Daily "i'm fat" reminders

My daily reminder is my clothes. I lie tomysef and say i'll lose and get back into my previous clothes.

Daily reminder - Trying to pull my t shirts over my stomach to hide it. It's not a lot showing but is embarrassing.
I'm hoping that the embarrassment will cause me to be motivated to lose some.
2 years

What is it about feederism that turns you on?

I'm not sure this counts as a turn one but:
Alwasy been a people pleaser and it makes me happy when others are happy.
and the people around me seem to be h appy when the cause me to eat.
Another thing that really is a turn on is that i love how some of my curves feel. I'm still not comfortable with someone touching my stomach... causes me a lot of anxiety.
but i love how my breasts are fuller and how my butt feel when i walk
2 years

Tammy jung

the funnel thing... i doner if you could like burst?
i know that it doesnt give you time to feel full until you are like... way full
or if you could get filled up to your lungs?

she has a long way to go to be the biggest
2 years

Annoying things with the fetish

You put out there some of the thoughts that ALLLLL of us have.
The chat thing.. there are only a few people who come up with an interesting opener. this get my attention. AND yes, if you dont get a response or we stop responding we probably wont. It's not always you. I babysit and sometimes just need ot get up and fix something to eat AND i should tell the person that im talk with that before i go
BUTT if im typing huge blocks of text and yoiu reply with one line.... done.
I feel lucky because because i have guys who treat me like an object and a fantasy BUT ALSO are willing to talk about my day or theirs. and if others of us were truly honest we would admit that sometimes.... sometimes... we like to be treated like an object and appreciate or loved for how we are now. (maybe not... but sometimes i do.)
I'm also lucky because i dont many haters at all and no one has ever been rude. not even in the slightest.

Thank you again for putting into text what more of us feel.

Where to begin?
I’ve been on this site for over 2 years and uote]
2 years

Do you think it’s possible to find love with this fetish?

Its hard to know for sure if someone is in love with me... or with my fat.
i know that some people are so into gaining or fatness that the minute a girl wants to lose they will drop them
to find love?? seems rare now a days
2 years

Which option do you prefer to read?

backstory if important to me
when i RP its what sets the tone.
2 years

Please don't hate me for asking...

pretty sure when my feeders started all this that they didnt think it would go this far so my health didnt come in to play.
i worry but on my dads side of the family a lot of the women and a few men are big and dont seem to have problems..
im hopeful i got theri genes
2 years

Keeping her fed and drunk and drugged

I lived this life for a short while
in one way it was nice not having to think.
in another it was not nice not having control
it was scary
eritoc at the same time

weird feelings
2 years

How many pounds do you put on during a stuffing session?

We've found that a big once a week stuffing isnt as good as kind of practicing all well... or even a few days before a big one.

i went along with being filled every 6 hours for 4 days and then almost nothing for 24 hours and then one huuuuuge marathon stuffing session.
he was very interested in before after and the day after .... damage.

for the marathon one
we packed a little of 9 pounds into me.
and then kept me there for another 24 hours before resting
2 years

Question for the big ones

i think it depends on the circumstances and who is saying what...
if im alone with my BF or close freinds and they call me a pig... or fatso... or blob... then its ok. i dont mind.
i LOVE when my BF tells me that im beautiful and that he will love me no matter what i look like.....
Yes. i know. he wants me to gain. belive my i know.
but i love hearing compliments from him

kinda creepy to hear compliments from random strangers AND sometimes it does happen
2 years
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