Say something nice ...

A rather swell guy, that always makes chat feel welcoming.
11 years

Say something nice ...

A person who is sweet down to the core. A true treasure. And lovely doll face ladybug. <3
11 years

Say something nice ...

She made the best picture for my favorite lady. Thank you it truly compliment and captures my feelings for her. And it shows how caring you are!
11 years

Bigger contrast?

I would have just slapped him in his bold mouth, stepped on his toes with stiletto heels, and stormed off deleting any way of contacting him.

He ain't worth a second thought hun.
11 years

Say something nice ...

Someone that can recall and enjoy the shows of old. Nice to know someone remembers Fraggle Rock!
11 years

Say something nice ...

Thank you, You have a rather nifty avatar. =p
11 years


It's thread's like this that really make me double take myself and want to reevaluate myself as a person.

While we live in the moment, we don't always follow our morale compass and I'm no better.

I want to be better though, I don't want to hurt anyone else. I have gone back and apologized all I have ever hurt or atleast tried to, I know it wont make things better, but I do owe them that.

I wish I could be a better person, someone who is kind and caring and doesn't hurt people with my decisions. I am working on it, and I'm learning to be honest with myself and others. I'm someone who easily get's attached and builds a bond rather quick. But I can also burn them out rather quickly as well.

Being a human is difficult, We want what's best for ourselves, But also we forget the ones we involve in our own lives wish that to, and we forget to respect that and make a mutual happiness.
11 years

Say something nice ...

Sounds like a well mannered fellow!
11 years

Roleplay pleeeeeease?

I'm a gent looking for a roleplay perhaps something relating ffa's or mutual gaining?
11 years
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