Feeding tube?

I'm interested in doing this alone.
5 years

Heavy-duty lawn chairs

Can someone recommend some heavy-duty lawn chairs? What I typically find in stores have a stated capacity of no more than 250 pounds. I'm looking for some with a capacity of at least 400 pounds, preferably 500.
5 years

Clothing shop experience

The way you narrated this seems like she was looking for "fat" but didn't want to say it.
5 years

Chubby dating sites

I found my special someone at okcupid.com We're getting married soon.
5 years

How big is your belly ?

Very funny calculator

It makes no sense to me.
5 years

Affordable scale

The 700 pound capacity one can be found online from lots of places including Amazon. Just search for the model number.
5 years

Affordable scale

The closest I've seen is the My Weigh XL-700 for around $75-80. It does 700 pounds. For 800 pounds, the lowest I've seen is about $400 from something by Siltec.
5 years

Is my girlfriend a closet feedee

Here a mail posted to my intention by our unfriendly host earlier:

"ffff12345 4 hours 
friendly warning
you're lucky where just on the internet NIGGER post some pictures of you and you're family I never forget the face till I meet you in person"

Sounds like somebody have to say "ciao" very soon.

Damn that grammar is atrocious. Not surprising though as racists tend to be idiots. What was even their point in sending that? Do they think they sound tough?

It could be someone just trying to cause trouble. Any excuse works for them.
5 years


Alrighty then, is there any further reading I can get to that directly contrasts the visceral adiposity levels vs subcutaneous that was published after the study I linked (2012)? because I'm having a hard time finding a study that directly disputes Yamada et al's findings. But regardless (unless someone can tell me of a way to get the ad36 in me or have the gene editing performed on me), the 2 options I have found within this are the apetamin and cb-1, so can anyone attest to whether is one better than the other for slowing metabolism? Or if there is something I am missing that can slow metabolism, please tell me.

Here you go(Well the first one is regarding similar viruses but it's still related):

Adipogenic potential of multiple human adenoviruses in vivo and in vitro in animals

Adipogenic human adenovirus-36 reduces leptin expression and secretion and increases glucose uptake by fat cells

Adenovirus 36 DNA in Adipose Tissue of Patient with Unusual Visceral Obesity

Increased adiposity in animals due to a human virus

Also, that researcher came to the conclusion that AD-36 increases subcutaneous fat by looking at its effects on health, not the actual growth of fat deposits. That's normally a reasonable thing to do. That reasoning doesn't apply in this odd case though.

I think the question should be asked: Does deliberately infecting with that strain of AD-36 cause weight gain? These papers don't seem to do that or answer that question.
5 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

Well, I went from 135 to 300, but I can't really put a timetable of how fast I gained when.
5 years