Who's domimant and who's not?

Me and my girlfriend are both mutual gainers. (Lesbian relationship)

So I was wondering if she is or me domimant?

She asks me more take the lead, calls, hugs, buying, and hold her and so on.
She teases me alot which makes me aroused, while i'll say she's super cute with her now new little belly.

She wants to weight less than me. (Around 10-15kg less?

So which is the domimant?

Based on that she is the dominant.
Although you can both be dominate in different arenas
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

My secret would be to make one of my friends fat and make her huge and of course they're not into feederism. I imagine them a lot with more shape and more of more weight. It excites me a lot.

A personal favourite
3 years


Any sign that they are accepting that they are no longer human is great.

A good snort or oink too
3 years

Which nickname is hot to you?

With my feedees it’s usually pig or piggy, if they start smaller I start with piglet.

I had two feedees I lived with at one point and the one was piggy the other was heifer.
3 years

Dream size for your love

I’m pretty boring really. I love the fantasy of getting a girl huge but really I like a girl about 5’2-5’4 starts at about 150 lbs. pear shaped when we start dating and she fluctuates between 200 - 250 for the rest of her life
3 years

I have a dillemma

Well for a while i thought i might be Not straight. Then i really thought oh my gosh im just straight. Then i realized that i might be Gay or something. Now this is the confusing part.. im always attracted to men in all aspects but when it comes to women or whatever I dont like them that much.. mostly just for their bodies which in this case are large. I mean I dated a girl once and i was mostly only attracted to her body and didnt care too much for her personality until i realized she was crazy. I made a new friend and due to us meeting online I had never seen her body. Her face looked pretty skinny maybe “Thicc” until today. We were discussing a bit about weight and she sent a video of herself and her stomach was sticking out and she even slapped it and it made this sound. I feel awful cause like she’s a nice girl and I’ve Gone and sexualized her a bunch, I got horny cause of someone’s embarrassment. That embarrassing for me! I’m not into the whole being mean aspect some people like; and when I do partake I want to be the one that’s made fun of. I guess I mostly feel bad cause it was so out of nowhere this emotion. I mean I never actually got horny to girl before like horny horny, like slight orgasm horny. Yk like when it shivers, that’s only ever happened for me when I think of a guy or see a guy. Another thing that’s weird for me is that I like fate guys and skinny guys and meat head and medium guy and all of the above but I only really like bigger women when I do find them attractive! I dont know anymore... Does anyone have feed back?

It makes perfect sense. Sexuality is on a spectrum. Sounds like your are bisexual but you are only into bbw’s which is fine. Nothing to worry about.
As far as sexualising a friend well that’s not a bad thing but if you find you actually want to sleep with her well that changes things.
3 years

Admirer to gainer?

So I’ve lurked in these sites for many years. Ever since I can remember I’ve always found larger women attractive (chubby teachers etc) which in turn led me into the world of gaining/feeding... which is now a huge turn on for me (I’m in the right place!)

However, recently the curiosity has got the better of me and I wondered if I’d have the same desires if it was me that was gaining the weight...

Has anyone else had these thoughts?

I’ve stopped counting calorie intake and have a couple of stuffing sessions a week... my little experiment has seen me gain 25 pounds. I’ll put some pictures up. Some days (stuffing days) it gets me excited and I love it and others I’m not so sure.

Basically anyone out there in a similar boat? Is this normal?

Personally I have not experienced this but it is perfectly normal. In my experience most fa’s and feeders want to gain themselves.
3 years

Dark fantasies

I want to know what your guys dark fantasies are

The second is I catch my girlfriend, (who in this scenario is very vain and into her appearance and figure) cheating and she begs me to take her back, that she’ll do anything. And I tell her the only way I’ll take her back is if I have complete control over her diet and exercise. That if she wants to be with me she’ll have to be fat, and always be getting fatter.
If anyone asks or comments on her weight she has to behave like it’s just her being to undisciplined with her diet.
She agrees and well you get the rest.

I’m a basic bitch what can I say.
3 years

Dark fantasies

I want to know what your guys dark fantasies are

Mine are pretty basic.
1st one

To date someone who is very into fitness and very slim and encourage laziness and gluttony.

They end up getting a little chubby and start to go into a guilt spiral, but with a little encouragement this turns into emotional eating and being too ashamed to be seen at the gym. Soon enough chubby becomes fat, a motivated person becomes lazy. A confident assertive girl becomes a passive couch potato.

She will talk about going back to the gym, and I’ll tell her there’s no point she’s way too lazy to keep up with it. And she’ll begrudgingly agree.

The transformation of someone from they way they see themselves into their self image being the one i have for them is pretty Erotic. I mean it’s toxic af and I’d never do it in real life but it’s a fun fantasy.
3 years

Do you have kids? does that change anything for you?

So my husband and I have been considering having our first baby sometime when COVID settles down a bit. I'm just curious, does having kids make you feel less inclined to participate in this fetish? I feel like I need to try to be my healthiest to take care of this small person and make sure they're eating a balanced diet because I can make a choice with my weight and food but they have to depend on me to make choices for them to an extent... it makes me want to prolong having kids for a bit longer lol but I'm already 26 now. Tell me your experiences!

So a friend of mine is a feeder and happily married to his feedee wife.
Now the have a breeding fetish too but still.
When they had their first kid they did watch what she ate more, eating healthier but she she still ate a lot.
After the pregnancy a lot changed for them with fatigue and being time poor as far as sex life is concerned. But they planned for this. She took comfort in food during this time and they had planned for her goal to be to gain twice as much in the first year after having the baby as she did during the pregnancy.

They both say that having feederism and weight goals actually helped get their sex live back on track earlier.

Now they have 4 kids, and she did lose weight before each one as doctors suggested it for health reasons. Which at first sounds like a bummer, but they actually made it to their advantage. She was given an amount of time after each pregnancy that she had to gain it back.
They called it an ‘acceptable weight’
So when she wasn’t looking after the babies she was stuffing herself to get back to an ‘acceptable weight’.
They made a whole game out of it. I know for a fact that she enjoyed being a feedee more as a mother than she did just as a wife.

Hope that helps a little.
3 years
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