300 mark

Is the 300 number unisex? Does it work for both?
6 years

Weight gain and loss...

I had gained weight, then I lost some of it, leaving me with a supper soft lower tummy. I love this super soft fat, by far my favorite.

My question is what happens to this fat when I gain fat again? Will it turn into hard fat? What if the cycle repeats?.
What happens to the supper soft fat?
6 years

Decadent week

Butterball is lucky to have you in his life, one who understands and supports his fattening.
6 years

Forced fattening and feminization

Even if you wanted to return to your previous self, would it be possable?

Would you retain the fat deposits of a female?
6 years

How do you deal with rashes between your legs? tips to avoid / soften it?

There's a lot of creams you can get out of the dollar in at Walmart. whatever you do don't use Johnson & Johnson because it's been led to cancer a lot lately

I know it was talcum powder (baby powder) by Johnson & Johnson. Just putting the word out.

I used it and look how I turned out. (Smile)
6 years

Furniture for feedees....

It's hard lol. My new couch is already falling apart, but luckily it has a very good warranty. We're gonna ask the guy if he can reimburse force the frame while he repairs it, but otherwise we'll probably reinforce it ourselves with strategically-placed cinder blocks or something.

Anyway the point is that it's an expensive couch with supposedly hardwood material, so all you can really do for some pieces is be careful.

Thinking about getting a piece of plywood 1/2 or 3/4, and adding it below the cushions. It should stiffen and level it all. I think my problem are the springs under the cushions.
6 years

Furniture for feedees....

My three section couch has a perminent dip where I sit. Does anyone know of affordable furniture that would support the weight of a feedee?
6 years

Heavy cream results and timelines.

My wife hasn't graduated to cream yet...but I just discovered she's been stocking milk in our fridge.

Not just any milk but extra-fat milk, heavier than regular whole milk. She likes to drink it with peaches and strawberries...

now that I think about it, very suggestive fruits for a woman.

Last night she demolished an entire bunch of huge ripe grapes the size of golf balls right off the vine.
I think I ended up marrying the female reincarnation of Bacchus...

I've eaten canned peaches with heavy cream before. If you add it to the juice it's pretty good. Half and half works good to.

Never thought to added it to peaches. Like Apple pie and ice cream.
6 years

How to gain as much as possible in one week?

Big Boy Jake, suppressing testosterone will help you gain enormously. Look up foods which suppress testosterone such as soy products, beans, beer, wheat and liqurice.

Eating bread might be your key. First you become lethargic with no energy so you won't even have to try to burn fewer calories. Then you will crave the foods which are making you lethargic. All you will think about is your break times when you can snack on unhealthy food.

Testosterone is the enemy of weightgain. If you can suppress your 'T' then you can grow the moobs and the hips and the belly whilst becoming the lazy fat slob you wish you were.

More foods killing T
Pepermint or any sort of strong min will reduce T by about half in a week. Mint T is probably the most effective; www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peppermint-Herbal-Tea-The-Highest-Quality-Mint-Leaves-25g-900g-UK-Seller/142237378703

Flax Oil is like taking oestrogen the feminizing hormone;

I'm actually trying to increase my muscles so I am actively avoiding these things. I'm interested in how well this works for your gaining.

How well would this work to stop erections?
6 years

Belly change

I've had a rather large belly, and now it's super soft. Is the next phase the hang?
6 years