Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

...400 means you're that much closer to 500

It does??? I never knew at what point immobility would creep in.
7 years

Anyone else feel their life has been ruined by our fetish?

Yes and no. Honestly the biggest concern is my health. I know being overweight is unhealthy, but it's hard enough for normal people to lose weight, let alone people who find fat a massive turn-on.

That said though, I very much enjoy the life I have because of it, even if it's shortened.

Better to have loved and lost, then not to have loved at all.
7 years

Belly bondage

belly bondage is use of belts/ropes to accentuate the positive gains and see fat pouring over tight belts. Would luv to bind someone like that and use handcuffs to secure hands and then force feed my willing feedee

This is just so hot.
7 years

Lower sex drive from weight gain?

I think there are Domme feeders, that would love this expect of control. Know any?
7 years

Lower sex drive from weight gain?

So i got too about 22 stone now 5'4 i've noticed with increased lethargica I'm slowly caving in to Asexuality because about 5 stone ago I didn't have a problem getting aroused but now im just less inclined always sat down or lying down caring less about guys and myself lol, what are your experiences like, are they similar or different

I think it's due to hormone changes, getting fat inceases Estrogen in the body, at least that's how it works in males.
7 years

Fried cheese

Question: Does the fat come from the cheese or from the oil used, or both?
7 years

Belly bondage

Most be the pictures that I have seen with belts , where they are secured tightly around the belly. I have seen the pics but I was unsure WHY they were doing it?

Maybe someone can enlighten me???

I just thought it was someone trying for a double belly.

Bondage is a BDSM kink. It's the loss of control for most people when being tied up, but in this case I think they like the tightness around their very wide and soft frame. It's also a form of restraint. And I like seeing the extra weight spill out over the belt. It just looks hot to me.

I prefer ropes over belts tho. And not just in one place. I like it when people get creative with it.

So you prefer a body harness (which the last time that was done to me was at a workshop held in a Domme's house.). When your a submissive you do not have a choice (unless you use a safe word) but to be the next volenteer/ victum.

Thinking back, I do recall a few of the plumper female subs with fat spilling out around ropes.
7 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

Alright, all this talk about donuts has made me crave them. Anyone have any in my area, Northern Virginia? It would have to be. boxes and boxes, not singles.
7 years

Belly bondage

Most be the pictures that I have seen with belts , where they are secured tightly around the belly. I have seen the pics but I was unsure WHY they were doing it?

Maybe someone can enlighten me???

I just thought it was someone trying for a double belly.
7 years

What is the worst thing about being obese?

As above, it's being hot and the swearing. I mostly wear performance fabrics now that wisk the moister away. I can't stand heavy non-breathable fabrics. I would have to say, second would be the difficulty in Butt cleaning. I have just about given up trying to take care of my feet myself. Just too much work!
7 years