How much do you have to gain to get stretchmarks?

As a submissive feedee, who is also into BDSM, the marks would be like wearing a collar, except it would mark me as a feedee as someone needing to be fattened.
7 years

How much do you have to gain to get stretchmarks?

Interesting, I always thought if anyone gained super fast, to the point where the skin could not keep up, that they would develop stretchmarks.

Learn something new every day.
7 years

No weight ever feels enough?

" bed bathe you and scratch that itch you cannot scratch by yourself in the middle of the night, among other things!"

For what "other things" might you be referencing???
7 years

Any tea addicts around??

I drink tea also, I have come to prefer it to soda.
7 years

Best things to eat at fast food places for weight gain??

I have been thinking the same thing, but at a buffet also. How about the Half and Half at the buffet? You could empty the container of it.
7 years

What's a quick and easy meal/food to eat that's large in calories and fat

Which pizzia brand is the most fattening? What are the most fattening toppings for same?
7 years

Weight gain fast

Can I get the high calories and fat, WITHOUT so much suger? I do not mind some, but just not overly sweet
7 years

Passing time while bedridden

How about itches youll never be able to scratch or being sexually arosed and not being able to pleasure you self until your feeder comes to your rescue.....I wonder how long anyone will enjoy this before life becomes messerible from not doing anything day in and day out with no escape.

At what point would one become aroused and not be able to pleasure ones self with out help?
7 years

Passing time while bedridden

How about itches youll never be able to scratch or being sexually arosed and not being able to pleasure you self until your feeder comes to your rescue.....I wonder how long anyone will enjoy this before life becomes messerible from not doing anything day in and day out with no escape.

At what point would one become aroused and not be able to pleasure ones self with out help?
7 years

Fruit dip

8oz. Mascarpone cheese chilled
1 /2 c Heavy Cream
1/2 c. Confectioners Sugar
1 tsp. Vanillia

Blend until smooth,
Chill at least 1hr.

Yields 1 cup

think I'd like it if I substituted some high-fat yogurt for the mascarpone cheese. Great recipe, thanks!

What would you substitute the High-fat yogurt for??? Always willing to learn new ways to fatten up a recipe.
7 years