This fetish is expensive

It doesn't have to be expensive. Many carbs and sweets are cheap. As far as clothing, buy loose clothes several sizes larger and grow into them. You can buy at thrift stores too.
6 years

Spouse discovers, disgusted with fetish. ends up gaining a lot of weight.

Lane Bryant has seemed to change a lot over the past few years. They always had pictures of thin women in their stores, and said that fat women would not buy clothes modeled on fat women. I have noticed that they are using BBW pictures in the stores, and have more body positive slogans around.
6 years

Spouse discovers, disgusted with fetish. ends up gaining a lot of weight.

My ex gained a lot of weight, but she got mad at me when she saw it turned me on. So, perhaps it is not the weight gain, it's that she does not want you turned on by it.
6 years

Dealing with indecision

It's harder not to gain, when the consequences from gaining is positive for you. However, you also have to remember that yo-yoing is very hard on the body, and there will probably be a point where you can no longer lose weight and keep it off.
6 years

How to gain a fatter butt?

If there was a way to get a bigger butt, most likely all large people would do it, since belly fat is considered a health risk, and butt fat is considered a cosmetic problem.
6 years

Getting the gf to gain/ethics of this

If you love her no matter what, I would just let her do her own thing. Getting her to gain when she doesn't want to is wrong, and trying to make her healthy if she doesn't want to is also wrong. You can admire her gains and tell her so. You can also give your input for healthy living if she asks. But she is her own person and probably knows the pros and cons of doing what she does.
6 years

Feedee/feeder bucket lists?

As a married man who is married to a BBW who is not into weight gain or any other thing related to feedee/federism and who wants to stay married, I will never experience anything for real. Just the enjoyment of hearing other people's stories.
6 years

Waning interest in feederism?

I think true feelings are ingrained within us, and are always there. When I see someone who wants to casually get into it, I have my doubts. People say that they want to "try" feederism. There is too much of a commitment, especially on the part of the feedee.
6 years

Bmi. what's yours?

Mine was over 80 last Dr visit.
Not sure how you calculate it but my Dr was kinda upset.

Doctors are always upset. You are probably better off trying to stay at one weight than going on the diet roller coaster and probably ending up bigger. Tell your doctor you want to be as healthy as you can be at the weight you are at. Eat healthy, but not to lose weight.
6 years

Great frustration of this community

I agree with august. I am looking to be someone's friend or acquaintance, not someone's client.
6 years