and also gives you an idea of what she likes about you (for example, she may like to see a bit more belly and give you shirts that won’t cover it) like a new level of openness.
If there’s anything anyone would like to see me wearing in pics or videos, I’d welcome suggestions, I can’t promise but I can try.
4 years


There is one kind of video content I've never ever seen.

A time lapse video of weight gain. Make a picture every day or almost every day, in the same pose (or you can slowly rotate the pose), for years.

It would be very interesting for someone who starts relatively thin, to get huge over the years and make a time lapse video. It seems no one ever did it.

There are time laps videos about pregnancy, and about growing hair. But about gaining weight, there aren't any.

You can become the first one in history to do it smiley

And it would be a welcome addition, as videos seem to have much less variety than pictures. In the pictures section there is a wide variety of poses, styles, clothes, situations. In the videos section it seems 99% are just about rubbing your own belly from a close-up view, and the rest isn't really diverse either.

TheOwl100 on YouTube used to do this, there were hundreds of girls gaining over time! I do know if it’s still active.
This is actually something I am hoping to do in the future when I have more footage, I’ve always been so mystified by how everyone gains differently and really looking forward to finding where my new pounds settle, it’s really exciting finding all these newly soft features of myself.
I do have some pictures on here showing where I started as well as where I am now.
4 years

Is gaining 20lbs in two months a pretty reasonable goal?

Great information here, thank you!
This is going to help me on my way, especially as I’ve still got quite a limited capacity (that’s going to change!)
4 years

Playing with your significant other’s belly while they sleep?

Guilty as charged, with a former partner she used to love being held and her belly was just irresistibly soft and smooth, and first thing it the morning some attention would start her off with a smile.
Now I’m the one with a growing belly, and I’d say it’s fine just don’t wake me up and make sure there’s breakfast.
4 years

I really want someone to rub my belly.

Problem is there is no one around who would do so and I don’t even think my stomach is big enough yet for belly rubs.

Bellies were made for rubbing as well as storage, but they get better at both as they get bigger.
4 years

Would any ladies be down to wear a fat suit?

I'd love to help any nice girls to make the vest fat suit or stuffed look they can with whatever they happen to have.

Any suggestions? I’ve always made do with pillows or other clothes.
4 years
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