Regreat with your weight.

No regrets.
Beats being skinny any day.

I couldn't picture myself being skinny. I get the thrill of eating whatever I want; outgrowing my clothes, patting my big belly. Just being content with my heavier life.
3 years

How to prepare for a fatter life.

My prep list consists of:

-Larger clothes; because I'm growing out of the ones that I'm currently wearing.

-Slip on shoes; because bending over to tie my shoes is getting hard.

-Having a cabinet as a nightstand to keep my snacks in.
3 years

Have you ever wanted to backtrack on your weight gain out of shock

When stairs started to become an issue and growing a belly apron will make you contemplate that I might have gone to the point of no return

The stairs were an issue when I weighed in at 245-lbs. Catching the elevated trains when the elevator or escalator were out of service became a hassle. I would become winded from climbing the stair. I wanted to backtrack on my weight when I was 210-lbs. Then I had stepped on a scale at a mall a few years ago; thinking I was at 210-lbs. or 215-lbs.; it hit me when the scales read 227.5-lbs. I said to myself "Oh, I'm getting fat. I thought that the 220's were my limit; but now, I'm beyond my weight limit. Now, I'm 250-lbs.
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

It was the folding camping chairs that gave way; because the weight capacity reached 225-lbs. I was weighing 235-lbs. (ten pounds over the capacity weight). My colleague had broken two chairs at work; I broke one chair at home.
3 years

Short fatties

I'm 5'3 and I'm looking my heaviest at 250-lbs.
3 years

Belly touching the steering wheel

Couple of inches but I have to pull the seat up to drive because I'm short

Me too
3 years

When you became fat, did people treat you differently?

Yes and especially by my eventually ex husband and my Mother.

My mother is a great lady. However, she always makes it a point to let me know when I have gained weight.

Same here since I became the fat one out of my mother and sister.
3 years

Ever get stuck?

Two years ago, I went to a restaurant with my mother and sister; where we were seated at a booth. The booth was small that I barely squeezed into the booth. I nearly gotten stuck in a booth since I am heavier than my mother and sister.
3 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

It's the softness of my body that makes it amazing. My fat face and having that double chin makes it fuller. As for my belly, it's gotten so big that it rests on my lap (it jiggles when I walk or should I say waddle). I don't wear shoes with laces anymore; I found slip-on sneakers. I'm already between 200 and 300-lbs. I'm fifty pounds away from being 300-lbs. If you ask me do I love being fat? The answer is yes.
3 years

When did you start to waddle?

I started waddling at 239-lbs. Eleven pounds later (heavier); I'm still waddling.
3 years
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