How much have you gained in quarantine?

So far, about 10-15 pounds. But I still have to go out sometimes, or sometimes I'll go for a drive or to the park.

I think I'm going to need more bottoms (trousers, shorts, etc.) because the waist is getting a little snug. Could probably use some more shirts, too.

I was disappointed to learn I wasn't quite as far along as I thought.
4 years

Gainers and clothing

I'm dealing with this yet again. Yet it seems every time I get larger clothes, I will eventually gain enough weight so even they too will be snug.

I could get clothes just the next size up, or I could go 2 sizes up.

The larger would be too loose for awhile, but would last longer. Decisions, decisions.
4 years

Weight gain regiments

Lots of snacks - stuff you can eat easily throughout your day, like nuts, crisps, biscuits, trail mix, chocolates etc. Good luck!

Mixing or alternating between sweet and salty/savory helps too!

To help answer the OP's question, also to keep slathering on spreads on baked goods. Butter on muffins, cream cheese on bagels, etc.
4 years

Bmi. what's yours?

At *just* under 25!

I'm wondering with great anticipation when I will finally surpass 25.

When I finally do, I think I will celebrate, with cake! Will probably get a smaller one from the grocery store bakery so I can eat the entire thing in one sitting.

When I reach a BMI of 30, and then 35, it's my hope I will be able to celebrate with a larger cake!
4 years

Where do you meet people?

I'm single.

The only effective way to meet anyone for possible romantic relationships is in person.

I almost have no reason to believe I'll meet anyone who will admit to being into this, even to themselves. The best I can hope for is a heavy woman who hopefully likes eating and doesn't mind being her size, which is considerably easy to find.

But traditionally, the most effective way I've met anyone has been at bars. There are other activities where you might be able to meet some folks, but they too are in person.

On uncommon occasions, I find someone online to talk to at length online, but this doesn't happen often and it never goes anywhere. There's too many unknowns, too many ways for it to all go wrong. What can be achieved or discovered in person in hours or even minutes, takes days or weeks online and will likely be all for naught. The odds are likely akin to lottery jackpot odds.

Dedicated dating web sites are even worse. If every single profile on such a web site was fake, I would have had the exact same outcome and result. If every message I sent was sent to the electronic equivalent of a shredder, it would be the same result. Any money that would be spent on a dating web site, would be spent better on literally anything else. You would be better off using $1 bills like toilet paper. If I were sufficiently unscrupulous, I would do that and rake in the bacon, profiting on the loneliness and misery while providing more of the same and causing folks to become even more bitter and angry. My advice would be to either simply not bother, or if you must, don't spend a dime.

Yes, I know that during this crisis it's harder than ever to meet anyone in person. You may just have to wait until it's over. If you are too shy, too introverted, or never go out besides work and errands, it may sound a bit harsh or unfair, but the odds that you will die alone go up significantly.
4 years

Out of control libido

I've heard of this physiological effect on women.

That somehow, the more fat the more estrogen? That this somehow causes sex drive to go through the roof? I don't know if that's the case, or if it's more psychological.

Though to be clear, being in the right mental state and being turned on is an important part of libido.

Don't suppose this physiological effect works that way on men, does it?

I notice I have more libido than when I was quite skinny and then thin, but I think that may have just been because my body was starved of energy and calories and didn't have any left over.

If someone else has something to add about this, I would be curious.

I would love if gaining more weight would increase my libido. That would be all the more reason to gain even more!
4 years

Heavily deciding on gaining weight...

I think you need to take a moment to think and ponder, if you want to avoid regret later on in life. It sounds a bit like a mid-life crisis and a conflict of interest, and at some point you will have to decide.

I hope something I say here will help you decide.

Are you into feederism or not? How important is it to you? Are you content with it being fantasy, or do you want this in real life? Or at least want a fat woman?

I don't know why you say that many careers/jobs need you to be fit, because for most jobs it really doesn't matter. Even certain active jobs like warehouse, construction, and nursing, they have many individuals in those jobs who are nevertheless obese, and it doesn't seem to hurt their ability to do their jobs.

But sure, fitness instructor does run almost completely counter to feederism. In fact, to be real blunt, it seems entirely opposite. A good part of your job is likely to include clients who want to lose weight, for BBW to lose their curves. If anything, you will even be part of the "weight loss" industry that seems to cause nothing but misery and anguish, and most of the time, doesn't even deliver on their promises. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but this is something you will have to reconcile.

Yes, I'm aware there's multiple forms of exercise. A focus on lifting weights is actually likely to cause weight gain (bulking), but it seems, at least to me, that aerobic activity to be slim and trim is what's often pushed, especially for women.

I also get the impression that "fitness instructor" is something that pays poorly, so this is something else to think about.

I'm not sure what activities or hobbies you have in mind that require high levels of fitness, but you're probably not gonna find many, or any BBW who can keep up with the more extreme levels of these activities. Then again, it really depends. I don't even know what activities these are.

Finally, there's one more thing you have to consider. Virtually every man who starts dating a fat woman long term, or gets married to one, gets fat himself. There are exceptions, so it's not a 100% sure thing, but far more often than not from what I've seen.

In fact, virtually every couple I've seen in the past few years, if she's fat, he's big too. His physical fitness is likely to take the form of being able to lift heavier weights, but he's never slim and trim. On a couple rare occasions he's big but she's either slim or slightly chubby/curvy, but that's fairly rare too. Only once in those few years did I see a couple where he was thin but she was big, but they probably haven't been dating for long. I suspect it's just a matter of time until he gains a lot of weight.

I don't know if it's just where I've lived for a meaningful amount of time (first the Midwest, now Texas) but I've visited most states at one point or another and it seems to be the same way. But this is what I've noticed. Marriage to a fat woman is very fattening, and you will get fat.

Perhaps it's because you're around all that yummy, delicious food, and her habits start to rub off on you. Before you know it, you're watching movies on the couch, cuddling while stuffing your widening asses and thickening guts with snacks, and dinner just isn't dinner without dessert.

I've gotten into gaining so the thought of this doesn't bother me, but maybe this still bothers you.
4 years

Best part about being with a fat girl


Damn it... the last post got cut off due to length. Guess it just shows how wonderful I think they are.

I'm going to try to continue on where I left off. Without further ado..

I love when they use tasteful makeup and style their hair, knowing it makes a huge difference, rather than letting it all go to hell.

I love when fat women they wear clothes that traditionally (at least 20+ years ago) was only socially acceptable for thin/or skinny women to wear, even though such clothes look the worst on them. Mini-skirts, midi-skirts (above the knee), skinny jeans, sleeveless tops that show a bit more cleavage and skin. Form fitting dresses that flaunt the figure rather than try to conceal it. When she goes swimming or to the beach, she's willing to wear a 2-piece bikini, unafraid of revealing her mid-section.

I don't mind and even enjoy light physical activity at times, such as walks and enjoying the outdoors, but I know she will never expect anything vigorous. She'd rather we plop out widening butts down somewhere as we suck milkshakes dry.

With her figure she almost certainly eats a lot and knows what's tasty and delicious. There's a higher chance she may also know how to cook very delicious, calorie-laden food. Your own waistline is likely to expand when you eat her cooking, but so what? That just means you'll be able to eat even more delicious food later on!

She's likely to be focused on gluttony and hedonism. Dinner simply isn't complete without a large, tasty dessert. If it tastes good and feels good, she wants more of it.

It's a life that's bigger; not just literally, but figuratively and metaphorically too. More of everything that makes like fun and worth living. And really, who wouldn't want that?!

As I've gained weight myself, I've noticed that if anything, the desire for a fat woman has become more intense. The thought of being with a very thin or skinny woman was already disagreeable but as become more so. As I gain more, I expect this to become even more important.

It would also be a bonus if I didn't necessarily have to hide and sneak when I have heavy cream based weight gain shakes on some nights, or that I like to drink half & half like milk.
4 years

Best part about being with a fat girl

Just curious as a gal who’s getting pretty fat these days. What do y’all men like about fat women and find sexy? Is it only in the bedroom/secret? Would you date/marry a fat girl? Would you try to make your gf/wife gain for you?

That's a nice picture, though I think you may need to upgrade to the next size up for underwear.

A better question would be "what don't I like about fat women?"

I often joke the only downside is that during the honeymoon, I will not be able to perform carrying her "over the threshold" where I pick her up in my arms, because she will simply just be too heavy. Good thing I don't care about that.

I do have some upper limits where I might have a problem, but that's when one is unable to be and take care of herself independently, assuming nominal access to modern technology while living in an urban area (or what most folks will have). I expect you to be able to drive a car, cook in a kitchen, and be able to work at a career job without assistance, for example; everything one might have to do when living alone. But odds are you're never going to be that big; most folks will never get to that point.

Nowadays, I can only imagine marrying a fat woman. I try to keep an open mind, and never say never, but if she's rail skinny, well... there better be just something really special about her to catch and keep my interest, in spite of being very thin. Right now I can't picture this.

Even then, it will be difficult for me not to encourage her to have larger portions, suggest snacks, integrate food into dates that have nothing to do with food, or try to set up social situations where it's awkward not to eat something fattening. If the BMI is below 30, that just seems too thin.

Hell, when I marry a fat woman... I don't know if I'll be able to but for the honeymoon, I want to go on a cruise, hopefully for 2 weeks. I'd want to pig out with her, eating and drinking a lot, hopefully gaining at least 15-20 lbs.

Anyway, my reasons aren't just physical or physiological, but kind of psychological/personality too.

Some of the physical/physiological things I like are...

I like curves, big boobs, and big butts. Fat women have those in spades.

I love the softness. Everything from the cankles wedged into heels all the way to the sausage fingers and plump hands. It feels almost electric when I shake hands with any fat woman. If I find her attractive, I feel like I have to contain myself.

Hugs are much more fun, since I can feel the fat and softness being squeezed, even slightly in my arms. Even when I feel the back fat seep between my fingers.

I've also read that the more weight she gains and more body fat she has, there's something about it that causes a marked increase in sex drive. It's not entirely clear to me why this is; an effect on estrogen perhaps? Either way, who wouldn't love that? It's unclear to me if this has the same effect on men.

And of course, there's something very alluring when her boobs, butt, and thunder thighs have that slight jiggle every time she takes a step.

The other day, I saw, and can still picture in my mind this upper middle age lady I saw at the shopping mall the other day. Probably early 50s, 3-4 inch heels, cankles wedged in. Probably about 5'6"? Must have weighed at least 250 lbs, probably 300. Boobs were probably E or F. Nicely styled hair; think it had some curls at the end rather than a Brazilian blowout. Makeup was tasteful too. Her dress was somewhat flowey, but also slightly tight and curve hugging. That quiver every time she took a step. I almost lost it. She would have been too old for me, but man.. if my future wife looked kind of like that when she's 50, and I got to see that every day? What's not to love?

I could probably go on, but I think I'll move on to the more psychological/personality part of it.

Certain psychological/personality things I like are...

Disclaimer: This more applies to women who are confident in their size. Sadly, some women aren't there yet, and it makes me sad. The ones who torture themselves by eating terrible food that tastes bad in a bid to diet the weight off, torture themselves at the gym, and/or wear unflattering clothes that look bad because she tries to conceal her size (which never works). I'm not against trying to help some women try to work past that, but she has to be open minded enough to get there; this can't be forced.

I know.. I should be pleased that weight loss diets usually fail, with the result being that she usually gains all the weight back and then some, ending up even heavier. But I'm not, because the sadness and anguish it causes. There's enough bad things in this world as it is, so why add to that? Okay, end of disclaimer.

I love how fat women both eat and drink more, and can party harder. They're less likely to be unable to hold their liquor.

I love wh
4 years


My bra is way too small. The bands are stretched to capacity and my boobs are too big for the dd cups. The result is that my boobs are bouncing all over the place.
There are no stores open to get sized for a new bra. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to figure out what size to order?

Using a tape measure you should be able to figure it out. There's a myriad of guides on how to do this, online. It's not rocket science.
4 years