Finally told a boyfriend about my fetish.

Actually there have been a number of anorexics and bulimics that have turned into full blown feedees. I'm not sure of all of the mechanics behind that. But as a gaining admirer, I find it very interesting.
6 years

Slim and fat girl thing?

I find certain looks to be very attractive. Such as tall thin women. But it's more of an aesthetic look than a physical attraction. Just like I might find the Grand Canyon very beautiful but have no physical attraction to it.
6 years

Finally told a boyfriend about my fetish.

Being 5' 5" and getting to 122-132 pounds is not weird. Now, if you wanted to get to 400 pounds, that might be a little weird. Of course, around here that is pretty normal.
6 years

Getting big belly without growing man boobs

Maybe keep building your chest as you gain so that your moobs would appear more like pecs because of the muscle underneath? I think that might help, but you're still going to get a bit of fat there either way. I know some guys can pull off that chubby/buff look with their chests, but I'm not super experienced with that kinda gain.

More likely the muscles will push the boobs out further and make them look bigger. Also, fat tends to increase estrogen levels, so it is more likely someone will get female breasts rather than moobs.
6 years

Weight fluctuation question

If you eat 5 pounds of food, you are going to gain 5 pounds. If you poop five pounds, you are going to lose 5 pounds. That is why people's weight fluctuates day to day.
6 years

Just saw a bbw buying £50+ of easter chocolates ;)

Maybe she was buying them for a party, or she is a teacher buying for her students.
6 years

Fed to death

Well, here is an odd turn of events related to someone dying from being a feedee: One lady had gained to over 600 at the insistence of her feeder. He then left her because she couldn't or wouldn't gain any more weight and went on to his next feedee. She was unable to support herself and had to move back with her parents. They insisted she have the very risky weight loss surgery, and she died from the surgery.
6 years

Pregnancy fetish?

I like women who look pregnant, and I like women who dress like they are pregnant. But I am not into pregnant women.
6 years

Wife preparing for vacation

My exwife went from 230 to 350 eating "one last meal" before the diet.
6 years