So twitter changed it's name...

SSBBW Summer:
Now twitter has changed it's name, are we going to be like "Do you want my X?" Lol because that's so funny 🤣

Casual Gainer:
Apparently Elon says they should be called "X's".

My X's and oh's they want me...

That sounds like something you'd hear in the locker room before a football game.
8 months

Are metal bed frames better?

A wooden bed can work for a fat couple. I made one and designed it similarly to how a floor is built, I'm quite confident of its strength.
8 months

Feederism games

Are there any creative games that you have made with your feedee as a feeder or would like to try?

I've always thought that a button-popping contest would be fun. Or a more achievable game, make paper "belts" and put them snugly around your stomachs. First person to pop a button/belt wins
10 months

Feederism games

Sounds perfectly normal to me smiley but when you said "games", I thought you literally meant like video games about feeding 🤣

There's the Atari 2600 game "Mangia".
10 months

How do get a mid-way pot belly?

A big part of being fat is gaining. So I would want a pill that allows me to consistently gain X pounds a week rather than be my goal weight overnight.
10 months

Buffet weight gain

Morbidly A Beast:
It’s been a hot minute since I hit up the buffet I’m not super into Chinese food and it seems to be the only option at least around here for buffets

I have the same problem.
11 months

Supersized men

It’s really only once I started basically not moving that I lost the need to deliberately keep growing. I mean wanting to grow more. Even now I can stand up with a lot of help and waddle a bit. But the pain is immense. And once on my side which is how the family now keeps me, I am basically stuck and totally immobile. I am generally kept on one side one day and then as part of the cleaning and belly skin care routine rolled to my other side for a day. The pressure on my gut is just too much sitting up and the pain from the stretched skin and skin tears is just too much. The skin under my belly is just so thin and so sensitive and the weight of my belly out in front of me slopped out over my feet is so heavy pressing into the bed I just can’t take it. As I said, the problems just get so bad. I got what I wanted. But now I just don’t want it. And I know I won’t last a long time longer - there’s only so much more weight I can put in before my body collapses and with the massive fat gains of 30-40lbs and growing I am making each month continuing and the problems I’m having are evidence of that. Now all I want to do is warn gainers and their feeders what you guys already know. Only take the fantasy so far. All the way leads to what I have become. And there is no going back once you look like me.

What do you do that's not related to gaining more weight?
11 months

My dreams and desires have changed since i gave in

My priorities and interests and desires have changed too with getting fatter. A lit more of my life and efforts and wants and needs revolve around food these days.

Glad you are having fun, but I'd be careful making food your priority in most aspects of your life.

I had a feedee that was into extreme weight gain (like I am) and decided to get fat no matter the cost. Went from being a pretty chill guy to a man that pretty much worshipped the gains at all cost.

He was a pretty smart guy at first, but I noticed after he switched to a diet of heavy cream and fast foods, he got dumb real fast. He was missing huge swaths of necessary nutrients, and I couldn't get him to eat better.

Then other aspects of his professional and personal life started getting hit by his choices. I left him when it became clear he was too addicted to change.

So yeah. Have fun with the gains, but be mindful.

Agree with Munchies here. There's definitely nothing inherently "bad" about rearranging your priorities to gain, but it's important to understand A LOT will change. When I decided to regain some lost weight, I was obsessed with it. I was eating and snacking all day, every day, and if I wasn't putting food in my face, I was too bloated to function, existing in a stupor almost. Ultimately, I couldn't concentrate well while working from home, didn't want to clean, and didn't want to go anywhere unless it was to eat. While in theory that was fine (and I did pack on 100 pounds in five months), it became all there was to my life. Again, not inherently bad and certainly a personal choice, but I found I had to be more realistic. Still gaining by the way-- ten to fifteen pounds a month, which some might consider a lot -- and still eating tons of food, just had to reestablish some balance. I said that all to say, there's some merit in checking in with yourself along your journey to make sure what you're doing is still bringing you joy.

Yup. Consume, but don't be consumed.

Well, that’s a whole lot of assumptions and advice I didn’t ask for, based on a pretty broad, non-specific comment of mine. I don’t think my IQ has changed just because I got older and fatter; still holding the same job I had ten years ago, still with my spouse and family, interacting and enjoying my life.

I don't think that was a personal attack...
11 months

Buffet binge

I've done multiple days of buffet binges, but not for several years on account of moving to a town where there's no good buffets. I would get super-stuffed and bloated each day and after three or four days, I'd see new stretch marks. I miss having good buffets near me. If there was, I'd probably weigh at least 600 pounds now.
11 months

Male boobs

Getting male boobs (I hate the term "moobs"smiley is different than female boobs. Instead of sticking out, the fat tends to go more to the side. When my boobs finally began to grow, the first thing I noticed was fat under my arms.

This means that bras do not fit guys the same way they do women. I've never tried a pushup bra, so maybe that would help redistribute the fat. However, I can fill out a bikini top well now and I'm surprised how comfortable a bikini is.

I wouldn't consider myself a true porker until I had a nice set of boobs.

When mine get bigger (barely an A-cup), I want mine to project forward like bouncy balloons, not flop down and sideways.
11 months
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