Wanting to gain more, but having trouble with acid reflux.

Go to your doctor and ask for Lanzoprazole. Problem solved. smiley
4 years

Calories from drinks

Anybody adding significant calories via soft drinks?

The UK (where I live) introduced a sugar tax on soft drinks last year, leading to manufacturers of sugar-seeetened drinks reformulating their recipes to reduce the sugar content (and therefore calorie content).

But, somewhat ironically, the sugar tax doesn’t apply to fruit juices and so they remain very high sugar, many of which contain up to 500 calories per litre.

I’ve been adding 2 litres of fruit juice to my daily intake as a pleasant and hydrating extra near-1000 calories. 🥤 🍊
5 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I am one who drinks heavy cream straight up. I was added vanilla extract and sugar, I have done with chocolate syrup and added added to about anything else.

I don’t know if because I know that normal people wouldn’t ever just down a quart because it’s pure fat. I think the fact that it sounds insane and knowing you will pile on the pounds just makes it that much pleasurable. Sometimes I run in the store and come out and kill a quart in my car in the parking lot knowing I am going home to a big meal with the girlfriend and tell her I a starving. I sneak cream from her.

I work my way to to drinking large amounts straight, I have on a occasion drank 2 quarts in day. The worse problem I get I really bad heartburn, but I can take medicine and keep it down. I have have a little upset stomach time to time. I has made me sleepy and if you body doesn’t process it all it will make your stool slick, green and fluffy.

Drink as you like, and as much as you like, and as often as you like. But just drink it, if you want to get fatter

Amazing that you can tolerate such large quantities. After some experimenting, I’ve found the optimum quantity for me personally is 600ml, spread over 5-6 hours (a quart is 946ml). Any more / quicker and it feels like I’m trying to digest lead, and it affects my appetite.

600ml is nearly 3000 calories, though, so it’s still a very effective supplement.
5 years

Feedist songs

Grow, Mrs Goldfarb.

5 years

First heavy cream experience?

I should probably find another study regarding dairy's effect on fat distribution.

If you find any, please do post. Based on my own experience as well as that of many others here, my money’s on dairy fat causing redistribution. Perhaps we need to design our own trial with a cohort recruited from Fantasy Feeder. smiley
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

Look at table 1. Of the things with low P values, dairy had the lowest Fatty body trunk and Fat trunk-to-fat leg ratio and had the highest Fat in leg.

Yes, but, again, it doesn't show change over time. You're extrapolating from incomplete data. The study only presents change in composition for CHO, not SAT and MUFA.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

The high SAT diet had whole milk and butter while the other diets had skim milk and no butter. I think it supports the conclusion I came to. Maybe you should read it again?

My mistake, I must've missed that in the study design description. But perhaps you'd be kind enough to identify the passage in the paper that supports supports your claim "This study shows isocaloric diets high in dairy can beneficially alter fat distribution", because I can't find anything to support that.

The study concludes that the CHO-rich diet resulted in redistribution from leg to trunk, but that no change in distribution was observed in the SAT-rich and MUFA-rich diets.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

Actually the study shows that the dairy fat decreased visceral fat and increased leg fat.

Again, I think you may have linked to a different study to the one you're referring to. The study you linked to (care.diabetesjournals.org/content/30/7/1717.long) doesn't even mention dairy, much less present the conclusion you've stated.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

I'm not sure you've linked to the correct study. The study you've linked to concludes that a carbohydrate-enriched diet "increased accumulation of fat deposited in the trunk depot" and "was associated with a decrease in the amount of fat mass deposited in the leg". It says nothing about dairy and fat distribution, only that a diet enriched with saturated fat did not cause any change in fat distribution.
5 years

Damn yo

Ace of spadez:
Fetishes are not associated with be negative or derogatory.

This is the way it should be. Kinks can and should be healthy fun.
5 years