How do you unfollow someone?

If you want to stop following someone
7 years

Weight gain - expensive?

There are a lot of fat poor people.
7 years

Had a question regarding profile views

I get notified up top. I thought everyone got it.
7 years

Former bodybuilder gains 25 lbs

Even though I prefer larger women, thin women are OK. However, I am not the least attracted to women body builders. So, it is nice when they soften up and look so much more feminine.
7 years

How long do you save clothes that don't fit?

I think in the non-feedee world, people keep their small clothes forever because they are "going to lose weight," but when they lose weight they throw their large clothes away immediately.
7 years

Grocery self check-out

Tell her about FF, so she can find a boyfriend like you.
7 years

I wish men would not look at my profile

Sometimes people do not know your gender until they look. Or perhaps you posted something, and they want to know where you are from, etc. It does not mean if someone looks at your profile they are romantically interested in you.
7 years

"over the hump"

If someone is 130 and they think about getting to 300, it's frightening. But if you do it 10 or 20 pounds at a time, it's just a few more pounds.
7 years

Can we ban soliciting for cash?

I get a kick out of it on Feabie. A few of the ladies tell the men not to write to them unless they give them money. How rude! Can you imagine if a store did that. "Welcome to WalMart. Get out of here if you are not going to spend money."
7 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

My ex-wife was complaining that she was now a 50 inch waist and was complaining that she would have to order some larger pants. I had such an erection in my pants, that it was impossible for her not to notice, and she got really mad that I was excited rather than sympathetic.
7 years