I went from a drugged out 110 lbs mess to a curvy chubster to a overweight cow at 350lbs to an all out fat hog weighing 425 at my highest.
Same here. I was super fit even anorexic, now I am on the way to fatness.
4 years
Definitely an office job. People bring in snacks all the time. You don’t move at all.
Women who work in offices gain and then complain about it constantly.
exactly same experience, especially when the fattened women bringing a lot of snacks to everyone. In my office there is a chubby woman who likes to bake and she making sure everyone is constantly eating. You could tale she is a feeder. Before the coronavirus lockdowns I was gaining a lot thanks to her.
4 years
Non stop eating and very large meals. It will not be fast process but you surely will fatten up your belly.
4 years
If I were 16 stone I would approach you. But maybe after I'll fatten up to this size.
4 years
I'm sure there is a lot like you, but female fat admirers are already very rare, and most of them attract to large men. So to find someone that see you as thin person and desire to balloon you up it's more rare, so... It's required a lot of passion and determination to find such a woman.
6 years
How it's really possible to transform yourself from a very thin guy into obese man, there is any example of such persons, who really gained a lot of weight?
6 years
I'm new to this so I hope to find realistic and useful tips for getting fat. So what are the best ways or the fastest means I have to take in order to become really fat?
6 years
There is also the funny animated movie Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarves, when the title female character keeps her thin, perfect hourglass figure through the use of her red, magical shoes. Once she takes them off her waistline increases significantly.
The Trailer:

7 years
Well, I have a few tips.
1. Always eat in, and order one more dish than you intend on eating. Eating in the restaurant encourages lingering and eating, even after full.
2. Go slow. I am a fan of slower gaining. I think it's more effective long term and more enjoyable. Stretch yourself a little, consistently. You will eat more as time goes on.
3. Give in to your limitations. If you get tired, stop walking. Move as little as possible, and allow yourself to give in. When I fattened my bf I always allowed him to stop an activity, to discourage him from exercising or hiking. Make it easy on yourself to get lazy.
4. Always be eating. Put little snacks everywhere you can. Always have something to eat, to snack on. You'll gradually become dependent on them.
5. Dairy, carbs, and meat. Always your weight gain friend.
6. Eat a good, heavy large snack just before bed, and try to take naps on your days off / week-ends after a big meal. I sent my bf to a nap at first, to get him used to moving less and letting all those calories settle in. Just a half hour is fine. Or, alternately, just a 30 min rest after a big meal.
What a great tips! I wish I could meet you. Feeder as you could help me so much.
7 years
You have to force yourself to eat more than usually. You need to increase the amount of food you eat in any meals. Your stomach will be expand and from there it become easier, just eat more, and nonstop
7 years